| exojongdae | oneshot

Kwiyomi drabbles

Sehun was interested in that new girl. Well, she isn't new, but he just noticed her since a few days ago.

She was a really interesting person, Sehun thought. She daydreams about a boyfriend all day, not noticing the weird glances people throw at her. She nearly ran into the feared student while reading a romance novel. She didn't run when he held her by the collar. Instead she cried and attracted attention while he fled. Wipping her tears off, she continued reading, nose in the book.

Today here she was, hardly awake as the teacher nagged on and on about her studies and homework. Sehun was helping another teacher with paperwork, half eavesdropping half spying on her.

"And Naeun, I know you are intelligent. Work harder to at least pass your papers okay."

"Yes sir." She replied with hardly open eyes

"At least fake something for us to see. Don't just pass up and empty paper. Circle something. You may get one or two marks."

"Yes sir."

"And stop reading those novels."

"Yes sir."

"Go help Sehun with those paperwork. I know you're dying to skip maths right now."

"Yes sir." She replied once more, only installing the teacher's words in her brain.

"Yes sir!" She said loudly, strolling towards Sehun. The later snapped back into reality, noticing that Naeun was walking towards him. He panicked and dropped all the papers on his lap.

"." He cursed, bending down to pick them up and arrange them again. He saw a graceful hand reach and pick up the papers for him.

"Thank you." He said not knowing that it was Naeun. When he picked up all the papers and stood up again, he realized he was facing the interesting girl.

"Hey uhh. Thanks." He said, grabbing the paper from her hands.

"Teacher asked me to help you." She smiled sweetly, sitting down beside him. "So what do you need to do?"

"Uhh. Arrange these according to their chapters and names. The students already wrote their names so, alphabetically." Sehun said, starting to sort out the papers into piles, spreading it on the table. "Don't you need to go to class?"

"Teacher gave me permission to skip."

"By helping me?"

"Sorta. But hey, at least I'm helping you. You probably won't be done when we dismiss. Pass me that Eunji paper please."

"Pheeesh. Using me." Sehun mumbled, passing a paper over and reaching over her for another.

"Hey you could have asked me to pass it to you." Naeun said, carefully avoiding Sehun's hand. "I'm helping you anyway."

"Study more. Get at least one mark." Sehun said, putting one pile neatly together. "Yes. One down and forty-nine more to go."

"Forty-eight." Naeun said, putting her finished pile above Sehun's.

"You wanna fight?" Sehun growled.

"You asked for it." Naeun replied, gears in her turning faster.

Sehun was right. She was one interesting girl.


Apparently Naeun won by one point, in which Sehun gave no credit to when he gave the paperwork back to the teacher. He got the praise himself and even some money to buy the lunch he missed. He was fine with it, at least he got to know her better. Well, sort of.

Sehun walked along the path of the school gardens, swinging his keys in a hand and his bread in another. He stopped walking and hid behind a pole, throwing his keys into his pocket. He peeked curiously at the couple. Much to his suprise (or maybe not), it was Naeun and another guy he recgonized as his teammate in the basketball team.

Curious, he scooted closer to listen better.

"You know that I like you right?" Naeun half yelled at him

"No. I'm not interested in idiots." He replied, scrolling on his phone

Idiot.....idiot......idiot....... The word repeated in Naeun's head. Was she really an idiot?

Naeun stood there like a statue. She didn't notice him leaving, she didn't notice Sehun walking towards her and waving his hand infront of her. Even when Sehun poked her in the side, Naeun gave no reaction.

"Idiot.....I'm.....an idiot?" Naeun closed her open mouth and grabbed Sehun's hand. "Tell me! Am I an idiot?!"

Sehun, shocked by her sudden awakening, hesitated before replying a quick "I guess so."

"I'm an idiot. He said I'm an idiot." Naeun mumbled, flinging his hand away. She hung her head down and walked away like her spirit left her body.

"Hey. Don't be so dispirited." Sehun followed after her, thinking of something to say. It all didn't come out like he wanted though

"My dream boy said I'm an idiot........" Naeun said, reaching a nearby bench and sitting down, tired of aimless walking.

"He isn't that great of a guy either though." Sehun said, sitting beside her, offering her his lunch. Naeun snatched it from him, bitting on the bread and tuna furiously.

"True! He isn't that good either! Wait what? Did you just bash him?"

"Opinions and such. I never knew you had a crush on him?"

"Not anymore. He broke my heart." Naeun said, clentching her chest as if in pain. "Now I have to wallow in my own grief."

"Cheer up and fight again. I'm pretty sure there are people out there willing to be loved by you." Sehun said, crossing his arms behind his head and stretched his legs. He quickly retracted them when a kid zoomed by on his skateboard. Attempt of acting cool, failed.

"Like who?" Naeun asked, munching on the lettuce

"Like me. The great man who is willing to be loved by all girls and ladies. I'll be generous and let you love me. Come on." Sehun said, opening his arms for a hug

"Are you picking a fight with me?" Naeun asked

"In what way?"

"We'll see who can get a boyfriend or girlfriend first! Winner gets free lunch for a whole month!" Naeun said excitedly, chomping down on the last piece of sandwich belonging to Sehun. Poor sandwich, poor Sehun

"And the loser has to pay for that." Sehun agreed.

Naeun clapped her hands and skipped off, saying that she has to attend some extra classes, leaving a dumbfoulded looking Sehun behind

He didn't know why did he agree to that stupid bet. But he was glad he made her cheerful again, in some sort of way. Then again, did he really have to risk his money?

I'll have to make her my girlfriend, he decided.


It wasn't an easy task at all. Naeun was a okay-pretty girl, not average, above average. Besides the fact that she's a little weird, she could be the top 3 ulzzangs in the school. That was if she didn't speak in front of you.

The good thing was, Naeun doesn't hang out with any guy friends. Or rather, no guys dare to hang out with her. Since the incident whereby she burst into tears in the middle of the hallways, the guys were afraid of being accused of bullying. Naeun doesn't mind the few number of males around her, she prefered to hang with girls which they can gossip about their ideal guys and hot guys.

Sehun gathered a huge bunch of courage and walked to the table she was sitting at. He pushed the girl beside Naeun away and took her place, ignoring the glare the girl gave.

"What the hell dude!" She said grumpily. Luckily, she knew his intentions, or so Sehun thought. Anyway she moved away with the other girl friends, giggling at Naeun and Sehun.

"Park Chorong! Aren't you coming back?!" Naeun yelled at her, getting a mehrong as response. Naeun turned to Sehun. "See what you have done, spoiling my plans." She said in a scolding manner.

"Ha, I'm here to block your plans as a matter in fact." Sehun said, opening up the packaging of his sandwich. "So how far have you reached?"

"As far as you." Naeun replied, sipping some coke

"I've already locked on my target though." Sehun said doubtfully

"Really? Who?" Naeun asked

"It's you." Sehun replied bluntly

"You'd think if you'd get me you don't have to buy me lunch all month huh. Nice try sir, nice try."

"I'm not sir. I'm Sehun." Sehun said, holding his hand out.

"Hi Sehun! I'm Naeun!" Naeun happily shook his hand.

At the other table, Chorong face desked. They talked, made a bet and didn't even know each other's names. She decided to help them both. It was totally obvious they liked each other.

"What are you laughing at dear?" Changsub asked

"Nothing dear. Carry on eating."


Park Chorong was a total mastermind, Sehun decided. He owed all his thanks to her, even though she sometimes scared Sehun a little. Chorong had set them together, helping Sehun along with his plans. She managed to trick Naeun into meeting up somewhere. No question there.

So here Sehun was, at a arcade, complete with his nerd glasses and backpack on his back. He stood at the door, starring in blankly. Naeun hasn't arrived yet, and Sehun wondered why did he agree to all this in the first place.

"Hey Sehun." Naeun greeted, patting him on his shoulder. "Have you seen Chorong?"

"No? She told me to come here." Sehun lied smoothly

"Ahh really? I'll just hang out with you then. What do you want to do?"

"Play....games?" He said, pointing into the arcade. She agreed and skipped in. Sehun had to remind himself that she was no average girl. A normal girl would hate to enter any sort of electronics related place.

They settled down and bought some tokens. Loading them into a basketball machine, the balls soon rolled to reach. Sehun quickly threw one in, scoring 2 points.

"Yes." He did a victory sign to himself. Naeun grabbed a ball and threw. It too went in, scoring two more points.

"So you still want to fight?" Sehun asked, spinning a ball on his finger, ignoring the warning beeps from the machine.

"Why not? I won't lose." Naeun smirked. They threw the basketballs which both went in.

Soon, the points were going up by the second. People gathered to see this couple who was topping the points of the basketball machine. Sehun and Naen paid no attention to the crowd gathering, increasing the competition for oxygen. Their eyes followed the moving ring, aiming for it and throwing the basketball in their hands.

"Deng." The machine beeped once again. The ring stopped moving and the bar raised, prevent the balls from rolling downward to reach. Sehun slapped his palms down, gasping for breath. It felt like he was gonna suffocate just now. Why did he have to torture himself by competing with her?

Naeun was in a slightly better condition. She was counting how many she threw in and how many he threw in. The total points that they scored was 453. Even the owner of the arcade was shocked at their fighting spirit.

"I got two points less. Aish, wasted." Naeun snapped her fingers. she grabbed her and his forgotten bags and passed his to him.

"Come on. Let's eat. I'll treat you." Naeun said, pulling his arm.

"Nah. I'll treat you." Sehun said, twisting his wrist skillfully and hold her hand. Naeun flinched but didnt pull away.

"So what do you want to eat?" Sehun asked, walking past the row of restaurants. The particular chicken shop was really tempting him but he held back. He doesn't think that she likes chicken

"I want to eat your one month lunch." Naeun replied, looking aimlessly

"Be mine?" Sehun said randomly. He decided that this was the best time he could get to confess. He could save his wallet's life too, not that it was more important than his interest in her. He half expected Chorong to jump out from wherever she was hiding and yell his head off for not following the plan.

"Sure." Naeun smiled, giving him a quick hug before continuing to decide her menu.

Well that turned out well.

"Chorong dear, you haven't been focusing on your food lately. Anything bothering you?" Changsub asked, waving his hand infront of her.

"Nothing." Chorong smiled sweetly, continuing to munch on the fries in front of her. They were at a nearby restaurant, sitting at a hawk eye's position, perfect for spying on someone named Sehun and Naeun.

Chorong's eyes widen when Sehun leaned in and planted a soft kiss on Naeun's lips. She squealed so loudly that Changsub lost his hearing for a few minutes.

Sehun half expected for Naeun to slap him, step on him, or kick him in the balls when he kissed her. Instead she kissed back.

It suddenly hit Sehun that that was why he was interested in her in the first place.


Hope you liked it ^^
With cameos of Chorong and Changsub
Apologys for the ending, I'm bad at endings ><""

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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.