Silly Siwon

Siwon's Wife

a/n: please read and comment on my note at the end of the chapter...

anyways, enjoy my darlings!

His head is still buzzing a bit but practicing with Donghae and Hyukjae was steadily drowning the throb away. An hour or so with dancing and goofing around with his friends and the hangover would be gone.

“Hey, Siwon, how about we call it a day, huh? I’ve got some show to attend in a couple of hours.” Hyukjae said as the music dies down.

Donghae went to turn the music off before the next track starts. He picked up bottles of water and tossed it to the other two who promptly fell to the floor in sweaty messes.

“Sure. You guys go on ahead, I’ll stay for a few more minutes.” Siwon replied, chugging half of his water.

“Is Jamie-sshi going to be alright on her own?” Donghae asked.

“Yeah. I guess.” Siwon shrugged, feeling his shirt stick on his back.

“Yah, why are you like that? I thought you like her? Why are you suddenly acting indifferent?” Hyukjae asked.

Siwon was silent.

“Yah, Siwonnie. Did the two of you fight or something?” Donghae prodded too.

“Whys is it when I’m sullen you always think it’s because of Jamie?” Siwon groaned.

“Well, its not as if it’s because of anything else. Or anyone else.” Hukjae shrugged.

“Don’t tell me you’re cheating on Jamie!” Donghae blurted out.

“What? No! I’m never going to do that!” Siwon was suddenly sitting up, frowning at his two friends. “Even if she doesn’t like me back, I will never cheat on her!” he said.

“Even if she doesn’t like you back? Does that mean you like her?” Hyukjae’s eyes went wide, a gummy grin on his face. “Yah, Choi Siwon! You like her!” he pointed a finger at Siwon, laughing.

Donghae joined in, laughing too and congratulating Siwon. He sobered faster than Hyukjae though. “But you said she doesn’t like you back. Does she like anyone else then?”

Siwon sighed. He looked anywhere but the other two. “Yeah. She does.”

Hyukjae and Donghae went silent.

But just then, Siwon shoot up from the floor and almost broke the door from its hinges in his hurry. The other two called out in surprise before following when Siwon seemed to not hear them.

Siwon frowned hard at what he was seeing. It’s Yoon Han-sung.

Yoon Han-sung holding hands this other choreographer guy whom Siwon had met a few weeks back, one of the fresh talents whom the agency had hired to help with creating new dance with the older choreographers. And the two were not only holding hands, the other guy had just kissed Han-sung on the cheek before they part ways. And it wasn’t just a friendly kiss either!

Siwon was sill frozen on that one spot when Han-sung turned and saw him. Han-sung’s eyes went wide like a deer’s caught in headlights.

“You…” Siwon is still a little bit on the process of taking in what he had just saw.

“Choi Siwon-ssi…” Han-sung uttered, mind racing yet blank. “I… I can explain. Ken and I… we are…”

“I can’t believe you’re going to break her heart like that!” Siwon said, voice grim.

“What?” Han-sung was at loss. “What do you mean?”

“Jamie! You sure know she likes you yet you’re with this guy! How could you!” Siwon almost spat.

Han-sung frowned before he realized what Siwon had meant. “You don’t mean it like I’m cheating on Jamie or something right, because that would just be awfully wrong.” he said slowly, seeing that Siwon’s expression seems like he’s going to eat Han-sung for dinner.

“Aren’t you?” Siwon glared.

“No!” Han-sung had this urge to laugh but he doesn’t know if Siwon would not actually kill him if he does so he chuckled instead, “Siwon-ssi, Jamie and I are just friends.”

“Well, that’s what you think. She likes you more than that. You should know it by now since you know her too well!” Siwon growled. “And yet you are going to hurt her!”

Han-sung sighed, taking up the few steps towards the fuming Siwon. “Siwon-ssi, you better talk to Jamie. You are assuming too many things. I think it’s time you talk to her about it.” he patted Siwon’s shoulders before walking past him.

Siwon frowned at what Han-sung said, turning to look at the other guy, “What do you mean?”

