
Forgotten Smiles

Author's note:

check back to this story often because I will put up some pictures of some elements in this chapter so that you guys understand better! :) Enjoy! -LunaTheOracle



" Alexis! Come in here, quick!" I heard Eunhyuk cry out from the living room.

I slowly woke up from my light sleep. I rubbed my eyes to check the time and it was past 10 a.m.

It's been already a few days since we came back from the country. I still couldn't get Eunhyuk's confession out of my head.

I got up and passed by the Wisteria flower placed in a vase next to my bed. I looked at it for a moment and immediately thought of Eunhyuk and I felt my face go red. I quickly turned away, went out the room and walked towards the living room. There, I found Eric talking with Eunhyuk.

" Alexis! Guess what? We're going to Japan! Pack your bags now, you've got a concert in a few hours!" he shouted.

Still half asleep, I asked: " Why are we going to Jackie Chan?"

" Not Jackie Chan, you dope! Japan!"

" Frying pan?"

" Aish... I shouldn't be telling you these things in the morning... Eunhyuk, help her pack and meet us at the front in 3 hours. See ya!" he said and left.

I rubbed my eyes and noticed Yesung come out of his room too, with his hair all messy and looking half asleep. He looked at me and smiled.

" You just woke up too?" he asked.

" Yeah-"

Suddenly Leeteuk came into the dorm in a hurry.

" Kyuhyun! Sungmin! Get your butts over here!" he screamed throughout the house.

Kyuhyun and Sungmin came out in their pjs with closed eyes.

" What's wrong?" Sungmin asked, half asleep.

" Super Junior is going to Japan."

My eyes widened.


We arrived at the airport in Japan 2 hours before the concert. The place was packed with fans waiting for our arrival. Thank god security was tight at the airport. We went outside and entered a long black limo. The driver drove out of the airport parking lot and we went directly towards the concert hall where we were going to have our show. On the way there, I noticed many people on the streets, a lot more than usual...

" Eric?"

" Ya?"

" Why are there so many people out on the streets today?" I asked.

" If I'm not mistaken... Today should be the Cherry Blossom festival." he replied.

" Interesting..." I was curious to see what there was at this festival, and I decided that maybe after my concert, I'll sneak out to see.


It was night time, the concert went nicely and we were back in our dressing rooms. I sighed as I saw no possible chance of sneaking out to go to the festival.

" Alexis?"

I turned around and saw Donghae looking at me with a sweet smile.

" Well, since we're done with our schedule..." he seemed a little nervous for some reason," I was wondering if... you wanted to go with me to the festival... It's okay if you don't want to, I know you're tired and all-

" Of course!" I screamed. My eyes sparkled at the thought of going to a festival. Donghae looked at me, surprised at my answer.

" Meet me on the bridge that crosses over the river in front of the stadium in 30 minutes... Oh and by the way..." he said and handed me a bag, " I was hoping you'd say yes, so I bought a Kimono for you to wear to the festival... I hope you like it." he said and left the room.

I was left all alone in the dressing room. I put the bag on the table and opened it. I took out a purple-like piece of cloth and unfolded it. My eyes widened at the sight of the most beautiful kimono I have ever seen. It was purple with pink, white and blue flowers. It had a purple to pink gradient. I laid it on a chair and rummaged some more through the bag. I found some strings, and two different colour cloths. I looked at the whole set with puzzled eyes.


I started by putting on the robe, then, that's when things got complicated. I didn't know where to put most of the strings, I probably misplaced the other two clothes, and I couldn't even tie the bow. After a few minutes, I sat on the couch, giving up.

" I'm never going to go to the festival at this rate!" I sobbed.

Suddenly the door opened, and a woman came in. It was one of the Japanese stylists that worked here. She looked at me with confused eyes, then she smiled sweetly. She came closer to me, made a sign for me to get up, so I did. She didn't say anything, and she started fixing my Kimono. In a matter of minutes, she was done. She said a word in Japanese to me that I did not understand, but then guessed what she was trying to say when she suddenly grabbed my hair and made it into a bun. She smiled at me, bowed and left the room.

" Thank You!" I shouted, hoping that she would hear me. I quickly ran out the door and towards the exit.


After walking for what seems like forever, I finally got to the bridge. It was lit with lanterns and many people were crossing over it, including many couples with linked arms. I looked around for a while and finally spotted Donghae leaning on the bridge in a black Yukata and a red belt.

" Donghae!" I shouted.

He turned around and when he saw me his eyes widened and his face became red.

