Dance of Friendship Part 2

Siwon's Wife

a/n: as promised here's the second part... enjoy yourselves my dears!!

“Say, Eunsuk…” Siwon started as the younger one was leading him somewhere at the second storey of the house.

“Yeah? What is it, hyung?” Eunsuk asked, his back to Siwon as he lead him down to the last door of the hallway.

Jamie was doing the dishes while their parents were at the living room and watching some TV. Eunsuk had dragged Siwon to the second floor, promising to let him into a secret that he’ll definitely enjoy. Siwon was intrigued to say the least, wanting to see the place where Jamie had grew up in, so he let Eunsuk dragged him, showing him the library where he claimed that half of the fantasy books are Jamie’s, the small game room where Eunsuk told Siwon was the room

Jamie hates the most because of Eunsuk’s games, and of course, the music room which was built back when Jamie was around 4 years old and had insisted for her parents to buy her a piano. Siwon could easily picture a four-year old Jamie stomping her foot and insisting for her parents to buy her a piano, a cute pout on her face.

“Well, about earlier. Why… Jamie, why did she stopped dancing?” Siwon asked.

Eunsuk stopped for a moment before proceeding to open the door at the end of the hallway. “Who said that, hyung?” he ask with a smile. “Come in.” he ushered Siwon into the room, not bothering to close the door.

Siwon looked around, forgetting about his question for the moment. The room is unused, of that he was sure. Something about how the windows were closed with the curtains drawn, and the bed neatly fixed without any crease on the cover, and how the desk on one beside the window was neatly arranged. Even though the room was unused, it still felt warm and cozy to him, something about the soft blue walls and the cloud-themed ceiling, giving him a warm feeling inside.

“Who’s room is this? It’s definitely not a guest room. Is it yours?” Siwon asked, moving towards the desk and peering on a framed recognition certificate hanging on the wall next to it. “Song Jae-mi. This is Jamie’s room?” he asked Eunsuk.

“Yeah.” Eunsuk grinned.

Siwon looked around more, interest sparking inside him. There were lots of framed certificates hanging neatly on the blue walls, a six-foot book shelf filled with books of different sorts, a wardrobe next to a small dresser with the mirror filled with small pictures on the sides, a small keyboard sitting next to the small table where stacks of music sheets were neatly placed. There was also a guitar sitting next to the keyboard, and a small player with speakers on the table next to the music sheets.

“Wow, she really likes music that much huh.” Siwon commented as he walked over to another shelf beside the keyboard which was filled with CDs.

“Yep. It’s her life.” Eunsuk agreed. He walked over to the bookshelf, pulling it forward and then to the side, revealing a hidden cabinet behind.

Siwon’s eyes widen at what he saw. There were numerous trophies and plaques inside the hidden cabinet along with some ribbons, recognitions and such, tucked neatly on piles and shelves.

“Wow…” the only thing that Siwon could say. He walked over and looked at the trophies. “These are from competitions she had joined?”

“Yeah. She had been joining competition since she was around six years old, both locally and abroad, or just anywhere she happened to hear there was a competition. That’s one of the reasons she got into the school in the US. Pretty neat, huh?”

Siwon nodded, scanning the recognitions. He couldn’t help but to proud of Jamie’s achievements even at a young age. And then something caught his attention.

Siwon picked up a small box and opened it. Inside was a well-worn ballet shoe. He looked at Eunsuk questioningly but didn’t voice out his concerns. He wondered where the shoe’s pair was.

Eunsuk was suddenly by Siwon’s side. “We better put it back, hyung. Jamie will be upset if she see that. Worse if she see that with you.”

Siwon frowned at Eunsuk. “You didn’t answer my question earlier.” he said, remembering what he asked before coming into the room which Eunsuk had smoothly avoided.

Eunsuk sighed heavily, getting the box and putting it on the top shelf of the hidden cabinet. He then pulled out an old picture album and handed it to Siwon. “Fine. Here.”

Siwon was confused as he opened the album. His face scrunched up even more as he leaf through the pages. Most of them were Jamie’s pictures, wearing tights in most, and in some, she was just wearing simple loose clothes. She was laughing while dancing in many of the pictures, along with who Siwon assumed was her friends.

“Other than giving her life to music, she loves dancing. When she went to the US, she enrolled into a dance class where they teach contemporary dancing and such. She loved it.” Eunsuk said.

As Siwon turned the page to a certain picture, Eunsuk held his hand, making him stop. The younger pointed at the boy in the picture who had an arm slung on Jamie’s shoulder, the other arm spread out in the air. He was laughing along with Jamie who was practically hugging the guy loosely, a mischievous look on her face.

“That’s Yoon Han-sung. He was my sister’s best friend. They both got accepted to the same school.” Eunsuk said. “The two of them were inseparable. He loves her. She loves him back.”

Something about what Eunsuk said cut through Siwon. He doesn’t understand why, but somehow he seemed envious at how this Han-sung guy was holding Jamie close to him.

