Perfect... Almost

Siwon's Wife

a/n: TADAH!!! i can't believe i actually manage to write a chapter and update this fic! it's been waaaaaayyyy tooooo loooong... and to those who is still anticipating... I LOVE YOU! i really do!!! Thank you very much!!!

“Someone’s happy.” Kyuhyun pointed out with a sly smirk. “Are you getting laid, hyung?”

Siwon choked on the water he was drinking and nearly spit on Sungmin’s face. “What?!!”

Hyukjae raised a brow at Siwon’s reaction, one eye contact with Kyuhyun and he understood what the maknae was playing at. He smirked and patted Siwon’s back to help him get air back into his lungs. “Relax, Simba! You are being obvious!”

Siwon glared at Hyukjae mockingly, “What are you guys talking about? Jamie and I… are… well… we are not doing anything inappropriate!” he blurted with his hands making wild gestures in the air.

“We believe you, Siwon.” Hyukjae nodded with a serious face.

“Good. Because all this talk about me and Jamie-”

“So how was it? The , I mean.” Hyukjae asked with a fervent expression on his face.

“HYUNG!” Siwon blurted out loudly. “I told you we are not doing anything indecent!”

“There is nothing indecent with that! You guys are married and it is perfectly acceptable for you to-” Hyukjae pointed out loudly, Siwon cutting him halfway with a palm on his mouth.

“We are not going to talk about that! Jamie is really special to me, okay? And right now we are-”

“Jeez! Are you planning to kill me?” Hyukjae managed to pry Siwon’s had away from his face before he suffocated. “And I get it that she’s really special to you. I was just kidding.”

“But I’m still curious as to why you seem so happy this past few days.” Kyuhyun stated.

Another bright smile grazed Siwon’s face. “Well, let’s just say that we are in very good terms. Especially that Han-sung-sshi and Jamie are nothing but friends.”

“We kind of figured that out ages ago, Siwon-ah.” Hyukjae pointed out.

“Don’t tell me that you guys are like… dating or something. Are you like a couple… officially?” Kyuhyun frowned curiously.

The smile on Siwon’s smile got even bigger if it was possible.

“No way.” Sungmin, who had been listening to the ridiculous conversation, gasped. “So you finally realized that you like her?”

“You make it sound as if I was that bad at realizing my own feelings.” Siwon pointed out with a pout.

“That’s because you were, hyung.” Kyuhyun replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Siwon hissed at Kyuhyun but the latter ignored his hyung… as per usual.

A knock on the door had the foursome’s attention.

“Jamie!” Hyukjae exclaimed, giving Siwon a sly grin before walking over to the girl and ushering her inside. “What brought you over to practice?”

Jamie smiled and handed Hyukjae a couple of large plastic containers. “Han-sung wanted me to see his girls’ progress and since it’s weekend and I had nothing to do I agreed, I decided to bring some food along too. I brought some for you guys.”

“Did I hear food?” Donghae’s voice sounded from  hallway before he came rushing into the room. “Jamie!” he exclaimed in delight. “FOOD!”

Donghae lunged for the food in Hyukjae’s hands but the latter started running. So a cat and mouse chase ensued, Sungmin yelling for the two to stop.
Siwon sighed and shook his head. He walked over to Jamie and gave her a hug.

“I’m jealous.” he murmured low enough that it was only her who heard.

Jamie squirmed into the hug lightly, feeling a little conscious because they were not alone and she was still getting used to the affectionate gestures while in public… if you can call three guys running after each other while another was getting it on camera as public.

When she noticed that no one was really giving them attention, she hugged him back, inhaling the scent that seemed to have grown on her. “Jealous? Why?”

“Because you actually came here for Han-sung and not me.” Siwon replied with a pout on his voice.

Jamie giggled and pinched Siwon’s side which made the guy squirm. “Really? You are so petty, Choi Siwon! I haven’t seen my best friend in days on end! We, on the other hand, see each other every day!”

Siwon chuckled and pried Jamie’s pinching fingers away from him, holding both of her wrists in one hand. “Petty? I am not being petty.” he drew Jamie closer, still keeping her wrists captured as he hugged her from the back, burying his face into her hair and murmuring softly, “I only want you looking at me and no one else. And besides, you are my wife. So you can’t cater to some other’s man’s wishes. Only mine.”

