

I will always treasure the wind. I remember how much he loved the wind. He would prance around the field, loving the way the wind cooled his skin in the summer time. He would hold onto my hands and giggle when my shirt would ride up in the wind. Our first kiss was outside on his porch, after I walked him home. The wind was a cool breeze, fanning his hair so beautifully out of his eyes.

The wind was our source of communication. His parents never did approve of me, so I remember how much I wanted to be the wind. I wanted to just fly in his window whenever he needed me, unnoticed. So we would fly airplanes in the wind, across the street to the other house. We would laugh when the airplane would miss and the person would have to run outside and catch it.

The wind carried his scent through the air. He would spray his cologne purposefully when the window was open, so it could blow with the wind in my window, letting me bask in his scent as if he was here. The wind blew in our hair when I would carry him on my back, running down the street away from his screaming father when he would catch me in his room.

So I stand outside just to enjoy the wind. I enjoy the wind, knowing it will be my way to be with him. I'll follow the wind, and it'll lead me to him. His parents may have taken him to a new town without telling him where he was going. They may have crushed their cell phones. They may have corrupted his email. They may have destroyed every way of communication I had with him. But they can't destroy the wind. They cannot destroy our love. They cannot destroy us.

They cannot.

They will not.


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BAPlover09 #1
Chapter 30: I can't also imagine the future without HC and JU together..>< love it
BAPlover09 #2
Chapter 12: HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP.. so much feels..
BAPlover09 #3
Chapter 2: Short but sweet and full of HIMUP love..
Chapter 30: Himup just....asdfghjkl I can't <33333
Chapter 27: AWWW,that tenderness
Chapter 6: Aghh, the third time Hime has been burnt...
wishfulthoughts #7
Chapter 30: I absolutely adore this last drabble! It's very simple, but you did very well with it. :3
ZessCode #8
Chapter 30: I love you so much for this last drabble! It's so sweet, so cute, so perfect *__* I just love you u.u
Chapter 30: The last story <3 <3 <3 So cute ♥
So it's over, too bad :(
Chapter 30: Ahhhhhh soooooo cute :) Himchan is sooooo cute :)