“What happened?” Siwon managed to ask, looking at the mirth in those eyes that that camera had captured. Han-sung looks very boyishly good-looking, and someone who is always having fun and smiling. Jamie looks the same in the picture, very different from how she looks now.

“Han-sung hyung was not very much into music as nuna is. He loved dancing more than anything else in the world. It’s something he and nuna shares a connection with. When the two of them dances, it would make them feel like nothing else in the world matters. They are in their own world when they dance.”

Eunsuk paused. “And then Han-sung hyung and nuna got into an accident. Nuna was getting late for a competition, and Han-sung hyung drove her to it even though he was supposed to be in his dance class. Han-sung hyung suffered a major leg injury. He couldn’t walk for months. He could never dance again, not the way before the accident. Nuna didn’t dance again since then.”

Siwon was silent. Eunsuk was looking at the dark view outside the window. “Nuna… she blames herself for the accident. She and Han-sung hyung hadn’t talked to each other since the accident.”

“Put those back and let’s leave. You have an early schedule tomorrow, right?”

Eunsuk and Siwon was shocked to see Jamie standing on the door. Her face was clouded and the moment she finished talking, she turned back and left.

Eunsuk sighed. “Nuna… she loves Han-sung so much she can’t forgive herself for what happened. Even though it wasn’t her fault.”

Siwon put the album back. “Yoon Han-sung…was… is he…does he and Jamie…”

“I don’t really know. The two of them were so close, everyone thinks they weren’t just friends. But I don’t know if they had something special other than their friendship. They never talked about it to anyone. Definitely not after the accident. Last time I heard though, Han-sung hyung went back to the US. I don’t really know of they had met each other after Han-sung hyung had finally went back to finish his studies, after coming home here to recover. I mean, it happened almost five years ago. Hyung went back there after a two years here, he had to finish the rehabilitation and things. It is possible that they had met in the last three years. But then again, I don’t really know. Nuna never said a thing after the accident.”

Siwon smiled tightly at Eunsuk. “Thanks for telling me. It must have been hard. But at least now I know why she never told me she dances.” he patted Eunsuk on the shoulder. “Thanks for making me know your sister a bit better.”

Eunsuk smiled. “Hyung, there’s only one thing I want to ask from you.”

“What is it?”

“Take care of nuna. She might seem tough and all, but really, inside, she’s a little girl who cares about the ones she loves too much she forgets about herself. It’s something I love about her. But it’s also something that I hate the most.” Eunsuk said. “Although she would smile on the outside, don’t be fooled. Because even though she’s breaking inside, she would still smile so no one will worry about her. So please take care of her.”

Siwon nodded his head thoughtfully. “I will try my hardest, Eunsuk. I promise.”

The drive back to the apartment was silent, Jamie looking out her window as Siwon concentrated on the road. It was already past ten in the evening when they left Jamie’s house. Her parents were a little bit reluctant to let them go since it was already late and Siwon was tired from practice but Jamie told them they had to since Siwon had and early schedule the next day. Siwon couldn’t help but to look at Jamie with worry. She was smiling and even laughing as she said goodbye to her parents, thanking them for the dinner. No one could ever tell that she had just saw Siwon and her brother earlier that night, going through the memories of her life she’d rather forget. If Siwon didn’t know better, the only thing that he would notice to be different was how Jamie didn’t throw a single tease at her brother before leaving.

Siwon stopped at a red light. The silence inside the car was unbearable. It’s like he’s suffocating or something. He looked at Jamie at the corner of his eyes as he waited for the light to turn. She was just sitting there with her eyes focused outside the window, her face a blank mask. It was that kind of expression he hates the most on her.

“Whatever Eunsuk had told you…” Jamie said in a low voice, almost a whisper.

Siwon turned to her, knowing she know he was looking at her. She didn’t look at him.

“Forget everything he told you.” Jamie continued.

Siwon wanted to ask why. He wants her to tell him why he should just leave her alone with her sorrow, but he realized that other than a single piece of paper binding them for life, he was still a stranger to her. They are friends, of course, they live in the same house, see each other everyday. They are married. But they weren’t close enough for him to ask about her life. To ask about the part of her life which she treasures, and causes her pain at the same time.

He wished that barrier would collapse soon. He wants to be someone who she could easily tell her sad secrets. To be someone who can tell her that everything’s okay and she shouldn’t wallow on memories like that. But he wasn’t. He isn’t. He is just Choi Siwon, who had been married to her because of the whim of their respective parents.

“The light’s green.” Jamie said.

Siwon sighed. He stepped on the gas, wishing at the deepest parts of his heart that he was at least half of what Hans-sung had been with Jamie.

“I’ll go take a shower first if you’re not going to use the bathroom.” Jamie said, not quite looking at Siwon as they entered the apartment.

“Yeah, sure.” Siwon answered. He watched as Jamie went into her room and came out a few minutes later with her toiletries and change of clothes. She was so quite that if he hadn’t been paying attention, he wouldn’t have realized she had went to the bathroom at all. He couldn’t easily see the sadness through her, the way she walk with her shoulders down, with that blank and distant look on her face, everything the hyped and energetic Jamie wasn’t. Even in just a few hours, he already miss that Jamie.

