Why Did I Have To See You Agian?

Forgotten Smiles

These past few months have been really hectic. Actually, almost a whole year passed. I was at the top of the Korean Music Charts along with Super Junior. Every day, I would have at least 3 to 4 variety shows, and at night, I would go practise to 2:30 am. I barely had any time to myself, let alone to think.

Super Junior just cameback with "Bonamana", and they are planning on promoting it overseas. In other words, China.


I sat in the car with Eric, and we were driving towards the airport.  Surprisingly there were fans waiting outside of the airport. Then I noticed a bus driving behind us. Super Junior's bus.

" Well, let's go." I said, letting out a big sigh.

I opened the door and a wave of screams and flashes overwhelmed me. I covered my eyes and made my way towards the entrance of the airport. Eric followed me, stumbling all over the place. The sliding doors opened and I felt the breeze of the air conditioning. I walked towards the place where you drop off your luggage and get your plane ticket. Eric followed me. I suddenly heard louder screams. I turned around and noticed Super Junior coming through the sliding doors. Security was tight and they didn't let anyone get near them. I got my ticket, dropped off my bags and went with Eric to the executive lounge.

Once we got there, I got myself and Eric some coffee. I went to sit beside him on the couch.

" Are you okay?" Eric asked.

I looked at him surprised.

" Yes, why?" I said.

He gave me a worried look and drank his coffee. He sighed and laid his back against the sofa. He closed his eyes and was deep in thought.

I silently drank my coffee.


After a flight of 1h and 45 minutes, we were finally in China. The place was buzzing with people and the members and I were walking towards our hotel that was nearby. After 20 min. of walking we finally arrived. We dropped our stuff in the rooms and we quickly made our way towards the concert hall.


I sat in dressing room in front of a mirror. The stylists were working on my hair and makeup. I sighed every now and then.

Suddenly Eric came in and ordered everyone to get out except for me. He came closer to me, turned the chair around and looked at me in the eyes.

" You seriously need to stop this Alexis." he said with a serious face.

I looked at him surprised. " What?"

" You know exactly what I mean! You look pale, you have bags under your eyes... Your health is degrading! All because of some stupid boy?! I'm not letting you do this anymore! You haven't had one day off in a whole year! What the hell is wrong with you?! I should've never agreed to do this..." he shouted.

" It's... Not because of Hankyung..." I said weakly.

" Then what?! At this rate you'll never find what you have lost!"

" What's the point anymore?!?!" I screamed. " What makes you think that I'll ever find it again?"

" Truth is Alexis..." he said in a calmer voice. " You never lost your smile. You simply forgot it." he said.

My eyes widened. He looked at me in shame and lowered his head. He slowly walked out of the room.

I turned around to face myself in the mirror. I looked at myself in disgust. Eric was right. He's always right.

My door suddenly opened and Donghae came in. He looked at me with pitiful eyes.

" Come on, you're up after the next number." he said in a quiet voice.

I got up and walked behind Donghae towards the stage. I held my head down, not knowing what else to do. Suddenly these 9 girls past me, they all wore black outfits with sparkling belts and hoods. One of them suddenly grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face them. She had blond hair and a really arrogant look on her face.

" Hey guys! This must be the little wench that's been living with the Super Junior guys." she said in a cold voice.

My eyes widened in anger. I slapped her arm off and she looked at me surprised.

" Looking at the number of people that have the same skimpy clothes as you, you guys must be Girl's Generation." I said.

The blond one smirked and the rest of the girls watched us closely.

" Watch your mouth." she said.

I gave her a dirty look and said: " You guys think so high of yourselves but in reality your dance routines are mediocre and your voice talents are lacking."

" Why you little-" a brown haired girl stepped up and she was about to hit me when another girl with brown and curly hair grabbed her by the arm.

" Hyoyeon!" she screamed. " Calm down and don't make a scene."

" Sunny, didn't you hear what she just said?" she whined.

She glared at her and then turned away.

" Let's go." she said.

They all turned away except for Hyoyeon and the blond girl.

" You realise no one really likes you, and that the Super Junior members only let you live with them because of the company." the blond one said.

Hyoyeon started laughing hysterically.

" I don't even know what those guys see in you." Hyoyeon added. " You're just a pathetic little girl."

They both glared at me, smirked and then followed the rest of the group.

I let out a big sigh. I wasn't in the mood for fighting with them. I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Donghae.

" Get ready for the show." he said and smiled.

I walked behind him to the stage. I walked up the little staircase and saw the Super Junior members look at the stage with their mouths wide open. Confused, I walked up closer to them. Yesung noticed me and quickly ran up to me and stood in front of me, preventing me from going any further.

" Alexis turn back." he ordered with a nervous look on his face.

" What are you talking about? What are you hiding?" I asked.

I pushed him to the side and passed all of the Super Junior members.

My eyes widened in horror as I saw who was on the stage, getting ready to perform.









Author's Note:


Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while.... Sorry for the boring chapter... Cool cliffhanger though right?

Anywho hope you guys like it and I'll be updating soon!

Please subscribe and Comment!



What do you think will happen to Alexis? What will her reaction be when she sees him again after so long? What will he do when he sees her again?

Stay tuned!

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myotterprince #1
Chapter 19: Is this completed? Please tell me its not ! I'm begging !
Chapter 19: Ugh... Why? T_T At least they're okay...almost.. T^T
yuio12345 #3
Your comment actually has given me the will to continue this. I'll post up a chapter today, and I will rewrite the whole story after. Thank you to all who have waited for more than 2 years.
Chapter 18: Oh my god. Don't you dare to die in this story, Super Junior, guys! ><
yuio12345 #5
Because cliffhangers are my specialty XD
Cliffhanger!!!!?!?!<br />
Why all of the stories I read end with cliffhanger??<br />
Really... You have to update soon okay?<br />
I'm really curious!!!!!
yuio12345 #7
Hihi ^^
Nooo you have to update soon im dying to know what happens next D:
yuio12345 #9
Thank you!
nice storyline :)<br />
<3 cute bits