Changsub’s Kiss

The fairies had been great trackers and Changsub’s just grateful he’s got their help. A lot had thought fairies were already extinct but they were just discreet about their existence. Since that day the fairies found Changsub when he ran away, they’ve taken care of him and had been loyal. Learning that Changsub was the son of the leader of the Takers and what had happened, they’ve only gave him support – even for his plans of revenge. Fairies owe the Lee Family their lives and for keeping them safe and their way to repay them was to help and take care of Changsub.

Jihoon was the son of the leaders of the fairies and had been on Changsub’s side since day one. Although Jihoon was more of his servant, he was a friend as well. Jihoon was Changsub’s eyes when he was hiding. He owed him a lot.

Fairies have the clearest of ears and fastest method of passing messages. That was the only thing Changsub didn’t learn from them for it was beyond his capabilities.

It didn’t take the whole night for them to know why the vampires got Ilhoon and as for Ilhoon’s real identity, they just need verification. It seems like Ilhoon would be the savior of them vampires, from what? From him?

Changsub smirked. It’s not that they know the whole revenge plot, they don’t know that Changsub was back. So, the vampires knew a bit about some prophecy? He was curious about it. But that made him wanted to move faster. He needed to find more Taker out of the list of 4, Hyunsik’s no more on the list since Ilhoon is his younger brother and also control the souls inside him. He’s got the advantage now and would not want those vampires to even get close to even.

“What’s you plan now, master?” Jihoon asked him as they prepare the next morning. Changsub wanted to do a surprise attack and atleast getting a couple more of his targets.

“Back me up.” Changsub’s eyes were now playing golden, his true colors emerging. “If things get out of hand try to get me back here alive. I’d really appreciate that.”

Jihoon nodded half-heartedly. He was still against Changsub taking two souls today. The best to their estimate was that Changsub’s body and mind can control would be one per day.  Jihoon really wanted him to think twice but knowing that they do need to be quick with the current situation, he will just keep his promise.



Hyunsik thought about Minhyuk’s revelation while they were hunting last night. It scared him, just the thought of what is happening to Changsub and what could happen to him, he doesn’t know what to think or feel. But he was more scared as thing gets confusing and complicated.

Hyunsik was flying south, giving a try to the last known location of the Taker that gave him Ilhoon. He is going to ask for his help to find the others and help them. This is all about them, it’s time to stand as a group again.

He prays silently descending down from the clouds as soon as he saw the familiar mountain range. Please let them be here



A soul would be sacrificed, a brotherhood would be broken, lives taken will be given back to them again.

Eunkwang woke up panting, tears falling from his eyes. He cannot stop the pain burning in his chest, he gasps and succumbed into hugging his own. He felt cold and scared. A kind of fear he can’t seem to comprehend.

He’s finally in the know, everything is clear as if everything just happened yesterday. It wasn’t just a dream, it was his ancestors memories passed down to him and as he tries to close his eyes – everything flashes: the deaths of the Takers, the hidings of the Green-winged ones, the vampires catching up, the death of their leader through the eyes of one of his adviser, a young Changsub trembling from the sight…everything’s in Eunkwang’s head now.

He needed to breathe and Eunkwang tries his best to calm down. He stood up from his bed and stumbled out the room towards the basement of Hyunsik’s house. He needs Minhyuk’s help…maybe he’s got some meds, some powers, whatever! Eunkwang panics as the dizziness and pain gets worst – he can’t handle such rush of powers within him. He’s got no one to teach or help him. Stop, stop, stop…

Eunkwang reached the door and held for dear life, “This is too much…” He inhaled and went in quickly, gasping on the floor. But nothing felt right… His vision turning blurry as his head throbs wildly, “Minhyuk…” He said faintly. Freaking memories.

“Run Eunkwang! Run!”

Everything was so quick. Eunkwang looked up in time to see Minhyuk being dragged up by his neck as another entity walk towards him. Changsub…oh no…please don’t…not yet. Maybe it was the adrenaline rush again when Eunkwang push himself hard upward and tried to save Minhyuk. His mind was clear and his heart raced with only Minhyuk in his mind.

But the hands of the entity was holding him off, their strength almost at the same level. He tried to break the grip but it was to no avail. Changsub gave him a sneer before finally kissing Minhyuk and a light from the latter’s body being away from his mouth.

Eunkwang shivered, his voice not coming out. His mind continued shouting NO but there was just no sound. For a moment Eunkwang was sure Minhyuk tried to look at him before completely limping from Changsub’s hand. Minhyuk gracefully slid down and made a soft thud on the floor. He was now as motionless as the Peniel and Sungjae – NO, NO, NO…

“Jihoon, let him go.” Changsub said calmly as his eyes played between gold and blue.

Eunkwang was freed and he swayed a bit but held ground, looking at Minhyuk’s body. Was I too late? Eunkwang asked himself as his mind started flashing about the Great Chaos again.

“You should have not done that.” Eunkwang said softly, not a fear on his voice, “It’s not time yet.” He was feeling cold now, the hairs at his back standing up.

“Not time yet?” Changsub snickered again, “What do you mean?”

Changsub was reaching for Eunkwang when the latter’s wings suddenly flapped out, hugging him, protecting him just like how it protected him with Ilhoon.

Eunkwang wasn’t himself again as his eyes turned into menacing green and the feathers turned into blades.

“You should really stop now before it’s too late.” Eunkwang started and then chanted the words that haunted him in his dreams, “A soul would be sacrificed, a brotherhood would be broken, lives taken will be given back to them again.”



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Chemistry4DHS #1
Chapter 26: Continue this pleaseeeee :'( i will be sad if you did not continue this </3
Hey, where ya been. I miss you
AngelGirls #3
Nice story ^^
Chapter 26: Take your time
Chapter 24: Oooooh heavy
Chapter 23: Mad. Nyo is very upset but unsure who to be mad at.
colormemhyuk #7
Chapter 21: no jaejoong nooo...
Chapter 22: Jaejoong hurt my Hyunseung....

Chapter 19: Awesome chapter. Can't wait to know Jihoon and Changsubs past, and clever clever Ilhoon. Great use of Thunder. Up date soon

Ddui Ddui Bang Bang~
Chapter 19: Still subscribed. Not going anywhere~ OMO Not good!! I'm eagerly anticipating the next chapter?

Is the blonde Ravi?