

All I could do was shake. I was terrified. I was freezing. I was angry. I was heartbroken.

I couldn't believe I was stood up here in this bad side of town. Just when I thought this guy would be one of the only people to like me. Just when I thought someone had looked past my Busan descent and cared about me for who I was. Just when I thought someone had looked past my huge appetite and the slight effect it had on my shape. Just when I had hope, it was taken away and thrown to the ground.

It had grown dark by now and I was scared to be out here alone. I jumped with a gunshot blast that rang through the air. I pulled my knees closer to my chest, sitting on the bench by the bus stop. I was trembling so much that I was beginning to worry about myself. I jumped when I saw someone sit down beside me.

“Are you all right?”

I turned to the voice, seeing a taller man with deep red hair hanging in his face. He wore a big, black trenchcoat and had a genuine look in his eyes. I just nodded, moving my hair out of my eyes.

“You're not from this part of town, are you?” He asked, probably noticing how bad I was still shaking. I shook my head, leaning it back on my knees. “Trying to take the bus?” He asked, and I just nodded my head. He sighed. “The bus stops coming here as soon as it gets dark.”

I felt tears well up in my eyes and I just cursed softly. I was stood up and left to die in this bad town, no way home. I cursed my supposed boyfriend's name into the air, yelling that whenever I saw him that I was going to rip him to shreds. I looked over and saw the man standing.

“Let me get you home.” He smiled. “I'm Bang Yongguk.”

I sighed. “Jung Daehyun.”

He just nodded and motioned for me to walk beside him. I furrowed my eyebrows when he didn't once ask me about my accent. Didn't once ask me why I was here. Didn't once ask me why my shirt was a few sizes too big so I could hide my belly fat.

“Where do you live, Daehyun-ssi?” He asked. I gave him my address, and he let out a big sigh. “That's a long way away and it's pretty late.” He stopped and turned to me. “I'd feel better if you stayed at my place. The walk is too long, so you should just wait for the bus in the morning.”

I wondered if I should trust him or not, but the genuine look in his eyes told me I could. The way his lip rode up on his gums when he smiled told me I could. The way his hand rested in the middle of my back protectively told me I could. How fast he cheered me up with jokes and stories about this neighborhood told me I could. The way he let me ramble about my supposed boyfriend and not complain about my ugly accent told me I could.

Everything about him was trustworthy. Everything about him was gentle and caring. Everything about him was everything my supposed boyfriend couldn't be.


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BAPlover09 #1
Chapter 30: I can't also imagine the future without HC and JU together..>< love it
BAPlover09 #2
Chapter 12: HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP.. so much feels..
BAPlover09 #3
Chapter 2: Short but sweet and full of HIMUP love..
Chapter 30: Himup just....asdfghjkl I can't <33333
Chapter 27: AWWW,that tenderness
Chapter 6: Aghh, the third time Hime has been burnt...
wishfulthoughts #7
Chapter 30: I absolutely adore this last drabble! It's very simple, but you did very well with it. :3
ZessCode #8
Chapter 30: I love you so much for this last drabble! It's so sweet, so cute, so perfect *__* I just love you u.u
Chapter 30: The last story <3 <3 <3 So cute ♥
So it's over, too bad :(
Chapter 30: Ahhhhhh soooooo cute :) Himchan is sooooo cute :)