

A diamond is almost completely resistant to scratching.

Nothing on earth could penetrate it.

Except itself.

The only thing that can scratch a diamond is another diamond.

That's it.

But sadly, he was a diamond that beat himself up every day.

I didn't know how to help him.

I didn't know what to do.

All I knew was that I often found him in the dorm bedroom all alone, soft sobbing coming from the top bunk, closest to the wall. He would be curled up in the corner, banging his head on the wall. Like he was now, when we're all supposed to be sleeping, except I noticed he was hitting himself particularly hard today. I quickly got up to the bunk and put my hand between him and the wall, letting his head crash into my hand. I lightly pulled his head away, pushing him against my shoulder.

"What's wrong, Jonguppie?" I whispered, rubbing his hair gently. He just shook his head, a smile soon curving on his lips. This is what I hated about this diamond in particular. It was so flawless and shining on the outside, that you forget to realize all the chips and damages on the inside. He always smiled, no matter what shape he was in.

"I-I-I'm fine, Yongguk-hyung." He whispered, wiping his eyes.

"You're hitting yourself again." I sighed, rubbing his head lightly where he was hitting it. "You know I told you to stop doing that."

"I-I figure hitting it will make it stop." He whispered.

I looked down at him, seeing his smile lost and his eyes looking down at his hands, which he was picking at in his lap. "Make what stop?" I asked, sighing when I realized his forehead was reddish purple from the self-abuse. He just shook his head, moving to lie down on the bunk. I just pulled the blanket to cover him completely. "You can talk to me, Jongup-ah." I brushed his hair out of his eyes, looking down at him with worry.

"Hyung..." He mumbled. "...what if I never understand?"

"Understand what?" I slowly rested myself on my elbow in front of him, laying down.

"What goes on in here." He looked up at me with pleading eyes, though I didn't know what he wanted. He bit his lip and I saw his eyes quickly fill with water. "Why do they tell me to do it?" He looked away, holding his hands over his eyes. "They tell me these weird things and then tell me that I'll be okay when they're so confusing that I'm not okay."

I laid down fully onto the bed and pulled him close. "Who are 'they'?" I asked, trying to calm him down by rubbing his back.

"I don't know." He choked out. "But they're in here." He put a hand on his head and gripped a handful of hair. "And I can't get them out." He started to pull harder and I forced him to let go and just held onto his hands.

"What do they tell you?" I asked, wondering exactly what he was going through.

"They tell me I'm not good enough to be in an idol group." He whispered. "That I'm not good-looking enough and that I can't sing well enough and-"

"Well they're wrong." I stopped him. "You're one of our most talented members." I took a deep breath. "And you're more than good-looking Jongup-ah."

He just sobbed quietly, pushing his nails against my hands. "They tell me..." He stopped, biting his lip.

"What else do they tell you?" I asked in a calming voice.

"...they tell me I shouldn't be how I am, that people won't like me if I tell them." He slowly started relaxing. "But I can't change who I am, hyung."

"You're perfect the way you are." I let go of his hands to run my fingers through his hair. "Everyone loves you."

"But people don't know." He whispered. "Only they know."

"What do they know?" I massaged his scalp gently, watching his eyes start closing in drowsiness.

"My secret." He mumbled, slowly relaxing into sleep.

"What secret?"

"It's a secret, hyung, I can't-"

I smiled when he fell asleep, glad he didn't have to suffer there. I just lay there, wondering what could possibly be bothering him in his head. I wondered if any of the other members knew just how many layers there were to this diamond. But I knew I would make it my job to find out.


I’m not sure I’m going to end this story here, I might make it a longer story, but this is just the bit for my drabble. MIGHT. Don't count on it xD

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BAPlover09 #1
Chapter 30: I can't also imagine the future without HC and JU together..>< love it
BAPlover09 #2
Chapter 12: HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP.. so much feels..
BAPlover09 #3
Chapter 2: Short but sweet and full of HIMUP love..
Chapter 30: Himup just....asdfghjkl I can't <33333
Chapter 27: AWWW,that tenderness
Chapter 6: Aghh, the third time Hime has been burnt...
wishfulthoughts #7
Chapter 30: I absolutely adore this last drabble! It's very simple, but you did very well with it. :3
ZessCode #8
Chapter 30: I love you so much for this last drabble! It's so sweet, so cute, so perfect *__* I just love you u.u
Chapter 30: The last story <3 <3 <3 So cute ♥
So it's over, too bad :(
Chapter 30: Ahhhhhh soooooo cute :) Himchan is sooooo cute :)