“You are being demanding, Mr. Choi, don’t you think so? You haven’t even asked me for a proper date.” Jamie teased.

“Hmmm…. Well, how about I ask you to one right now… Mrs. Choi.”

Jamie smiled to herself, putting her hands on top of Siwon’s arms after he had freed her wrists. Donghae had caught Hyukjae and was sitting on top of the latter’s back as he devoured some of the rice cakes Jamie had brought, Sungmin was sighing over and over while Kyuhyun was still getting everything on camera. It was so not the ideal place for someone to ask a girl for a date but Jamie couldn’t have asked for more.

“I’m really happy.” she said as Siwon’s arms brought her closer to him.

“Mhm? Why is that?”

“Because… you’re here.” she replied.

“Really now? Even if these guys I call friends are worse than kids left on a candy store all on their own?”

Jamie laughed and nodded. “Yeah… they are like your brothers. And they are a part of you. And I like you. Everything about you.”

Siwon smiled into her hair. “I’m really happy that you are here with me too.”

“Yah! You lovebirds stop making so much mush in the practice room!” a booming voice yelled. “And what the heck are you doing on top of that monkey, Donghae? Get off him before he breaks a bone or something!”

It was Kangin, Yesung and Shindong coming into the practice room after him, the three of them going for a water break after a grueling practice the whole morning.

Jamie’s cheeks turned a slight shade of red for being called out for the PDA, she slightly squirmed to et out of Siwon’s embrace but the guy did not let her go. She gave up with a sigh; looks like Siwon is much more comfortable about showing his feelings around his brothers now. And it’s not as if she is embarrassed, she’s just still on the process of… processing all of this. But besides that, she was truly happy.

Kangin successfully pried Donghae off Hyukjae, the latter groaning after the weight on his back was taken off.

“I feel like I’ve just been crushed by a truck.” Hyukjae groaned out loud with faux pain.

“Did you just indirectly called me fat?” Donghae glared, munching on a piece of rice cake rather furiously.

“Your words, not mine.” Hyukjae smartly sassed, stealing the cake Donghae was eating before sprinting out of the practice room.

Donghae let out a war cry, a fist in the air, and ran after Hyukjae, their noises echoing in the hallways outside the practice room and making the younger trainees and artists who were also having a break look at the duo rather curiously. But since the people in SM are more or less used to the chaos only SJ could ensue, they turned back to whatever they were doing after a few minutes as if there were no two people who reenacting a battle between an Indian and a cowboy in front of them.

Kangin sighed. “Aish, I wish Jungsu-hyung was already out of the military. By the time he comes back all my hair would have already turned white.”

“Don’t worry too much. Heechul will be back in a few months. He’d be able to handle them.” Shindong laughed. “Anyways, I’d have to go record some show in a few. But before that…” he eyed the containers of food lying on the floor, abandoned by the fish and the monkey. He went ot get his share of the treat and beamed at Jamie like a kid on Christmas. “Siwon, I absolutely love your wife.”

Jamie felt Siwon’s arm tighten around her a bit, “Go marry your own girlfriend!” he stuck his tongue out.

Jamie chuckled at the teasing Siwon got, loving the way Siwon was being playfully possessive while his group mates was teasing him even more.

Just then, the door opened and a bewildered Henry came in. “Uh, why did Eunhyuk-ge and Donghae-ge upturned a few tables, wear buckets as helmets, are firing crumpled paper soaked in water at each other? And why is Kyuhyun-ge have that evil look on his face as he record everything?”

“Do you really want to know?” Kangin asked the youngest.

Henry strolled inside, shaking his head. “I guess I’d save myself from the explanation, thank you very much. Hello, Jamie!”

Jamie greeted with a huge smile, congratulating the other for the success of his mini album. She had been busy with work that she had only been able to congratulate Henry through text message.

“Thank you. I’ll be expecting a meal as a proper congratulations.” Henry grinned cheekily.

“Aren’t you the one to treat her out instead since you should be celebrating?” Siwon pointed out.

“Fine! Are you free later? I’ve been eating Korean food for weeks on end, no offense hyungs, and I’m dying for homefood, even if it comes from a restaurant, if you know what I mean.” Henry groaned. “And all I’ve eaten close to non-Korean food is fried chicken!”

