Attack from STASI-Headquarters


To whomever it may concern,


This is the Internet. It goes by it's own rules, which can be heaven or hell.

The downside may be other people snooping into your private business, but as these stories here are fictional it is not so much private business.

But readers be aware. This side is called asianfanFICTION you should take written stories as that. Fiction. Yes indeed some may be influenced by reality but every author puts something of reality into the work of fiction.


And especially to you my dearest mother.


You birthed me but you refuse to take any motherly action since a long while. 

Please, either get a grip on reality or just go and love yourself.

As your husband kindly described it is now my life, and as you abandon your duty as a mother and a human being, please take care of yourself and continue with your own life.

But whom am I kidding. This is fiction. This is only a wish, another reality.

What even is real.

Certainly not this.


Respect human rights. Period.


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