In Class

A new student !
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It was morning, you woke up and started your daily morning routine. After finish bathe, you stared at the wall clock, it was showing 7:45AM. You winded your eyes in shock and quickly went to Zee.

she was sleeping like a dog. You chuckled lightly before shook her to wake her up. She mumbled a few words that you can't even understand. You decided to slap her cheeks lightly. She suddenly popped her eyes open and sat up straight, rubbing her eyes.

Zee : What was that for?

Jessica : It's time for school, get up !

Zee : But it's only 7.

Jessica : The heck 7? It's almost 8, come on !

Zee : 8?! Okay, gonna get ready now !!

Zee was placed in the same class as you so things could go easier for her. she asked for it though, since her uncle is the school's principal, she can do whatever she want whenever she want wherever she want. While you and Zee were walking to the class, Zee started a conversation with you.

Zee : Hey, do you know how's Luhan?

Jessica : You mean?

Zee : Oh you know, is he nice? or is he boring? or something?

Jessica : I don't hang out with him that much but judging from his demeanor, I can say that he is super nice. So you don't have to worry.

Zee : I remember you said something about your guide prefect being so bossy, tell me about him.

Jessica : Oh well I dunno, he always act so bossy around me, like he has more power in this school, which is true, he is such a jerk-head. You don't wanna have him to guide you around school , believe me.

Zee : Oh I see, well look at the bright side..

Jessica : There's no bright side. -.-'

Zee just laughed at your reply. Sometimes, being a friend to her, make you feel..urmm..popular? Which is weird and uncomfortable. This is because, she has that american-look and plus the both of you are foreigners. So, everytime you passed by the class corridor or the cafeteria, people would gaze at the two of you. Some just gave a glare, but some started to whispers to others. And it really annoyed you somehow cause you're really not used to all this. But because of being the only foreign student in that school, you and Zee kinda get that a lot.

-In the class-

Zee : Hey, where's Luhan?

Jessica : Calm down, you've been asking me that since just now.

Zee : Haha, I just can't wait to see him.

Jessica : It's not like you never gonna see him, just chill ~

Then you saw them, Kris, Xiumin and Luhan came in class walking like a super model. You can heard some girls squealed and making noises, because they are the top students in Gangnam High School. They are also senior prefects, ofcourse so many people knew them.

You saw Kris and realized that he was looking right at you, then his gaze went to Zee who was sitting beside you, which is his seat. Zee stared at Kris like she got hynotize or something..well she is.

What's wrong with her? not her too...

Kris : Umm, you'

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Misao-Chan #1
Chapter 27: OMGF this one quite a story u see...:)
Misao-Chan #2
Chapter 1: Wait why was I laughing like an idiot at the classroom.scene
lynzsnow #3
daebak!!! jinjja daebak !!! / thumbs up/
SoYou__Angel #4
Chapter 9: Lusicaaaaaaaa please ㅠㅠ
lovetaecyoon #5
Chapter 17: why i couldn't open chapter 9 and 16 ?
debbymelianip #6
Chapter 15: i like this story, but it's having so much problem to open the another page
cielyuu #7
Chapter 27: I really liked this. Great story!~ ^ ^
amyyy99 #8
Chapter 27: OMGGGG this ended too early >.<
MegsyAlviola #9
Chapter 27: gaaaahd. i really love this fanfic ! the story is so cute :))<3