I Don't Like It

Siwon's Wife

a/n: special mention to mssS407, beacause i think you're a psychic (how are you so dead on when it comes to guessing the next chapters?)

When Jamie opened the apartment door, she was greeted by loud snoring and unmistakable drunken singing of a familiar voice. Something she never expected to see in Siwon’s apartment, their apartment.

It’s quite late and she didn’t call Siwon to tell him she got into an accident. She didn’t let her parents know too since she knew they’d just worry. Han-sung disagreed about not letting her parents know (he didn’t know about Siwon and her) but she managed to convince him since she was okay and wasn’t hurt seriously. Han-sung insisted on bringing her home, and she allowed him to bring her to the apartment complex where she lives with Siwon but didn’t let him come up. It isn’t new or awkward for them to be in each other’s apartment since they’re practically siblings, but because Han-sung still doesn’t know about Jamie and Siwon’s arrangement, she didn’t allow him to send her up, reasoning that he should go home since it’s late.

“What the heck…” Jamie muttered as she walked into the workroom at the end of the hallway.

Siwon has an almost empty bottle of soju on one hand and holding a microphone on the other. He was belting to a pop song of a famous American boy band, holding the bottle towards the TV screen as if to toast with it. Heechul was sleeping on the small couch, snoring through the other microphone, his snores mixing with Siwon’s drunken singing and reverberating inside the workroom like an odd sort of funny song.

Jamie walked towards Siwon to see how drunk he was but she jumped towards Heechul when he started falling from the couch. Jamie’s hold on his head awakened him.

“Oh, Jamie!” Heechul slurred a bit as he sat on the couch. “You really are alright.” he grinned. “I wonder why Simba still wanted to get drunk with me.”

Jamie frowned. “What are you talking about?” she helped the other up.

Siwon had his back to them and was still singing his lungs out. Jamie mentally thanked the heavens that the workroom was soundproofed since it also serves as a dance floor when Siwon practices.

“Nothing really.” Heechul waved a had in the air. He picks up his things from the table which was littered with cans of beverages and some soju bottles. “I’m just confused as to why Simba (hicks) is upset when you’re clearly fine. (hicks)”

Jamie had to catch Heechul when he swayed dangerously as he maneuvered his way to the door. She groaned a the weight. Who knows the skinny man could be that heavy?

“I don’t understand you. What are you talking about? Do I look not okay to you?” Jamie groaned as she made Heechul sat back down to the couch.

Heechul grinned at Jamie drunkenly, leaning on the backrest with an equally drunken sigh. “Well, you were unconscious when you were brought to the hospital. (hicks) But Siwon said you’re okay. (hicks and belches loudly) That trainer told him you were okay. But he still wanted to get drunk…” Heechul’s eyelids started to fall. “I don’t get him…” he slurred.

Jamie frowned at Heechul who was starting to fall asleep again on the couch. “What the heck? Siwon was at the hospital?” she asked herself, looking at Siwon who was now downing the bottle.

Heechul suddenly jerked up, causing Jamie to jumped.

“I (hicks) need to go home… (hicks) still got work tomorrow…” Heechul slurred through half-open eyelids.

Jamie sighed. She pushed Heechul back to the couch. “Go to sleep. You can‘t drive in this state anyways.”

Heechul grinned widely at Jamie, letting himself be maneuvered to a more comfortable position. “That’s why I really like you (hicks). If  Siwon doesn’t like you (hicks) I would definitely (hicks) take you as my wife (hicks)…” and then he’s snoring again.

“Yeah, right.” Jamie shook her head at the snoring Heechul. “You just like me to cook and do chores for you.” she turned to Siwon who had dropped his empty bottle on the pile beside the table and was searching for another one, “Yah, Choi Siwon! That’s enough! You’re drunk!” she reprimanded.

Siwon turned to face Jamie, surprised. He got the deer's-eyes-caught-in-headlights-look for a second before he turned and continued to look for another bottle, ignoring Jamie.

Jamie was kind of stunned at the treatment she got. Siwon, even if he’s drunk or whatever, is never the one to ignore people. He’s too much of a polite person for that. She went over to snatch the bottle Siwon found and placed it away from the drunk guy. The microphone went away next.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Siwon asked outloud.

Siwon shouting is another something Jamie is surprised to see. It’s like she’s talking to Heechul instead.

“You’re drunk. Go to bed.” Jamie said. “I’ll clean this up so Heechul-sshi can sleep well tonight. Why did you even drag him to a drinking session?” she shook her head.

“I can drink whenever I want. I can invite whoever I want. I can do whatever I want!” Siwon said, walking past Jamie towards the door. “It’s my place.”

Now this is just something Jamie never even dreamt she would ever see. Alright, Siwon is drunk. But even if he was, she never thought she’d see him pissed off like this. All those articles and blogs about him she had read say so. And when she had talked with his friends about him, they all say he’s such a gentleman, that if there’s a perfect guy anyone could ask for, it would be him.

She followed him out of the door. He went to the fridge and took a can of beer, opening it immediately and taking a long slug, almost emptying it. Jamie leaned on the counter island, taking in Siwon’s blank expression. She couldn’t really tell if he was drunk since his face was a scary blank mask.

“Siwon…” she started quietly. “I’m sorry if I made you upset. I didn’t meant to. I’m just worried since you’re  kind of drinking too much. Even Heechul-sshi is quite worried.”

Siwon was quiet as he stood by the refrigerator, the can of beer still in hand.

Jamie sighed silently. “Alright. If you still want to drink, then do as you like. I wont bother you anymore.” she left the counter island reluctantly with her shoulders down. She might have patched things up with her best friend but things between her and Siwon seems to be getting really bumpy.

Ever since that kiss the other day, they hadn’t really talk to, or even had seen, each other that much.

She had been avoiding him she admits. But it wasn’t because she hates him for kissing her without her permission. It’s because she feels awkward around him. She tries not to think about him because when she does, it always end up in remembering that kiss. And not thinking about him is really hard to do. It’s like when you tell yourself not think of elephants and all you can think about are elephants. She doesn’t want  to get awkward around him so she tries not think about the kiss, but all she could think about is him and the kiss. And it makes her feel weird inside, squirmy and spacey and… she can’t really explain. He just seem to fill her mind wherever she look.

And now… Siwon seems to be angry at her for some reason she can’t really point out. Had he gotten fed up of her? Tired of keeping her a secret? Tired of looking out for her? He’s such a good person and she knows that even if she tells him not to, he’d take care of her. Had he finally got enough of it?

Why does it bothers her if it was? Why does it hurt?

“You were brought to the hospital today.” Siwon’s cold voice resounded on the dimly lit kitchen. “Why didn’t you even let me know?”

Jamie stopped in her tracks. So Heechul was telling her the truth, not just because he’s drunk. “I… I didn’t want you to worry.” she answered truthfully.

“And you already made up with Han-sung. You didn’t tell me that too.” Siwon added, voice still cold.

Jamie turned to face Siwon. “You know? But I haven’t told anyone-” she suddenly realized that Siwon must have been at the hospital that whole time that she was unconscious and after that. He must have been there too when she had made up with Han-sung. “You were at the hospital when…”

Siwon threw the beer can on the bin. “Would you believe me if I tell you that I felt it when you were in danger?” he chuckled hollowly. “I don’t know if I was even dreaming of you, but when I woke up, you were the one I was thinking of.” he said, looking at the wall opposite to the refrigerator. “My heart was beating so fast I thought it was going to rip itself out of my chest. And I knew something had gone wrong.”

Jamie followed Siwon’s hand as it went to his chest.

“I wanted to find you that instant and make sure that you were alright. That all those worries were just inside my head. I kept thinking that if you did get hurt, then I wouldn’t know what to do.” Siwon paused. “And then I saw Yoon Han-sung carrying you to the hospital unconscious. My heart nearly burst out with worry then.”

“Siwon…” Jamie didn’t really know what to say. So all this time he was worried and it seems like avoiding telling him about what happened was useless. “Why didn’t you let me know that you were at the hospital? I didn’t know you were there. If I had-”

“What would you do? If I showed myself then you probably wouldn’t had the chance to talk to Yoon Han-sung and made up with him.”

Jamie bowed her head. “Yeah… maybe you’re right…” she agreed.

“It’s weird you know.” Siwon chuckled again, running his fingers through his hair. “I should feel happy for you. You finally got him back.” he looked at Jamie. “Then why do I hate it?”

Jamie looked back at Siwon. What was he talking about?

Siwon walked silently towards Jamie until he was barely a hairbreadth away from her.

“This feeling that he’s taking you away from me…” he said quietly, face inches away from Jamie. “I hate it.”

Jamie couldn’t breathe. What was Siwon saying? Why would he feel that Han-sung was taking her away from him? How come he’s suddenly possessive? Or was he just really drunk despite the clear un-drunken way he talks?

And then Siwon’s warm hands were cupping her face as he looked intently into her eyes.

“I can’t let him take you away…please just be by my side…” Siwon said almost in a whisper.

Jamie still couldn’t say a word. Not when Siwon was breathing the same air she was with the (really tiny) gap between them.

And then Heechul’s wretching was heard through the open door of the work room. He still had the microphone near him when he threw up. And Jamie forgot to turn the sound system off.

His head was pounding as if he had just been run over with a ten-wheeler truck. He wants to just lie on the bed all day but he knows he got schedules to attend and he’s got get up. A pitcher of ice-cold water, a really cold bath, and probably a couple of aspirin will do the trick. He just need to find out how to work his limbs without using his brain because it feels like it’s going to burn a fuse and blow up soon if he tries to use his head.