As Siwon sat on the couch, more like looking at the TV screen than watching, the phone rang. It made him jump, realizing that his mind was elsewhere and he wasn’t paying attention to anything. He picked it up. A few seconds and he was frowning at the handset as if had just grown a head and a very big mouth.

On the other line was a girl talking rapidly in English, all excited.

“Jamie! Ohmigod! You won’t believe who I saw at the registrar’s office today! Yoon Han-sung! And we’ve had a short chitchat! Wow! He remembers me! I mean, we only had met like twice, but he definitely remembered me! And God! He’s so hot! Well, your husband is yummy, but Han-sung is a different kind of hot! Ah! I was like drooling as he walked away from me! Darn it! He‘s name should be Han-dsome! If the two of you had only patched things between you, you could have hook us up! And if only you weren’t there in Korea with your hot god for a husband, and here in New York instead!” the girl on the other line giggled.

Siwon cleared his throat. “Uh, sorry, but Jamie cannot talk to you right now. May I ask who this is?” he asked politely, hoping his English was clear enough through the phone.

“Ohmigod! You’re her husband?!” the girl almost shrieked.

“Err, yes. This is Choi Siwon.” Siwon confirmed. Something about this girl knowing him to be Jamie’s husband gives his insides a squirmy feeling. Other than his group mates and manager knowing about the marriage, he was definitely sure Jamie would tell no one about him. Somehow, it gives him a happy kind of feeling that Jamie had told someone. That she wasn’t keeping him a secret that much.

That was before he realized the fact that someone knowing about the marriage can complicate everything they have done to keep it a secret so far. The squirmy feeing inside his stomach suddenly disappeared.

“Oh, I am sorry!” the girl tried in a halting Korean, reminding Siwon about Henry’s first attempt to speak Korean. “This is Allie, her roommate. Well, used to be.”
“Ah, Allie. Yes, I hear so much about you.” Siwon sighed with relief. Jamie said Allie is her best friend and even though she could be a loud mouth sometimes (most of the time to be exact), she definitely would not tell anyone about them. Well, even if she does, she’s thousands of miles away from Korea. “Jamie is taking a shower right now, she can’t come to the phone.”

“Ah, is that so? Well, tell her I’ll call next time.” Allie said.

“Yeah, sure.” before Allie could end the call, something struck Siwon. “Wait, Allie! Can… can I ask you something?”

Siwon could actually sense Allie’s surprise. “Well, yeah. Sure. What is it?”

“Well, it’s about Jamie…actually.”

Allie giggled on the other line. “Ah! I know! You want to ask some things about my bestie, right? Well, let me tell you some things you should know about her.”
Siwon tried to cut Allie, but the girl had already told him to write down the things that she will say. And after at least another ten minutes of Allie talking nonstop, she hang up with a cheery bye-bye (and also another things about having really huge phone bills).

Siwon sighed heavily as he put the phone down. His ears feel hot, and he could feel his cheeks warm as well. He decided he needs a cold coke to drive away the warm feeling creeping up from his belly to his face as he look at the piece of paper he had on his lap.

“What the heck. I can’t believe I did write down everything she said.” he murmured to himself as he walked to the fridge, tucking the paper inside his pocket.

“Why are you talking to yourself? Have you gone nuts?” Jamie asked out of the blue.

Siwon choked on his coke, spraying it somewhere else and not in Jamie’s face. Thankfully.

He couched as he wiped the liquid on his face. “Yah! Why do you creep up like that?” he frowned at Jamie who was already in comfy sweats and a loose shirt, hair wrapped in a towel. “Almost scared me to death.” he muttered.

Jamie grinned cheekily, “Sorry. Never knew you were such a scaredy cat.”

Siwon made a face a Jamie who just proceeded to take a water bottle from the fridge.

“Allie called up, by the way.” he said, thinking about what Eunsuk said about Jamie knowing how to hide everything bad that she feels and keeping a good front. She doesn’t look like the Jamie that was so silent minutes ago he almost thought that he was living alone again.

“Allie? What did she want?” Jamie looked at the watch on the wall next to the door to the kitchen, calculating the time difference inside her head. “It’s quite early there. How come she‘s up so early?”

Siwon finished up his coke, putting the can in the bin. He decided that telling her the real reason about what Allie called would only make her earlier mood come back. “She just wanted to say hi. She said she’d call again.” that wasn’t a lie, just not the whole truth either. And he definitely wouldn’t tell Jamie that her best friend was telling him ‘tips’ on how to please (Allie’s word was ‘woo’ but he wont use that even inside his own head) Jamie. He coud feel his cheeks warm up again at just the thought about it. “Anyways, I’ve got to go shower and change and sleep. Yeah! Early schedule tomorrow! Goodnight!”

And just like that, Choi Siwon was out of the kitchen and was running for his room.

Jamie shook her head. “Silly kid. Why was he all red in the face?”

a/n: i can sense major drama ahead... please stay tuned!!!

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8