" Are you okay?" I asked.

He nodded and smiled.

" You look... Amazing." he finally said.

I blushed at his comment and turned away.

" L-Let's go."

The festival was truly amazing. So many people were attending, especially couples and children. Donghae told that the highlight of the festival were the fireworks as well as the floating lanterns afterwards. That was the thing that I wanted to see the most. We walked towards stands with food, we bought a few souvenirs and then we walked along the river.

" So how do you like the festival?" Donghae asked.

" It's truly beautiful! I wish it can be like this forever." I replied.

" Really?"

" Of course!"I said cheerfully.

We walked some more until we got to a cherry blossom tree with a bench at the foot of it. We sat down, Donghae faced me.

" Hey, I wanted to give this to you..."

" Please Donghae, I owe you a lot for this night, for the kimono and for your kindness."

" Don't worry, I'll ask you for something in return later." he said with a smirk and handed me a little piece of tissue with something in it. I carefully unfolded it and to my surprise there was a beautiful black hair pin. I took it in my hands.

" Donghae, it's beautiful but it's too much..." I said as I looked at the hair pin, amazed at its beauty.

" Please accept it." he said and took it in his hands. " I'll put it in your hair for you."

I slowly turned around and he gently put the pin in my hair.

" How do I look?" I asked as I turned around. Our faces were really close to each other and we both blushed. Suddenly Donghae leaned in closer and closer to me, and I showed no signs of backing away from him.

Suddenly I heard an explosion and from the corner of my eyes I noticed bright lights in the sky. Donghae turned his head around and smiled.

" Fireworks." he said.

I turned around and saw the most beautiful fireworks display I have ever seen. We both sat there, next to each other, smiling at the sky full of fireworks.

" Wait here." Donghae said and left to somewhere.

I waited there, curious to what he was doing. I continued on staring at the sky. After a moment, the fireworks display finished and Donghae came back with two lanterns in his hands and two markers.

" Here." he said, handing a lantern and a marker. " You're supposed to write your wish on it and then light it up. They say that as it goes up in the sky, it gets closer to the heavens, and you're wish may come true if it gets close enough to it."

I nodded and wrote my wish on the lantern. After a moment, we were both done and we light up the lanterns. We both let them go and they slowly floated up into the sky. We sat down on the bench and stared up at the sky. Suddenly the whole sky was lit with lanterns floating around...

" So what's your wish?" Donghae asked with a sweet smile.

" To Stay Forever With Super Junior. What about you?" I replied.

" Funny... I wrote the same thing but, I also added another name."

" Another name? Whose?" I asked, curious.

" Yours."

I felt my heart skip a beat and smiled shyly at him. We both got up, and walked back towards the concert hall, where everyone was supposed to wait for us. Before we entered the hall, Donghae grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him.

" You know, I'd like you to return the favour right now." he said.

My eyes widened. " Ok... What do you want me to do?"

" Close your eyes." he said.

I did as he said and closed my eyes. I suddenly felt his arms wrap themselves around me and I felt his body press against mine, as well as his head on my shoulder. We stayed like that for a long moment, and then he let go. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He chuckled and slowly walked towards the entrance.

" That's it?!" I shouted.

He turned around to face me.

" I was about to steal a kiss from you, but we have an audience watching us closely." he said and pointed to the glass doors of the hall. There I could see all of the Super Junior members, including Eric, with their faces stuck to the glass, watching us carefully. I laughed. I laughed so hard that tears started falling down from my eyes.

" Thank You." I said.

I came up closer to him, and kissed him on the cheek and walked towards the hall where I could see everyone looking at me with big eyes, I giggled and from the corner of my eye I could see Donghae all happy and red. I turned around and screamed: " Hurry up or we'll leave you here!"

He quickly joined my side and we entered the hall. Shortly after that, we went back to the airport and caught the plane back home.

On the plane, the whole festival flashed through my mind and I started to get mixed feelings for Eunhyuk and Donghae, but I fell asleep with a smile, something that I didn't get to do in a long, long time.

But something was bothering me...

Why did I still have feelings for Hankyung?




Author's Note:




Hey guys! Sorry I did not update for a long time... I was working on my new fan fic called : The Crimson Rose    starring 2pm


I hope you guys liked this chapter and I promise that the next chapter will involve more Eunhyuk and Alexis.... But wait... Who will she choose?

Something bad is going to happen in the next chapter... Or is it going to be good? If you look at it in both ways... It's hard to tell....

Anywho please comment and subscribe!



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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits