
Forgotten Smiles

" Alexis! Alexis!"

I slowly woke up from my deep sleep and noticed Eric in front of me.

" Did we arrive?" I asked, half asleep.

" Yep... Come on, we'll be late."

Eric had to drag me out of the van and led me to a door. We entered the building and I looked like a zombie in the hallway with my eyes half opened. I just simply could not get to my senses...

" Alright then, when you enter the room, smile brightly and answer the reporter's questions. Answer smartly and wisely. Or else... You're dead meat. I'll be in the back of the room. Keep your phone close to you and on vibrate and text me if you need any help, 'kay?"

" Hm? Kay~" I said, still sleepy.

My manager suddenly popped the door open and a wave of flashes came in front of me. That certainly woke me up. The reporters were screaming my name trying to get me to look at them. I slowly made my way up to the platform and sat at the table with the mic in front of me. Oddly, there were many seats around me...

" I'll be taking your questions now." I announced.

Everyone suddenly started asking questions on top of each other, I couldn't make out what they were saying. I made a hand gesture for them to take turns, and so, a female reporter got up and asked: " What happened to you during these three months? And what do you think about your contract getting sold?"

I took a moment to gather up my answer, and then finally said: " During these three months, I went to search for something that I have lost long ago. I left to gather up my thoughts, I needed time to think. Concerning my contract, it is quite unfortunate that I had to leave but I'm sure everything will continue to work as it always had."

Everything I just said was a total lie. If I could, I would have started swearing here and there and told them the real truth about why I left and how I felt about my contract. But I guess, that wouldn't bring me anything would it?

" What is next for you? A new album? Movie? TV Series? Commercials? Tours?" another reporter asked eagerly.

" Concerning all of those things, I am still unsure. S.M. has yet to announce my schedule, so for now I'll just be holding meetings with the people who organize these things and sign some contracts. Personally, I would like to release an album soon and start promoting it overseas."

I looked at my manager who was at the back of the room and I noticed him giving me two thumbs up. I rolled my eyes and continued to answer some questions.

" I've heard a rumour that you're comeback will be with one of the idol groups from S.M. Entertainment and that you'll be living with them for the time being until they get your new home ready... Is this true?" an old reporter asked.

" Wah?" I bluntly said.

I noticed Eric hit himself in the forehead with the palm of his hand. Then he quickly grabbed his phone and started texting. After a few seconds, my phone vibrated. The message read:      " Wah?" was you're best answer?!

I replied to him with this:     So it's true?

I pressed send. " This rumour is yet to be confirmed, I don't even know..."

I got another text message:   Yep... It's true.

Great! Now I'm going to be stuck with a bunch of people whom I don't even know, for who knows how long! And I find this out during a press conference... Oh joy!

I started glaring at Eric and he gave me his sorry look that I've seen way too many times...

Suddenly I heard a few screams. They weren't screams of horror... More like screams of... Joy?

I looked at the door and my jaw dropped open. The reporters started clapping and the photographers were taking pictures endlessly. 13 men came into the room. It was none other than Super Junior.

" Holy shi-"

They all came onto the platform and filled in the seats that were around me. Donghae and Leeteuk were the ones sitting right next to me. I couldn't even bring myself to say something.

Leeteuk got up and said: " I apologise that we are a little bit late. We will be taking your questions now."

The reporters had waves of questions. My brain just completely shut off. If my hunch was right... Then the idol group from S.M. that they were talking about before is...

" Yes it's true." Leeteuk said.

I suddenly came back to reality and noticed all eyes were on me. Confused, I looked around me and saw that the Super Junior members were looking at me attentively. I started panicking... I looked at my manager, he looked like he was about to faint from stress... This wasn't good...

" Um... I can't really comment on this..." I stupidly said.

Eric let out a big sigh of relief and fell flat on the ground. Everyone started whispering in the room. At least it was the kind of answer that can answer a question without being questioned further more on the topic... You following me?

" I guess I'll finish things up now and leave first. It was a pleasure meeting you all again and I hope to see you soon. Thank you." I said while getting up. A wave of flashes blinded me and I slowly went off the platform and out the door. Eric followed me.

" Thank you dear god... You lived!!! I thought you were a goner at that last question... Nice save! Anyways... Let's go, we'll meet Super Junior back at the dorm-"

" WAIT A MINUTE! So you mean to tell me... That I'll be living with Super Junior until they find an apartment for me?" I asked.

My manager gave me a nervous look and said: " It will only be a short time... And they were the only group that accepted you into their dorms!"

I couldn't even look at Eric anymore. We went into the parking lot and as I was about to open the door of the van, Eric stopped me.

" Just bear with it... I know this is hard for you to suddenly come back to the entertainment world, but..."

" I know... I still need to try my best for everyone..." I sadly said and entered the van.

We drove off on to the street and made our way towards my new home.

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits