~Drabble 10

Kwiyomi drabbles

I don't know

Why are girls like that?

First, they arrive late to dates. Then they use their aegyo in attempt to get away with it (which she failed miserablely). Then they stomp their feet saying it's woman rights to be late to everything.

And they expect us to pay for every single thing, from the food to clothes to the little 3 buck earrings that she cannot afford. And they ask us guys to hold bags for them. Why did you bring a bag if you're not gonna hold it damnit.

And girls always expect us guys to know what the hell is she thinking. I mean, why can't you just tell me? I don't need to guess whether you want pasta or pizza, or whether you prefer black over red. Just tell me.

Joon hyung says he's favoured by many, which includes me, but whatever, I'm not a girl anyway. He says what's on his mind, we don't have to play any guessing games when we're with him. Noona (well, previous noona) broke up with him saying he was not romantic and he was too straight foward. Go walk in a maze lady.

Which is why Seungho hyung and G.O hyung hangs out together. They don't have to guess each other's minds all the time. Which I think it's a good thing I hang out with Cheondungi hyung. Cheondungi hyung says Dara noona needs to learn what guys are thinking, but I think we need to learn what girls are thinking more than girls need to learn what we are thinking. We don't think much anyway.

Why are girls like that?

"Cheondungi hyung."


"You really don't know?"

"I really don't know."


LOLOL inspired by MBLAQ I dont know

I think its......weird because Im a girl.

But these are the complaints i receive from my guy friends LOL

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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.