

I knew I didn't know as much as the other members. I knew I wasn't as exposed to experience as they were. But if there was something I knew, it was how much I adored my hyung. I didn't know what it was about him, but I ended up following him around the dorm just to be there if he needed me. I may not know enough to get great grades in school, but I knew that he liked it when I did things for him. I didn't know if my adoration and love for him was hidden, but I did know I would never tell him.

“Jongup-ah, I've been meaning to ask you something.” Himchan asked, and I was eagerly attentive to answer. “Why do you spend so much time looking out for me?” He stopped cooking and turned to me as I was washing the dishes. “Why do you bother doing things for me when I could easily do them for myself?” I looked back at him, feeling the heat rush to my face.

“Well, umm...” I tried to think of a reason other than the truth, but I knew how bad of a liar I was. He would be able to tell anyways. So I it up and took a deep breath. I mentally prepared myself before turning back to him. “...I really like you, hyung.” I smiled, glad that was off my chest. When he just smiled as well, his gaze softening even more than it was, I couldn't help but giggle. “I like you so much that...” I my lips nervously and looked at the ground. “...I'm too young to know, but I'm sure I'm in love with you.” I whispered, looking back at the dishes. “But it'll mess up the band, so—” I started to ramble, only to be stopped by his arms around my waist. I blushed instantly.

“Be quiet, Jongup-ah.” He whispered. His face nuzzled into my hair and I just relaxed in his grip. “I love you, too.” His voice was breathy against my ear, and I found my knees growing weak. His grip tightened and I was thankful. Because I may not know a lot, but I did know that his words made my heart beat a lot faster. I knew that in this moment, hands deep in dishwater, lips against my hair, bodies pressed together, I couldn't be happier.


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BAPlover09 #1
Chapter 30: I can't also imagine the future without HC and JU together..>< love it
BAPlover09 #2
Chapter 12: HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP HIMUP.. so much feels..
BAPlover09 #3
Chapter 2: Short but sweet and full of HIMUP love..
Chapter 30: Himup just....asdfghjkl I can't <33333
Chapter 27: AWWW,that tenderness
Chapter 6: Aghh, the third time Hime has been burnt...
wishfulthoughts #7
Chapter 30: I absolutely adore this last drabble! It's very simple, but you did very well with it. :3
ZessCode #8
Chapter 30: I love you so much for this last drabble! It's so sweet, so cute, so perfect *__* I just love you u.u
Chapter 30: The last story <3 <3 <3 So cute ♥
So it's over, too bad :(
Chapter 30: Ahhhhhh soooooo cute :) Himchan is sooooo cute :)