~Drabble 5

Kwiyomi drabbles

Flicking the exsessive water drops away from her hands, Victoria flicked her bangs to one side and checked herself in the mirror, twisting her body left and right.

"I wonder if Soojung can finish it......." she mumbled, checking the makeup on her face and applying a thin layer of powder on. She then smacked her lips together and closed the compact with a snap, throwing it into her abandoned bag at the side of the sink.

The door pulled open and someone entered the washroom. Victoria ignored her because we all know girls like to crowd in restrooms. It remained an unsolved and unknown mystery even to the girls themselves. It probably won't be solved anytime soon.

Her eyes flicked up and saw the arrived guest standing behind her, arms crossed. Victoria's eyebrow raised a tiny weeny bit -it was unnoticeable- at the guy behind her, whose eyes and presence gave away his up-to-no-good thoughts.

"Uhh, oppa? I believe you entered the wrong door? The mens are next door." Being the ever great actor she was, she put on an innocent face and reached for her bag.

Without saying a word he put his hands on her shoulders and crashed his lips against hers. She winced at the contact, teeth crashing into each other. But besides that he was a good kisser, bitting and her lower lip gently.

"Honestly I was eyeing you from the moment you walked into the restaurant. You're really y." he said, hands slidding down to her waist, and feeling the soft skin under the cloth. He leaned nearer and took in the smell of her rose perfume, slightly stinging his nose.

When he leaned in Victoria saw at the back of his ear there was a waterdrop tattoo with 2 stars under it. Behind his neck was another tattoo, which she recognized as the faded dragon tattoo.

She smirked and sighed at the same time. She took his chin between her index finer and thumb, raising his face near her lips. He was slightly shocked at her reaction but enjoyed what he was getting. Or was gonna get.

She smiled and leaned toward him slowly,the other hand reaching into her bag. With a few milimetres between their noses, she pulled out her left hand from the bag and pushed into his stomach.

His eyes grew wider than hers, then rolled downward, only to see her hand, holding a sharp steak knife covered with blood. His blood. She smiled and pulled it out slowly. When it was halfway out she pushed in again harshly. He gasped and reach his hand to his stomach. She pulled it out againand released her grip on his chin. He fell to the floor, backing away from her with a hand covering the deep cut. Soon his hand and shirt were stained blood red.

Victoria smiled, flipping her bangs again. She squated down so that she was in the same eye level with him.

"Some y beast is fond of his lips." she said, running a finger over his lips, a cold piece of metal folowing after, slapping on his lips. She then pulled the knife at its blunt edge between his lips.

Victoria pecked his cold lips, shaking her head in dissatistfaction when she pulled away.

"I guess they taste better when there's blood running in them?" the sharp tip of the knife put small short cuts on his lips. Blood flowed like little streams.

By now he could hardly breathe in, his mouth open gasping for air. He kept his eyes locked on her, taking in every single detail about her, even that little mole beside her nose that hardly stood out.

With a slight grunt she got back up, throwing a last glance at the bleeding guy before carefully avoiding the puddle of blood on the floor and walking out in her heels. The clinks and clanks of her heels hitting the floor ringed in his ears, being the last thing he heard before he released his last breath.

Outside, she innocently walked past an uncleared table and left the knife there. The host opened the door for her and she thanked him with a smile.

"Unnie! Did you see him? Huh? Huh?!" a sharp yell came the second she stepped a foot out. A young girl flung herself into the arms of the elder while she gave a motherly smile at the young girl.

"Under estimating me again? Of course I finished it. You little kids who need me to clean up after you." Victoria smilled and dragged the girl along, who still hung to her arms.

"Awww unnie." she whined, finally walking on her two feet.

"Come along now. I need to report it to oppa and cook you guys supper." Victoria sighed. He life as an assasin never had an easy day.

Clap if you guessed the guy =DD

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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.