~Drabble 37

Kwiyomi drabbles

Sorry to bother you, but have you seen this person?

I lost her a few years back, you see. I lost her then, and wasn't bothered to look for her. I thought it was one of her tempers again, but I was never more wrong than this. She was gone, till now, and forever if I don't start to look for her.

She's a really nice person, despite her evil remarks. I think it's honest of her to express her thoughts clearly, without coating it with sugar and/or cream. Once she was scolded by her biology teacher who told them students to be honest, and she did as she was told. That didn't place her in the good books of the biology teacher, but I really do not think it's her fault. After all, it was the teacher who told them to be honest. The other students should be in the wrong for not being honest, and the teacher should reflect for not being able to accept the truth that she .

That wasn't something that bothered her too much, besides the constant sarcastic remarks made in the daily biology classes. She was too busy laughing along with her friends about some inside joke which if others overheard, they would think her group of friends and her were probably mad. The things that they laughed about! But you wouldn't understand either, so I'll save you the trouble of understanding, and me the trouble of telling you.

She didn't really have a lot of friends. She seemed like the kind of person who has a grudge against everyone in the world, but the truth is she was just hurt, by the little details that she noticed as she grew up, details that suntil this day, she couldn't figure out whether was it intentional or accidental. Was it not the same as everyone else, you and me? She was just more honest about it and distanced herself from people, until she thought that it was okay to open to you, that you wouldn't hurt her.

Schoolmates do pay attention to her, though she isn't the centre of attraction. They'll notice if she's absent, but most of the time they do not engage in conversation with her. Her juniors think she's weird, and i think she thinks she's weird. She's rather nice of a person, if you smile at her, she'll smile back. She doesn't open up to people easily though, because she isn't sure what level of weird can you tolerate until you think that hey, maybe this person actually belongs to a mental institute.

Speaking of which, the boy who confessed to her few years back has a girlfriend now, and she doesn't know what to feel, what to think. She feels happy for him, but at the same time she feels kind of down, because she was certain the tiny hints he given was directed towards her, but perhaps all of those are lies. Not that she liked him, it's kind of a queer feeling.

She likes someone else, I assure you. She likes this little guy (who isn't little in built at all, he was taller than her), younger than her by 3 years, who is going to transfer schools soon. She met him coincidentially, managed to convince him to become a librarian, and has been seeing him every Friday. Few months back she got news that he was going to transfer schools, boy was she devastated. A little conversation happened between her and the boy who confessed to her, he told her to confess her feelings to the little junior. She kind of did, in a slight joking tone, for she was afraid of rejection and it was in public, and he did say that he likes her too. She isn't too sure, she never asked. They haven't seen each other for two months or so I heard. Even so, she says she misses him on sosial media, I don't think you can doubt her love for him. The stupid things she gets hurt for like a seen but unreplied message, Why can't she take care of herself, protect herself from being hurt?

Me? I don't like her, I just happen to carea bout her a lot. Well, if you ever see her, please inform me. Thank you, have a nice day.

its supposed to be longer, but i got lazy =p

its basically about this girl, who went through a terrible accident, and her face was ruined and she lost her memories (HA TYPICAL)

and so her parents decides to arrange plastic surgery for her and when she wakes up eventually she's told that the previous her was her good friend

and so she sets out to find her 'good friend who went missing' and on the way she finds out all the little things she always wanted to know and things that her friends didnt want her to know. but her friends doesn't know that its her so all is good. kind of. ha.ha.ha.

(actually its more of a basic finding yourself thing but feel free to interpret it to your liking and preference)

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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.