“Talk to Jamie, Siwon-ssi. You’ll thank me for it later!” Han-sung waved a hand in the air as he turned around a corner.

“What the heck?” Siwon asked himself.

Donghae and Hyukjae frowned at Siwon, having only to witness half of the conversation between their friend and the choreographer they had met a few weeks ago. Donghae tried to ask but Siwon said his goodbyes hastily and left.

“Well, we still have some time to get my prize.” Hyukjae muttered as Siwon left.

“Prize? What prize?” Donghae asked.

“For winning the bet about Siwon and Jamie.” Hyukjae grinned.

“Oh! Treat me to some ice cream! My bet was four weeks! I lost! Aish!” Donghae groaned.

“I told you Siwon was denser than what you think! It took him a couple of months and a half!” Hyukjae grinned wider.

“Yeah, I guess he is denser that what I think.”

“Jamie?” Siwon called as he  closed the door. No reply. “Jamie?” he called louder, dumping his duffel bag on the floor near the door, running towards the living room as soon as his shoes were off. “Jamie, where are you?”

Still there was no answer and he thought that Jamie must have gone out or something. He was about to call her when he heard a soft humming from the kitchen. Sure enough, Jamie was there with her headphones on, busy cooking. Somehow, he suddenly feel calm, seeing that she was there and he can see her. Something about just seeing her and hearing her voice makes his heart at ease.

He walked closer until he was just a foot away from her, he could smell her scent. That scent he had grown so accustomed to. That scent he had grown to love.

Jamie felt the hair on her nape stand. It was not of the creepy sort but she turned just out of curiosity as to why she was feeling that way. Before she can actually turn around though, someone hugged her from the back, an arm slipping on her waist as she was huddled closer to another’s body.

“Siwon?” she asked, confused as to why suddenly Siwon was acting like this when he wouldn’t even look at her for the past couple of weeks?

Siwon just answered with a hum, burying his nose on Jamie’s hair. He held closer until she squirmed, turning the stove off before pushing Siwon a little bit so she could move.

“Are you on drugs or something?” Jamie asked tentatively with a smile. She tried backing up so she can slip out of Siwon’s grasp but she only ended up being pressed back to the counter. “Yah… you’re creeping me out. What is wrong with you?” she pouted.

Siwon fought the urge to lean in and press his lips on the pout. “Han-sung… he’s dating Ken.” he said, gouging Jamie’s reaction.

Jamie’s eye widened. “How…did you know?” she asked nervously. She’s pretty sure that Siwon is unlike other people who judges homouals, he won’t condemn Han-sung and Ken just because they love each other, right? But that still does not make her at ease. And just how the heck did Siwon know about the two? Only her, Allie, and probably Eunsuk and her parents, know about Han-sung and Ken, the reason why she was drunk the night before.

“I saw them earlier.” he answered. “Jamie…can you…can you like me instead of him?’ he whispered, closing his eyes and burying his face against Jamie’s neck again.


“Can… can you look at me instead of him? He’s got someone else…”

Jamie prodded Siwon off from her shoulder, she was close to kicking him since his hair was tickling her, “Seriously, Siwon, whatever you got high on, please don’t take it anymore. You’re being weird!”

Siwon sighed. “Is that all you’ve got to say? I just told you Han-sung is dating some guy!”

Jamie scoffed playfully, “I know. What I don’t know is why you’re acting like-”

“You know?” Siwon’s eyebrows almost disappeared on his hairline, taking a step away from Jamie but not letting go. “You know he’s-”

“Gay? Yeah. I knew even before he knew himself I think.” Jamie cut in, she used Siwon’s renewed distance to slip his arms completely off her. “Now go sober up or something. You are really weird today.” she said before slipping off.

Siwon followed. “You know yet you still like him!?”

Jamie abruptly turned, Siwon almost colliding with her. “Oh for the nth time already! Han-sung is my best friend! I do not like him like that, alright? Why would you think that? And worse, why would you tell Heechul about that?” she groaned.

“I--wait what? Did Heechul-hyung talk to you?” Siwon stopped Jamie by the arm. “What did he say?”

Jamie frowned. “Why? Was he not supposed to say anything?” she tries hard not to let Heechul’s words affect her but she’s pretty sure that she’s blushing.

“I uh…”

“What? Was he not supposed to say something? Like…” she baited, almost enjoying it for her own good. A part of her want’s to make fun of Siwon, a kickback for ignoring her, but also it’s because she wants to know if what Heechul had said was really true. When Siwon didn’t answer though, she took it as Heechul bluffing yet again. And though she won’t admit it to anyone else, it hurts. Because she knows that she likes him. Even if she probably will never admit it to anyone else now that Siwon seemed to not like her at all.

With spirits suddenly low, Jamie ce again, shrugging Siwon’s hand off her arm rather forcefully. Before she could take another step though, Siwon pulled her around and hugged her tight, not letting go even if she was struggling.

“Yah! Let me go! I’ve had enough of your weirdness already!” Jamie protested to no avail, slumping into the hug when Siwon didn’t let up.

“Did Heechul-hyung mentioned about me… liking you?” Siwon asked.

Jamie stiffened. “W-what?”

“I didn’t know when…or even how and why, really. I just…” Siwon sighed, swaying side to side to relieve the tension he was feeling. He keeps his arms around Jamie because he’s not entirely sure if he can actually tell her he likes her if she was looking at him in the eyes. “I just realized that I can’t take you off my mind anymore. I don’t know how but somehow I can’t see you as just a friend anymore, no matter what our circumstances are. And when you said that you like Han-sung it hurts. Even if you say it was drunken talk, it still hurts and I just can’t take it anymore. I like you. I really do.” he confessed. “So can you look at me instead of Han-sung?”

Jamie was silent for a minute… before she started giggling. And then laughing out right, causing for Siwon to release her from the hug, though keeping her in arms length.

“I’ve just told you that I do not like Han-sung like that. He’s got Ken and I don’t think Ken’s going to share Han-sung with me.” Jamie laughed.

“But last night-”

“Last night I was drunk, Siwon. I talk way too much when I’m drunk.” Jamie grinned.

“Oh.” Siwon’s face flushed.

“Yeah, ‘oh’.” Jamie teased. “But you know, not because I’m a blabbermouth when I’m drunk means I am liar.”

Siwon’s head snapped and he looked directly in Jamie’s eyes. “You mean…”

Jamie smiled before holding Siwon’s face delicately and brushing her lips on his. “I like you. A lot.” another kiss. “I think it was when you took care of me when Han-sung came back and I tried to drown myself in tears. I don’t really know either… but I am sure that I really like you and… I like being with you.” a peck on the lips. “Even if you like going to the gym than spending time with me, I still like you.” and another. “Even if there’s more bottle of coke inside the fridge than other liquids we actually need.” and another one. “I like you.” one more. “Even if you’re someone I shouldn’t probably like.”

Jamie couldn’t even tell if who was kissing who. What she knows is she doesn’t want to let Siwon go.
Siwon chuckled at what Jamie was saying, meeting her lips with his own. He can’t help it if he feels like he had just swallowed the sun or something.

“Have dinner with me?” Siwon asked as he continued on swaying side o side with Jamie in his arms.

“Like a date?” Jamie grinned, face buried on Siwon’s chest.

“Yeah.” Siwon shrugged.

“Aren’t we going backwards with things?” Jamie chuckled, “Besides, I’ve already cooked dinner.”

“You’re right. We don’t want it to go to waste.” Siwon replied. “Well… since we are going all rumble-jumble about this relationship thing…” he paused, “What are we, Jamie? I mean, we got married… and I’ve just told you I like you…and you said you like me back… so… you’re my girlfriend?” he frowned.
Jamie laughed. “Silly Siwon. I am your wife.”

a/n: a little help guys!

should i continue this fic?? or should i just end it there?

there is still a little twist and turn on this story but i kind of think that it had been going too long. (because my updates are far in between and are really long chapters...pssshhh, i'm such a fail)

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8