“Wow, you really look awful.” a soft familiar voice said.

Siwon’s eyes shot wide open. He’s greeted by a smirking Jamie with her head cradled by her palms, a brow raised cheekily as she looked at him. He realized that he’s lying on his bed and Jamie was sitting on the floor next to the head part of the bed, and was facing him. And that that snarky smile was just inches away from his face.

He jerked his head backward suddenly, causing for a strong jolt of pain ring inside his skull, making him groan.

“Heechul told me to prepare a whole bottle of aspirin for you.” Jamie grinned, still holding her position on the bed.

“And you did?” Siwon asked, voice hoarse. He massaged his head with a hand to try and ease the pain. It didn’t work like how he expected.

“Nope.” Jamie answered. She grinned widely when Siwon raised a thick brow at her. “I only prepared half.”

Siwon couldn’t help but to smile.

Jamie smiled back before standing up. She held a hand towards Siwon.

“What?” Siwon asked, looking at Jamie’s outstretched hand.

“Get up. You’ve got schedules, right? I prepared a hangover soup for you. Come on!” Jamie shook her hand insistently.

Siwon looked at Jamie’s hand and then her face. How would it feel if he wakes up everyday and see her smile first thing in the morning? He couldn’t help but to think that even the worst hangover will suddenly disappear just with that smile. Just like how it is now.

Siwon reached out and hold Jamie’s hand. Jamie pulled Siwon up, groaning. “You’re…hea…vy.”

Siwon laughed as he got to his feet with Jamie’s help. He slung an arm on Jamie’s shoulder. “You better give me that half-a-bottle aspirin. My head’s going to blow.” he said, still laughing even if his head felt like it was still being pounded.

Jamie led Siwon to the living room where she had prepared a steaming hangover soup, a cup of coffee, a few pancakes, a pitcher of ice-cold water, and a bottle of aspirin.

“I thought you were just joking about the aspirin.” Siwon picked the bottle up.

“Heechul-sshi really did tell me to prepare that. Well… he actually went through the medicine cabinet and found that. He also drank the first batch of hangover soup I made.” Jamie shrugged.

Siwon just smiled. “What time did he leave? I hope he didn’t get late with his work.”

“It’s fine. And Heechul-sshi left just about an hour ago. He said he didn’t have to be too early today because if he did, he wouldn’t have gotten drunk with you.”

Siwon scratched his head in embarrassment. “I’m sorry. I’ll take care of the mess we did.”

“I already did. We can’t use the workroom anytime soon though. It still reeks.” Jamie scrunched her nose. “Anyways… about yesterday…I really didn’t want you to worry. That’s why I didn’t call you. I didn’t even tell my parents about it.”

Siwon could remember what happened last night, what he said… what he almost did. He thought he could just avoid talking about it but it seems like Jamie wasn’t going to let him. “It’s fine.” he looked at Jamie. “But I really would appreciate it if you would tell me if something happens… I… I do want to be there if you need me… if you would just let me…”

“I just don’t want people worrying about me.” Jamie replied. “And about Han-sung-”

“Forget what I said last night.” Siwon cut in. “I was drunk. I can’t remember half of what I did or say last night.” what a lie. “But I really am happy for the two of you. It’s good to know that you two are now okay. At least I wont be surprised again and see you trying to drown yourself in the shower.” he tried to put on his best smile.

Jamie just looked at Siwon. Can’t he really remember what happened the night before? So… what almost happened was just because of alcohol? But he didn’t seem to be drunk!

Suddenly, Jamie’s phone rang. She fished it out of her pocket. “Excuse me.” she said before turning her back at Siwon and answering the phone as she made her way to the balcony.

Siwon couldn’t help but to feel a stab in his chest when Jamie answered her phone with a cheerful ‘Han-sunggie!’. What’s wrong with him? He knows he shouldn’t feel jealous. Han-sung is Jamie’s best friend. And if they do get past that kind of relationship, then who was he to stop them? He did tell Jamie that her heart wasn’t tied to him like how she was tied to him with the marriage. There’s no reason for him to stop her from doing what she wants. Nothing at all.

Jamie came back. “I…it is okay if I stay at my parents tonight? Han-sung is coming over for dinner and wants to catch up with things with my parents…”

And he also wants to catch up with things with you, Siwon added inside his head. He sported his biggest smile, “Sure. I have a really late schedule anyways. At least you’ll have company.”

“Alright. Thanks.” Jamie smiled and went to her room to prepare some things.

Siwon looked at the food on the table but he’s got no appetite at all. “What a liar. You don’t even have anything but a photoshoot today.” he chuckled to himself.

a/n: oooohhh.... Siwonnie... liar's go to hell!! hehe...

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon..
Hahs..so i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8