~Drabble 7

Kwiyomi drabbles

I stood infront of the crowd of people. They reached out their hands trying to grab me back behind but were stopped by the guards.

I was facing six blondes in random plastic looking colourful jackets. One particularly caught my attention. He had straight cut bangs and two lines drawn on his left cheek. He was talking to another blonde whose hair I'd love to pull and play around with. I was fluffy looking. It hasn't been styled yet, I guess.

Cordi unnies ran around, checking their clothes and accessories for the next stage. Some constantly checked their hair, earrings, rings. One knocked into me, nearly causing me to fall over. I fell into strong arms. Looking up I saw a blonde with worried eyes hovering above me.

"You okay?" he asked. I recognized the guy as Bang Yongguk. I quickly nodded and got out of his embrace, a little scared of the swarm of fangirls behind that fence that might brick me to death. *bricked*

"I'm pretty sure you're not one of our cordi noonas. You don't look like a noona." He said, scanning me from head to toe. Due to our height difference, he was looking down at me while I kinda had to strain my neck to look at him. But that's okay, this man was a dead gorgous beast. *bricked again*

"So what, or who are you?" He asked. He had that annoying look in his eyes, I felt like punching him wherever I can reach. Yeah, his chest. I wonder if he has abs or anything. *bricked for the third time*

I flailed my hands, trying to express what I wanted to say without really saying anything. Sure, I can speak Korean, but only with non-Koreans. Hell, I'm not even Korean. What if I embarass myself infront of this smoking hot Korean?

"You can speak right?" I nodded again. He crossed his arms and waited for me to open my mouth. Sorry hot guy, no way you're making me open my mouth.

"Uhhh. 2012, like, this year...." This, is the power of smoking hot guys, making me go against my rules. It came out in chunks of Korean while I worked out the words in my brain. How exactly am I going to string them together?

"Yeah? This year like 2012 what?" He asked in chunks. I wonder if he was mocking me or trying to comunicate with me

"This year, 2013"

"Yes, this year is 2013.'

"Like last year, You debut."

"Ahh. You mean we are now like when we debuted last year?"

"Yes. More fans."

"Ohh. I see."

He then tried to explain something to me, which I only caught a few words like hiphop, debut, music and love. I snuck a few glances at the straight bangs guy. He finally noticed my pressence and pointed to me while still talking to the other guy. They both looked at me while I ducked behind Yongguk

"They, come here." I said in my lame Korean. Mother of lord why didn't I learn better?

He looked at the two who were walking here. They said a word or two and Yongguk turned back to me.

"They, scare you not. They friend." He told me, pulling me out from behind him

"BAP! Get ready for your stage!" The PD called. The 6 blondes hustled over and left me behind

While listening to the PD,  Yongguk, the straight bangs guy and fluffy hair guy kept looking back to confirm I'm still there. I pointed downward to the crowd and shot off.

I wonder if they remember me.

*bricked to death*

Keke this was a scene in my dream.
Location? My grandma's house -.-
They were actually at my grandma's house preparing for a show -.-

I still wonder why they cut Bangdae off Weekly Idol >o<
Too y for netizens??


Here's Bangdae cuz i love them so much orz



Anyway, check my 1st dream here


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Chapter 16: OOOOH!! First of all, thank you so much for actually writing this even though I got the answer wrong! Heehee :))

Second of all, AHHHHH!! You did NaHun, and the final product is absolutely amazing :")

Chapter 7: They had a showcase tour in Malaysia, they attended a dance contest there as guests, and their showcase was held in July.