What's for dinner?

BtoB Yamo


“Ok guys…just get your stuff you need. I’ll be at home so just knock at the door.” yousaid and went to your room.

“THANK YOU FOR LETTING US STAY OVER!” Changsub shouted through the house.

“Are you okay Sungjae?” you heard Minhuyk ask Sungjae.

“It’s nothing…I..I- I just needed to pee” Sungjae laughed.


As the guys went out you started organizing their sleeping area. You decided they would sleep all in one room since you knew that they were used to it anyways. The house was a model VILLA in an apartment tower block.

You made their beds. They all had a mattress. You remembered they had this banana they always played with. You found a same sized carrot in the house which you laid them in their room. Then you started to plug two TV’s out and somehow managed to bring them in the boys room and plugged them there in again. Next you decided which consoled they could have. Since your friends were all a year abroad you didn’t play that often so you just gave them all. You gave them one Samsung Tablet and one iPad.

“Now they have everything…don’t they?” you asked yourself you shrugged your shoulders “If not Imma buy it them”

Next you made yourself Ramyun with cheese and mincemeat. You sat yourself down in front of the TV and watched via Youtube the new drama I MISS YOU. Gosh you sobbed and ate at the same time. Then a twist came and you were shouting at the TV. You overheard the knocking at the door.

You cried even harder. From somewhere you could hear shouts. You thought it came out of the TV but that didn’t fit into the scene. You stopped the drama and everything was for a moment silent…them you heard someone bumping against the entrance door and the shouts of guys. An old ladies voice appeared scolding the guys. You quickly ran to the door and pulled it open.

“AHHH AHJUMMA! EVERYTHING IS ALRIGHT! I didn’t hear my friends knocking” you said and quickly shoved the guys in the apartment and closed the door behind you.

“_____! What happened? We heard you crying and screaming?” Eungkwang asked concerned while hugging you.

“Uh Hyung…. You…” Changsub began

“What?” Eungkwang asked confused.

“I-  I—ca- breath” you managed to say. Eungkwang squeezed you to tight.

He quickly let go and bowed at you “Sorry for my inacceptable behavior”

“It’s okay..but…could you please stop bowing?” you asked him.

“Uh oh sure” he now smiled.

You now looked proper at the 6 guys. They all had suitcases and some backpacks and were all disguised with hoddies, caps and face masks.

“Guys you know your disguise skills ….you look 100% suspicious…we should work on that” you demanded and leaded them to their room.

“I know you guys are used to sleep all in one room so I made your beds all in this one.” They immediately fought for the beds. Ilhoon grabbed the carrot and started to snuggle it.

“HOW DO YOU KNOW I LOVE THOSE ONES?!” he screamed in joy.

“Uh duh…remember I am a freakin MELODY “you laughed at him

“Oh…” was all he said a bit embarrassed.

“Uhm… _____... what was wrong earlier? And your face….did you cry?” Minhyuk asked concerned.

“Oh that…hahahah” you scratched awkwardly your back head” I  uhh I watched a drama….well it was very sad” you awkwardly laughed “ So guys organize yourself and I’ll go and buy todays dinner”

“WAIT! OPPA WILL COME WITH YOU” Sungjae screamed and ran after you and bumped into you so hard so that both of you fell.

“Ya…Sungjae…get off me…you’re heavy!” you said struggling beneath him.

“Now until you say OPPA to me” you could hear his grin.


“Wait…then you have to call ALL OF US OPPA! “ Minhyuk whined.

“Seriously? You are so old and you act not your age why should I call you guys Oppa?” you asked laughing at their stupidity.

All except for Sungjae and Minhyuk were very uneasy with the situation you could feel it.

“Arasso…since you asked… I’m going shopping OPPAS…anyone wants to come with me?” you asked slowly

“NO THEY DON’T WANT TO!” Sungjae screamed and shoved you out of the apartment and grabbed an umbrella. Leaving 6 members a bit jealous.



You both were walking down the streets of Apgujung under the umbrella. Your arms were crossed with his. It was just a rainy day nothing heavy. After 10 min of walking you reached the grocery store you and Sungjae took a trolley and started shopping.

You sat yourself in the trolley “Now push me Oppa!” you shouted in joy.

Sungjae started pushing you around the market and leaning onto it as well.

He added only crisps and chocolate and all kinds of sweets.

“”Hahaha uhhh Sungjae…do you really think we should eat …THAT… for dinner?” you asked laughing unsurely.

“NO! That’s just for those days where we can’t eat or are not allowed to” he smiled.

You realized again actually that he was just one year older than you and already had to live like that. Somehow it made you sad.

Sungjae looked at you “Uhh what’s wrong _____?”

“Nothing…I’m just thinking about what we should eat tonight. It needs to be something special…mhmm..I KNOW WHAT!” you said really loud

“TELL ME” he whined.

“I’ll keep it as a secret” you showed him your tongue.

“I can guess by the things you but in the trolley” he said

“Nop..I don’t think so” you said laughing.

“Ok! Then let’s make a bet.. whoever will lose has to take the shopping bags” He held his pinkie in front of you”

“Ok deal!” you both did the pinkie promise.


“You lost Sungjae” you said proudly.

Sungjae couldn’t figure out what you wanted to make at home so you showed him now the shopping bags.

It was purring outside.

He looked like a lost puppy trying to figure out how he could handle these many bags.

“I’ll help you” you said finally still laughing

“At least will you tell me what you want to have for dinner?”

“You’ll have to wait Oppa” you

“You shouldn’t tease your Oppa like that _____”he muttered

You had the umbrella between you two.

“Your shoulders are getting wet _____” Sungjae said.

“It’s okay I’m fine” you smiled brightly at him.

“Perfect..”he muttered.

“What?” you asked confused.

“Nothing..uhhh it’s just perfect that I took the umbrella with me “he lied and you knew it but didn’t say anything.

On the rest of the way home you both asked each other things like where each of you went to school blablabla.

But as soon as you guys stepped into your apartment all guys gathered with hungry eyes around you”

“WHAT’S FOR DINNER _____ / Dongseang?” you could hear many times.

“Yeah…what’s for dinner” Sungjae asked.

“Raclette !” you said happy.

“What?” They all said



See what I did there? If not look LOVER BOY'S lyrics up XD


Comments are highly recommended!! <33333

LOVE YOU ALL GUYS! Look forward to the next update and



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yasmin_yeol #1
Chapter 18: please update
Chapter 18: Pls update and happy to see you back and Pls update daily
Florie #3
Read it all and need more (٭°̧̧̧ω°̧̧̧٭)
Iwanar #4
Please update author-nim if you do update,kamsahamida
Chapter 14: who the hell is commanding her?
Chapter 14: cant wait for more.
Thanks for the awesome chapter tho ^^
Chapter 13: Yay new chapter!! Sooo good! :)