~Drabble 33

Kwiyomi drabbles

The sun is warm today. The clouds look the same, less gloomy, less heavy.

Because the sun is warm today, I am let out of my room to go outside. I sit down on a patch of grass, watching ages race by. I see clouds drifting apart, leaves falling and rustling along with the teasing of the wind. I see a kid fall, he picks himself up and runs along again, slowly this time.

I see another child, a girl perhaps. She is sitting near the sandbox, teddy bear hugged protectively and lovingly against herself. She is watching the other children play in the sand, making castles out of simple shapes. Cylinder after cylinder, ending with a cone. Another brown haired girl climbs out, takes her teddy bear and flings it into the sandbox. The other kids jump out immediately after, running back to their mothers.

The girl attacks Brown Hair, pulling on her locks and yanking it towards her. Brown Hair screams, arms flailing. The girl holds up a fist and almost lands it down. An adult grabs her wrist in time and carries her up in a whoosh. She squirms in the adult's hands, trashing and wailing for her teddy bear. Brown Hair wails, her roots hurting her.

The teddy bear is left in the sand.

I see the clouds gather, the sun loosing its warmth. I am ushered back into my room, where I watch the sandbox from my window.

As the first few raindrops parachute down to the ground, I run out to take the bear. I put it beside the window. We both watch the rain jump into the embrace of the depths of hell.

this is supposed to be sad o.o

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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.