Jamie laughed. “Sure. I have a better idea though. Why don’t you come over and I’ll come something for you? That would be better than restaurant food. Well, I’m not that good of a cook but-”

“Siwon-ge, I love your wife! Divorce her and I’ll marry her, okay?” Henry gasped dramatically.

“Go get yourself your own woman! She’s taken and I’m not planning on letting her go.” Siwon growled. “Why do you want her for yourselves?! Aish!”

Henry just laughed as the other guys in the room resumed their teasing, making Jamie even more red on the face and burrowing her face onto Siwon’s chest.

Someone knocked on the door and a boy who looked a heck lot like Siwon peered in. Jamie thought she was seeing a double for a minute there.

“Oh, Joonmyun! I mean, Suho! What are you doing here? Come in, come in!” Sungmin beckoned.

Joonmyun, or Suho, came in with a bashful look on his face, bowing lowly at the older guys in the room. “Uh, I didn’t mean to interrupt or something, sunbaes.”

“You weren’t interrupting anything.” Kangin waved a hand in the air dismissively. “Did you want something?”

Joonmyun looked at Siwon who still had Jamie inside his arms. “Well, I met a woman as I was coming today. She was looking for Siwon-sunbae. And since she was allowed in, I guess the management knew her. She didn’t know where you were at so she asked me if I cold find you for her.”

Siwon frowned a bit. He had not been expecting anyone since he had no other schedules for the day but for the practice they have for the upcoming single they were working at. “Really now? Did she tell you her name?”

“She said her name was Kang Hyemin.” Joonmyun replied and left after another bow, saying that he still need to attend the practice of his own group.

Jamie felt something change in Siwon’s hold. She asked him if he indeed knew the girl and he said he did. He excused himself and said that he’d just go and meet Hyemin. Something was nagging at Jamie at the back of her mind, but she doesn’t understand what it was. Maybe she was just being paranoid because now that her and Siwon are officially… official, she was already expecting more to come with the relationship they have. It’s not an arrangement made by their parents for them but something they had chosen to have themselves. Along with it comes the expectations and fears, so maybe she was just being slightly jealous since it was a girl that Siwon was going to meet, she rationalized with herself.

“Kang Hyemin? Why does that name sound familiar?” Henry thought aloud.

Jamie realized that the room had grown eerily silent ever since Joonmyun had left. She looked around and the boys were looking anywhere but her, making her suspicious.

“Ah-hah! I know who she is now!” Henry clapped his hands once. “I remember Siwon-ge mentioning her a lot back then!”

“Hush, Henli!” Sungmin said. “Just come here and eat with us.”Jamie grew a little suspicious, something about how the boys were suddenly being quiet is making bells at the back of her head ring.

“Who is Kang Hyemin, Henry?” she asked, holding the boy back.

“She’s nothing really special, Jamie. Come on eat before all the food is gone.” Sungmin beckoned.

“I’ve already eaten, thanks Sungmin.” Jamie declined politely. She turned back to Henry who was fidgeting a bit, looking at her and Sungmin back and forth. It made her even more suspicious; there was something that they were not telling her about this Kang Hyemin woman.

Henry sighed, looking at Jamie. “It’s really nothing important, Jamie. She’s just…”

Jamie looked at Henry eagerly, wanting him to continue.

“If I remember correctly, she used to be Siwon-ge’s girlfriend. They go way back before he even debuted. It was along time ago and you shouldn’t worry, okay?” Henry smiled reassuringly. “Now, let’s go eat, I’m starving.”

Jamie let herself be guided towards the corner where the others were sitting and eating the food she brought. There was a battle going on inside her. She knew that what Henry said was true, and it makes sense too. Kang Hyenmi is just and old girlfriend, there should be nothing to worry about. The woman was from Siwon’s past while Jamie is Siwon’s wife, even if the circumstances how they had come to that point in their lives were not ideal in their point of view, Jamie is still Siwon’s present and Kang Hyenmi is his past.

But why is she still bothered? Why does it feel like something big was going to happen; something she was going to end up not liking?

a/n : so yeah... i decided to put another OC character here... and surprise! SUHO made an appearance (that's because i'm going gaga over GROWL)

hang in there my darlings... fighting!

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8