
Forgotten Smiles

After finishing up the meal, I helped Leeteuk with the dishes.

" So what do you think of the members?" he asked.

" Um... well..." I stammered

" It's okay, you don't need to lie to me. Honestly, how was your day?" he asked, looking at me with a sweet face.

" Well, everyone is nice. I still have three members left to meet, but I think that they will be just as great as you guys so I'm not worried. At first, I was a little worried about living with a bunch of guys but now I think I'm okay with it..." I said while drying a plate with a towel.

" I'm glad... You should've seen the chaos when we found out we were going to have a girl in our dorm. It was... special." he said with a smile.

After finishing up the dishes, I said good night to everyone and went back to my dorm. I entered my room and saw Eunhyuk on his bed glaring at me.

" Thanks for scaring the daylights out of me!" he shouted.

" Well it shows that you care." I said.

He didn't say anything to that. He got up and took off his shirt. I started blushing like crazy... I turned away and couldn't but notice that he had... abs...

He turned off the lights and went to sleep only wearing pants.

" Good night..." I said in a small voice.

He didn't answer me and turned his back towards me. I knew he wasn't really mad at me. He probably only wanted to show his tough side towards me. I quickly changed into my pyjamas and went to bed. It took a while before I closed my eyes and slept as soundly as ever.


" Wake up... Come on... Wake up..." I heard a voice say.

I slowly opened my eyes and noticed Eunhyuk's face three cm away from mine. I quickly jumped out of bed, wide awake.

" Come on we'll be late." he said. Now that I noticed, he was already all dressed and ready to go. I stood there, with my hello kitty pyjama... Looking like an idiot.

" Hurry! We're waiting for you outside 'kay?" he said and left the room.

I quickly grabbed my things, changed and brushed my teeth, but did not have time for breakfast and ran out of the room like speedy Gonzales.

I came out of the building and noticed the guys waiting outside in front of two vans. Sungmin saw me and waved to me. I started running towards them.

" So where are we going?" I asked while panting a little.

" We need to go and practice and we're not letting you out of our sight so you're coming with us." Leeteuk said.

Then, a car drove by us and stoipped in the parking lot. A very tall guy stepped out with sunglasses on and walked towards us.

" Yo! Siwon!" Shindong screamed.

Come to think of it... He was the one who held me in his arms the night we met...

" Oh hi! I'm Siwon. You must be Alexis." he said. I looked at him in amazement, he was so gentleman like.

" Where's Kibum and Kangin?" Siwon asked.

" They are supposed to arrive together right about now." Kyuhyun said.

Just then, another car pulled up into the parking lot and two men came out from it. One was tall and he looked really tough and the other was a little shorter than him and he looked really innocent. They both came up to me.

" Hi I'm Kangin, Korea′s # 1 handsomest guy." the tall one said.

I chuckled and looked at the other one. He smiled at me and I became stunned. He had this killer smile that you could just melt from in seconds.

" I'm Kibum." he said in an alluring voice. I looked at him with my eyes wide opened. I just couldn't get enough of his beautiful smile...

" Alright then we're all here! Lets go!" Leeteuk said.

We all climbed into the vans and set off towards the studio.


The guys were practicing very hard. They were all sweaty and panting. Their manager was screaming at them to not stop practicing and so they kept going. I looked at them in amazement. I haven't seen an idol group work so hard in a really long time...

My phone suddenly vibrated. It was a text message from Eric:

Meet me at studio #4... We need to get to work.

I closed my phone and quietly went out of the practice room and walked towards studio #4.

Eric noticed me from a distance, ran towards me, grabbed my wrist and dragged me towards the studio. He shoved me in the booth, Confused I looked at him but he just made hand gestures to look at the paper in front of me. I glanced at it and noticed that they were lyrics to a song. After a moment of reading, I noticed that they were very deep lyrics.

" Are you expecting me to sing this?" I asked Eric.

He nodded and told me to put the headphones on, so I did. I listened to the music and it was very touching.

" Eric, I don't think I can sing this..."

" You can do anything! Alright we start recording in three... two... one..."

The music started again and I got closer to the microphone but when I started to sing, it just sounded like a mumble.

" Alexis?"

I turned my head and saw Eric looking at me with worried eyes.

" I'm okay..." I said.

Eric looked at me confused but didn't say anything and continued looking at me. I restarted to sing again, but it gave me the same result.

"Listen, Alexis, I know you haven't done this in three months but come on, get your act together and just let your feelings pour out!" Eric screamed.

I looked at him with helpless eyes, then looked back at the lyrics. It was hard for me to sing again, especially to a song with this kind of meaning...

I gathered up my courage, took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and the music started playing again.


~My heart is still hurting
I can’t hold in my tears
Even though I said I had already forgotten
Even if I try to lie to myself
Because I still can’t forget you

~Like crazy, my tears are falling (my tears are falling)
At this rate I’ll go crazy
I miss living proudly. What should I do? My tears keep falling

~What did I do wrong?
Why did we separate?
I don’t know the reason
I’m very furious. No matter how hard I try to forget you, in the end it’s still you

~Like crazy, my tears are falling (my tears are falling)
At this rate I’ll go crazy
I miss living proudly. What should I do? My tears keep falling

~Even though I really don’t know the reason
No matter what I do will make you mad, right?
Because you’re always right and I’m always wrong
Let’s go back, stop my tears from falling

~Like crazy, my tears are falling (my tears are falling)
At this rate I’ll go crazy
I miss living proudly.
What should I do?
My tears keep falling like crazy

I noticed that tears were actually falling down my face. I opened my eyes and looked through the glass window and noticed Eric and the music producer both crying. I laughed, but I felt awful inside. Through this song, I was reminded that I was all alone. I had no one to be by my side when I needed them the most, I was always all alone, and it will be like that, forever.

Not able to hold back my tears anymore, I ran out of the studio and out of the building. I sat on some stairs and just cried. I haven't cried since I left my family. Because of my loneliness, I lost the thing that mattered the most to me... And now that I think about it... I don't think I'll ever regain it again.

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits