A refreshening morning

A tale of a Young, Sweet Assassin *Hiatus*

As the sunlight reflected onto your face you slowly woke up annoyed.

'Damn this sun.'

You got up to close the curtains to the balcony when you noticed all of the cuts and bruises were gone.

'How the hell did I get in here anyways? I dont recall going to sleep. Aish whatever I'm going back to sleep.'

You tossed your body back into the still warm and comfy bed. Now that you thought about it you have never been in a hotel before. The boss made you and all the members stay in the house locked up in their rooms.  

'It's too bad I couldn't even enjoy this place. Plus I have to leave soon before they charge me for another day. Not that it matters anyways I barely made a dent in the money. Speaking of, didn't that kid stay over too. Hmm..so he probably healed me.'

You snapped your fingers in realization.

'Oh yeah I remember now! He threatened me than I fell asleep on the couch. So he probably carried me. Maybe I should make breakfeast for him if he isn't awake yet.'

After lounging in the soft comfy bed for about 15 minutes you decided to get up again and begin to make him breakfeast.

You had no idea what Lay enjoyed eating for breakfeast.

'Oh well I guess I'll just make breakfeast American Style. Who doesn't like American Style anyways?'

You got out all the ingredients since they were already stored in the expensive hotel room refrigerator. As you were frying the crispy mouthwatering bacon and flipping the soft fluffy pancakes Lay peaked out of his room and saw you running around the kitchen preparing breakfeast.

'So she does have a heart afterall. Unless she's making all this food for herself -_-.'

Lay rubbed his head and tried fixing his bed hair. What you didn't realize was that you looked like you literally got out of bed minutes before. Your hair was a little messy and your shirt was lifted up a bit from the movements while you were sleeping.

'She's so cute.' Lay said as he chuckled

You set up both of your plates and checked the time. It was only 9:30. You sighed happy you were done with all the cooking and cleaning. Its been long since you cooked yourself a meal.

When you turned around you noticed Lay staring directly at your bare skin from your waist. Your cheeks burned a bit and you pulled your blouse down.

'..Here I made some breakfeast. Thanks for treating my wounds and brining me in my room.'

'Oh its fine. It's what I do. Thanks for the breakfeast.' Lay said in his deep sleepy voice.

All you could think of was 'DAMN HE SOUNDS SO Y WHEN HE'S TIRED!'

'Your welcome. It's all I could do to repay you for your kindness.'

You placed the plate full of the delicious american breakfeast on the counter top where there were two stools placed. The both of you climbed onto the high stools and stuffed yourselves with all the food.

'So what do you say we go back to my house after freshening up.'

'Umm..I don't think I have the right to go back after all I said earlier. Everybody probably hates me.'

'No, It's okay I'm pretty sure Gyuri-noona fixed everything. And trust me the guys are very welcoming people you just really need to get to know them.'

'Okay I guess I can go. But if they don't want me to stay there I'll leave immediately. By the way, do you wanna go shopping for some new fresh clothes? I kinda feel gross right now.'

'Sure. Of course.'

You walked to the spacious main room and pulled the curtains to let the sunlight in. You opened another set of french twin doors leading towards the balcony with the amazing Seoul City view.

'It's too bad I didn't get to see this place at night.'

This was the gorgous view..At night tho:D

As you were leaning on the tall railing Lay followed you out to look at the beautiful view.

'I bet this view would look better at night. hmph.'

Lay leaned onto the railing accompanying you. You both were side by side looking like a cute couple. Even though you barely knew each other he felt like a safe sweet person. You both were happy. But this fake happiness couldn't last forever. Could it?

'So, Miss Ji-hyun shall we go shopping now?'


Hello people I haven't updated in awhile...I'll update tomorrow if i have time:D Sorry for the boring chapters lately:(

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Chapter 22: I WANT HER WIT ANYONE NUT NOT KRIS..actually Kris is not my bias..sorry! pdate soon~ ^^
JasmineW #2
Chapter 22: Kai please. If you can :)
Chapter 22: She should fall for kaii
Chapter 22: what who saved her tho????
Chapter 21: I NEED KRIS!! In LOVE!!!!!! (may or may not be kris or the story)
Chapter 21: Kaiiiiiiiiiiii
Chapter 21: Omg kris just I can't. I can't even.
Chapter 20: Nooooooooooooooooo waeeeeee
Chapter 20: I'm sorry to say this but they kind of deserve to die.
Sorry I said that! Update soon!
Chapter 21: Aghhhh hatechew.