Remember Your Promise

Forgotten Smiles

I sat on the bridge, my back against the rail, and my arms wrapped around my legs. I laid my head against my arms and just continued crying.

" I didn't want to leave." I said to myself. " I never wanted to leave. I've never been this happy in my whole life. They mean so much to me. Without them, I'll be the lifeless Alexis Syracuse everyone has come to know again. I don't want to go back... I don't want to go back..." I cried for a while. And then I started to sing "Like Crazy" with a quiet and shaky voice.

" Why didn't you say anything?" I heard a voice say.

I stopped singing, slowly lift my head up and noticed Hankyung in front of me.

" You know, we didn't mind you staying..." he said, looking at me with a deep expression.

" What's the point? In the end, we all leave. I'm just going earlier-"

" Don't say that! We will always stay together no matter what! You're part of our family now! Family means nobody gets left behind, or forgotten."

I looked at him, my eyes widened.

" I... can stay?" I asked.

He nodded, kneeled down and gazed into my eyes.

" I promise, that I will never leave Super Junior, nor your side, and I promise that Super Junior will forever be together." he said.

I burst out in tears, and he embraced me in his arms.

" We probably should call your manager to come back with your stuff..." he said and chuckled.

I laughed and cried in his arms. We got up and left the secret garden and walked back home.


Once we entered Hankyung's dorm, Heechul practically tackled me along with Eunhyuk.

" You're alive!!!" Heechul screamed.

" I told you to tell us where you're going!" Eunhyuk screamed.

" Guys..."

" From now on you'll be living with us till the end, got that?" Leeteuk said.

Tears fell down my face again. But they weren't tears of sadness, more like tears of joy.

" Group hug!" Yesung shouted.

Everyone hugged me, and we all started laughing when Shindong said: " I'm hungry~."

Everything was back to normal. We were like a family again. Eric came by later to drop my stuff at the dorm. And surprisingly he wasn't mad at me.

Donghae and Eunhyuk helped me unpack again. I finally found a place that I could call home again.


The next few days were pretty hectic. Super Junior came out with their new song " Sorry Sorry" which was quite the hit in Korea.

We were at the concert hall, Super Junior was going to make their comeback stage with "Sorry Sorry", and I was going to make my comeback all together. After months of preparations, I was ready to face the stage again, especially with Super Junior by my side. We were in the dressing rooms, waiting for our turns to perform. I was a nervous wreck, the stylists were fixing up my brown hair, the makeup artists were doing their stuff, adding mascara, eye shadow, lipstick and glitter around my eyes, I started getting impatient.

" ARRRRGGGHHH!!!!!" I screamed.

Heechul looked at me confused, then came closer to me and grinned.

" Impatient much?" he said and chuckled.

I glared at him, and then he put his arms around my shoulders. I started blushing like crazy.

" Calm down." he said in a soothing voice. HOW COULD I CALM DOWN WITH HIS ARMS AROUND ME?!?!?!?!?

" We're on in 5 minutes." I heard Leeteuk say.

Heechul let go of me and went towards some of the other members to rehearse with them. I let out a big sigh... Kibum noticed me looking nervous, he came and sat down beside me.

" Nervous huh?" he said and smiled.

" Yeah... "

" Anyways I have to go, you're on after us okay?" he said and left.

I noticed the rest of Super Junior leave the dressing room. I was left all alone.

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits