My Last Chance

Forgotten Smiles

My heart stopped beating and tears fell down my face. I dashed towards the fields. I stumbled and fell a few times but the only thing that was on my mind was my dad.

" Dad... Dad! DAD!!!!!!" I screamed.

My dad slowly turned around and when he saw me, he let go of his plough and his arms dropped to his sides. His eyes widened in shock. Tears slowly fell down his face as I ran faster and faster towards him.

I jumped in his arms and we both started crying together. He my hair slowly and held me tightly in his arms.

" I'm back... Daddy... I'm home..." I sobbed.

" I can't believe it... My daughter... Finally back..." he cried.

We both cried for a moment and then smiled at each other. He let go of me and we walked side by side in the fields talking about what happened these last few years. At some point I looked back and saw Eunhyuk leaning on the car and just looking at us with a smile. I was really grateful to him for doing this.

" So who's the boy?" my dad asked.

" He's the one that brought me here. He's a great friend, he's one of the members that looked after me the most." I said and smiled sweetly.

" I'm thankful." he said.

I started talking about all that's happened. From my trainee days up to Super Junior. My dad was impressed and I was really happy until he asked me a question.

" Why didn't you come visit us?" he asked.

I had this serious face on and I clenched my fist. I turned away from my father.

" I was afraid to come back." I finally said.

He chuckled, I looked at him surprised.

" Sweetheart, you know that you can come any time you want. This is your home." he said.

" By the way, where is mom?" I asked.

" She's in the house. Let's go and surprise her..." my dad said and let out an evil chuckle.

We both went up the hill to the house and I glanced to the side and noticed Eunhyuk lying down on the hood of the car with his sunglasses on and his hands placed on the back of his head. I kind of lost track of time and noticed that it was already supper time.

" Hey dad... Do you mind if we have a guest for supper tonight?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded. " You can tell your friend that he's welcome here anytime."

He went in the house and I quickly ran down the hill.

" Eunhyuk!"

He slowly lift his head up and looked at me with his sunglasses on. I came to a stop and looked at him with a smile.

" Eunhyuk...  Come with me." I said and grabbed his arm.

I dragged him up the hill and right up to the front porch. I looked at him with a smile.

" Thank you." I said and opened the door.

We entered the house and I could hear my mom talking with my dad in the kitchen. I took a deep breath and screamed: " Mom! I'm home!"

My mom slowly walked out of the kitchen and when she saw me, her eyes widened and she dropped the spoon that was in her hand. Tears built up in her eyes and I ran towards her to hug her. She held me tightly and it seemed like she did not want to let go. She suddenly dragged me into the kitchen and put me down, leaving Eunhyuk in the hallway.

Her expression quickly changed and she wiped her tears away.

" Why haven't you visited us in such a long time?! We've been worried sick about you!"

" Sorry mom... But I'm back now, that's all that matters right?" I said with an innocent look.

" Of course..." she said.

We all came to a family hug. Feeling my parent's embrace was the thing I missed the most. We all laughed out of happiness, because we were finally together again.

I suddenly noticed a bowl on the floor with food in it.

" Wait a second..." I started, " Where is...?"

My parents' eyes suddenly widened and I heard Eunhyuk scream. The three of us darted towards the front door where I left Eunhyuk. Once we got there, we stood there, stunned at the scene.  

Eunhyuk laid on the floor, and my female Doberman pinscher, Topaz, was on top of him his face.

Our eyes widened.

" H-How c-can this be?" my mom stuttered.

Topaz had a whole history of attacking people who came into the house, but this is the first time in my whole life that I've seen her a stranger like that.

" Topaz!" I screamed with a big smile.

Her pointy ears stood up and she turned to face me. With her tongue sticking out, she ran towards me and jumped on me, making me land on the floor. She my face and wagged her tail out of happiness.

Eunhyuk slowly came to it and stood up, feeling a little uneasy. I gently pushed Topaz off of me and joined Eunhyuk's side.

" I'm really sorry about that..." I said, feeling a little embarrassed.

" It's okay... So her name is Topaz?" he asked while brushing off his clothes.

" Yeah... We've had her since I was little. I must say... You are the first stranger that she actually likes..." I said, surprised.

He giggled and I led him into the dining room. The house hasn't changed at all since the last time I've been here...

We sat at the table full of food. Eunhyuk looked really nervous and shy...

" So Eunhyuk..." my mom started, grabbing a spoon full of potatoes. " Where does our daughter sleep?"

My eyes widened. If my parents find out that I've been sleeping in the same room with the guy that's eating with us right now... Let's just say I won't be able to set foot into the country side anymore...

" Oh she sleeps with m-"

I suddenly shoved a spoonful of rice into his mouth. He swallowed it and coughed for a moment. I had this nervous look on my face. He looked at me as if I was sadistic.

" So mom..." I tried changing the subject, " How are the gardens?"

" Oh it's just ever so beautiful!" she said joyfully. " The Wisterias are fully bloomed and there's a whole forest of them... Hey, why don't you take Eunhyuk to see the gardens?"

" We can go before desert..." I said, looking at Eunhyuk.

He nodded and continued eating. The rest of the supper was filled with laughs and fun stories. It was truly great to be with my parents again.


After supper, I dragged Eunhyuk out and Topaz followed us. We walked on a narrow dirt road, and Topaz was jumping all over the place.

" So where is this garden?" Eunhyuk asked.

" It's not far from here..." I replied.

Then, we entered a path surrounded by trees. It was dark already and  you could barely even see what was in front of you. Eunhyuk followed me from behind and I followed Topaz who was in front of me.

Topaz suddenly disappeared into a bush.

" We must be here already..." I whispered.

I entered the bush, Eunhyuk followed me.

My eyes widened. The place was illuminated by many little lanterns and was full of Wisteria vines, one of the most beautiful flowers that I have ever seen. All of them grew on wooden trellises, with purple flowers hanging down about 1 meter from them. The air was filled with their beautiful smell that I've missed too much. I slowly walked through the beautiful garden, amazed at how much my mom has done with the place...

" Wow." Eunhyuk said.

I turned around and saw him gazing at a branch of Wisterias. He looked around some more and then came to my side.

" You're mom did all of this?" he asked.

I nodded. At first I was quite surprised. I remember my mom saying that she would never continue taking care of these beautiful flowers, because she said that no matter what she did, they wouldn't grow. But, now that I'm here, they're as beautiful as ever.

I noticed there was a little brown bench under a cherry blossom tree which was in the middle of the growing Wisterias. I walked towards it, sat down and let out a big sigh. Eunhyuk came to sit beside me.

" Why did you bring me here?" I asked Eunhyuk with a saddend face.

He looked at me surprised.

" I wanted for you to become happier." he said.

I lowered my head and clasped my hands together and started crying.

" Alexis?"

I cried. I cried because I was finally home. But I'll have to go soon, and who knows when I'll come back again.

" Thank you..." I sobbed, " Thank you so much..."

Eunhyuk got closer to me and laid my head on his shoulders. I wrapped my arms around him and cried for a while. Just letting out all of the sadness and happiness, it felt good.


" Hey Alexis... You know that time when you ran away when you were with Mnet Media? Where did you go anyways?" Eunhyuk asked, after I finally calmed down.

I looked at him with twinkling eyes. I noticed the fireflies came out and slowly floated all around us. Topaz was jumping up and down trying to catch some.

I let out a big sigh.

" Well... It all started when I was on stage for one of my concerts. It was a sold out concert in Seoul, and my manager told me that it was one of the biggest concerts of my life. But as I continued on with the concert, I noticed that, I started losing my passion for music, and that I only sang when I was told to. Naturally, I was the only one who noticed it. So, in the middle of the concert, I dropped the microphone on the floor and ran out off the stage. Without telling anyone where I was going, I stayed in my apartment day and night for 3 months. Barely got out of it actually... But then, my manager called me up, to tell me about what happened with my contract... And now I'm here... With you... And there was also another reason..."

" What was it?" he asked eagerly.

" Well, at some point of your music career, you lose something very precious to you. And ever since I lost it, I've been trying to find it. "

" What are you talking about?"

" My smile." I replied.

He looked at me with a sad face.

" Did... You ever find it?"

"No." I coldly said.

I held my head down. I never really liked to talk about things like that.

" You know, maybe I should take you here more often." Eunhyuk said.

" What?"

" The way you acted, the way you smiled, it was truly different from the times when you were with us." he said with a smile on his face.

I looked at him. Did I really act different?

" I mean... You're usually cold and you barely smile when you're around us... But here... You barely even frown."

" You've done enough for me Eunhyuk. But, I think I'm not going to come back here for a long time." I said with a sad look.

" I'm sure you can stay, right?"

I slowly nodded. " But, the thing is, I don't think I'd be able to leave. Even though I really want to, I don't think I can leave music behind. And by doing this, I'm also helping my parents financially. That's how I got into Mnet Media in the first place, all because my dad got into some financial troubles..."

" You know what," Eunhyuk started, " how about I let you decide whether you want stay or not, and if you want to go back to the dorm, meet me by the car in 30 minutes..." He stood up. " Remember, no matter what you chose, we'll always be there beside you." he said and disappeared into the forest.

I laid my back against the cherry blossom tree. A sudden breeze came towards me, and cherry blossom petals slowly fell from the tree and floated with the breeze around me. I closed my eyes. To choose between my home in the country and my home with Super Junior was truly a hard decision. This was between something I've longed for since I debuted, to come back home...

I clenched my fists. And after a long moment, I've finally decided.

I got up, called Topaz and walked towards the forest and walked on the dirt road towards my house.


" Mom, Dad..." I said as I came into the house.

Both of my parents showed up in the hallway.

" Mom, Dad... I finally decided where I'm going to stay."

" Honey, whatever you chose we'll be okay with it." my mom said.

I laughed sadly, because I was throwing away my last chance.

" I'm going back." I finally said.

My parents looked at me with sad looks. I could tell that they were heart broken by my announcement but I knew it was the right choice. I ran up to them and hugged them. I held them tightly in my arms, wanting to never let go. I felt Topaz rub her head on my leg. I patted her head and hugged her too.

I stood up.

" I don't think I'll be coming back here anytime soon, so I hope you guys have a nice life." I said with tears in my eyes.

Before they could say anything else, I ran out the door and down the hill towards Eunhyuk's car.  He was waiting for me, just like he promised.

" You finally decided, huh?"

I didn't say anything and just got into the car. He did the same, started the engine and drove off. I looked to the back and saw my house getting smaller and smaller with the distance. I shed a tear as I watched my last chance of coming back home, disappear right in front of my eyes.

I laid my back against the seat and put it down to a laying position. I turned my back towards Eunhyuk and closed my eyes.

" Alexis?"

I didn't move, I was too tired to even say anything and just laid there with my eyes closed.

" I guess you're asleep... Anyways I hope you had fun today, I hope you were okay with going back to your home... Your mom's cooking was very delicious. I guess, I've never met a family like yours. They were so nice and very heart warming... And the Wisteria garden was truly beautiful, just like you when you smile. I never had the guts to say this to you, but I've never met anyone like you. All I'm trying to say is... I think I'm in love with you." I heard him say and place something on my lap. I slowly tilted my head to see what it was.

It was a Wisteria branch full of beautiful purple flowers.







Author's Note:

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for not updating in like forever... But with school and all I barely had time... Anywho I've been working on this chapter for a few days now... I hope you guys like it!


By the way...

Well I usually talk about my stories to my friends, and my best friend told me something that actually surprised me...

She told me that through my stories she can see my feelings, which I've never noticed until I reread my fan fic and she was right... She also pointed out that she can see what I went through and stuff...

Now the question is... Can anyone else tell what I've gone though just by reading my stories?

Anywho enough about depressing things...

Hopefully I'll update soon... Oh and I just noticed that the 23rd of May was my one month anniversary here on Asian Fan Fics and I noticed that in exatcly one month I got 500 views!!! Yay me~

Anyways I really hope that by the 23rd of June ( last day of school for me XD) I get 1000 views... You know... Double XD

So help me out, comment and subscribe!

P.S. I really appreciate your comments, even if theyre bad or good...

See you next time!


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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits