~Drabble 3

Kwiyomi drabbles

When Jay Park wants to know your name


It was a lovely evening, with the sun hanging low in its orangey yellow colour. The rays shone into the cafe through its big windows, painting the everything golden and warm. A small breeze blew by now and then, leaves rustling over the pavement. The fans hanging high from the ceiling turned in its slowest speed, not wanting to spoil the beautiful picture.

Jay walked in with his graceful but rhythmic steps, camera in hand. His hair was styled in a modern chic mohwak, dyed blonde at the tips. A hat settled hip hop style over his head, slighty squashing his mohwak. His clothes were kept simple, a wool knited sweater over a demin button down, complete with a simple pair of washed out jeans.

He sat down on an empty table outside the cafe and ordered his frappucino. He fliped through a fahsion magazine in hand, looking at the latest bags, heels, seasons, bags and whatnot. He was fully focused on the magazine that when the waiter brought his coffee over he didn't even notice.

Light footsteps and clanking of heels were heard. Jay lifted his head, slightly annoyed at that someone who spoiled the peace and quiet. A girl with a short bob cut went into the cafe, dressed in a beige dress and a brown cardigan. His gaze followed her, from the moment she entered his view, to the counter, to her seat, which was just at his 9 oclock direction.

Pleased by the perfect scenery, he took his camera and snapped a picture of the girl flipping through a paper. Her eyelids fall over her hazel eyes, showing her long lashes. The shadows of her hair framed her face perfectly, showing each feature like a picture. He also got a picture of her smile, when her order came. The addition of the girl didn't break the peace and harmony of the picture, but added more beauty and elegance into it.

Jay took his camera and coffee and entered the cafe. He put his cup down on her table. She looked up from her paper.

"Hi, I'm Jay Park. Can I know your name?"

Kyahahaha working on my descriptive writting....~~

Why hasn't anyone commented something yet *sobs quietly at a corner*

Anyways. That's all for now. Comment for at least something LOL


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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.