After All...

Siwon's Wife

A dull headache and soreness on random parts of her body greeted Jamie when she woke up. She blinked a few times to reorient herself since everything seems blurry and foggy, and the world felt like it’s spinning on it’s axis faster than usual.

The last thing she remembered was that truck coming towards her and thinking that she was sure going to die at the age of 22. And then someone slammed into her, knocking her to the ground. Then she passed out.

And now… she’s in this dome kind of cubicle with a bed surrounded by curtains. Everything was white it hurts her eyes. She could hear people talking in low voices just behind the curtains and when a familiar smell hits her, she became pretty sure that she’s inside a place she never wanted to visit ever in her life. A hospital.

The curtain at the foot of the bed parted.

“Teach! You’re awake!” Insoo exclaimed with relief before grinning that boyish grin he always have. “I thought you were going to sleep until next week.”

A hand came flying and hitting Insoo at the back of his head. “Quit goofing around!” Yoojin snarled, pushing the aside and letting herself in to the cubicle. “Ms. Song, are you alright? You made us pretty worried. The last thing we saw was you running out the restaurant and then you were almost got hit!” tears were pooling on the sides of her eyelids.

Jamie managed to smile, sitting up on the bed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” she patted the girl’s head. “Did your other friends went home already? Shouldn’t you be going too? I’ll be fine.”

“We sent them home since the nurses were getting annoyed with the lot of us. Ina is outside though. Only the three of us were allowed to stay.”

“Oh…” Jamie nodded. Somehow she’d a bit disappointed that someone wasn’t there to check up on her. “You three can go now. I think nothing’s broken…somehow.” she grinned. “I’ll be fine enough to get my self home.”

“The doctor did say that you’d be okay. But we couldn’t leave until we see you awake.” Insoo said. “I was kind of afraid you hit your head or something. Then you’d forget about how good I was earlier!”

“You’re such an , aren’t you? Ms. Song nearly got hit and you’re still joking around!” Yoojin glared at the boy.

“It’s fine, it’s fine.” Jamie laughed weakly. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“Oh, but it wasn’t us who brought you here, miss.” Yoojin said, shaking her head.

Just then, a doctor parted the curtain and came in. Jamie’s breath stilled when she saw a familiar face follow the doctor inside. Han-sung.

“How are you feeling, Ms. Song?” the doctor asked jauntily. He seemed like a carefree one, if the spiky hairstyle and a pierced ear doesn’t shout it out. “Nothing is out of place, is there?” he asked with a grin.

Jamie shook her head, still looking at Han-sung, who was looking at the curtain at the back of Yoojin’s head. “No… I don’t think there is.”

The doctor chuckled. “Well, I suggest that you get a lot of rest in the next two days. The nearly-getting-killed experience might have shaken you a bit but I assure you that you didn’t break anything. You can go after you feel well enough to do so.” he turned to Han-sung. “Please just settle things at the cashier.”

Han-sung turned and thanked the doctor. He followed him out without a word.

“Han-sung hyung brought you here. He nearly broke the emergency room’s door when it didn’t open fast enough.” Insoo stated. “But he didn’t even talk to you just now.” he frowned. “Sometimes I don’t get him. One time he’d be worried to death and the next he’ll ignore you!”

“He…brought me here?” Jamie asked Insoo.

“Yeah, Teach.  He was the one who saved you from that truck. And then he brought you here when you went unconscious.” Insoo explained. “I think I believe that the story was really about the two of you now.”

Jamie remembered why she ran after Han-sung. That story he was telling the students. She wants to know if it was true. That he wants to see her. She’s dying to know if he really still wants to see her after all these years. Even after he actually told her he doesn’t want to see her again.

Han-sung came in again, a piece of paper in hand. “The bill‘s been taken care of. The two of you help your teacher go home, alright?”

“Us?” Yoojin pointed at herself. “But-”

Suddenly, Ina came rushing in, phone in her ear. “Hey, you guys! We need to go! The rest of the group is already starting the next performance!”

“What?” Yoojin almost shrieked, eyes going wide. “I told them to go home for the rest of the day! Why would they go performing?!”

“Without us?” Insoo was suddenly hyper. “They can’t do that? I’m the star of the show!”

“Idiot! Since when did you became the star of the show?” Yoojin scoffed. “Han-sung oppa, we can’t send Ms. Song home. I’m kind of responsible for those other kids. I need to be there. Can you take care of Ms. Song for us?” she pleaded.

“Yeah, hyung! Stay with her.” Insoo patted the older guy on the back, then pulled Yoojin by the arm out of the small cubicle. “Call us if you home alright, Teach! See ya!”

“But-” Han-sung and Jamie tried to stop the kids from leaving but the three were soon out of the emergency room.

Silence followed after. Jamie sat awkwardly on the bed, worrying the material of the blanket over her lap. Han-sung stood stiffly near the opened curtain.

“Uh…” Jamie cleared . “I…thank you. For saving me. And for paying the bill. I’ll pay you back, don’t worry.” she said in a small voice.

Han-sung glanced at Jamie for a second before looking out of the curtain once again. It took him a while to reply, making Jamie think that he didn’t really want to talk to her, unlike what Ina said according to his stories.

“Don’t bother with the money. It was partly my fault why you almost got hit.” Han-sung said quietly.

Jamie snapped her head and looked at Han-sung who was still looking everywhere but her. He actually replied. Is there still hope that everything about them will be back to how it was back then?

As she entertained the sudden glimmer of hope, she noticed the bandage on Han-sung’s elbow and lower arm. “What happened to your arm?” she asked worriedly. And then she remembered that Han-sung supposedly had saved her from the truck. She realized that he must have gotten it when he saved her. Tears pricked her eyes. “I… I’m sorry.”

Han-sung looked at his arm and shrugged, “It’s just a small gash. Nothing serious.”

Tears started falling down Jamie’s face. She sniffed silently, wiping the tears with the back of her hand. “I’m sorry. I really am.” she apologized again, voice quavering a bit.

“Look, I said it’s nothing. Just go rest so you can go home.” Han-sung snapped. He froze when he hear Jamie  sniffing silently. If he didn’t turn, he wouldn’t even know she was crying. He sighed inwardly. She’s still that same Janie he had always known. Always acting tough in front of everybody and trying hard not to let them see her weak side. It’s useless really for her to try and hide her tears from him. He knows her too well and could tell f he’s crying even if she tries to hide it. She can fool anyone else, but not him.

And he feels like a real right now for making her cry. He wants to tell her he’s really alright, pat her head like he used too and make those tears go away.

But then that stupid side of him still yells that he should be angry at her. And she deserves those tears.

“I…” Jamie fought hard not to let her voice shake. “I’m sorry…”

“Stop apologizing, darn it! It won’t change anything!” Han-sung snapped again, this time facing Jamie. He felt his heart break at the sight of Jamie’s bowed head, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, and sniffling silently.

“It’s just not for what happened earlier…” Jamie started. “I’m sorry…if every time I’m with you, you end up being hurt…” she sniffed once again, failing to contain the tears running down her cheeks. “I’m sorry…if because of me…you always end up in a bad situation…” a sob escaped her as memories from their childhood suddenly came into her mind. “I didn’t know how to face you… when the doctor said you might never use your legs again I…” she shut her eyes tightly, clutching at the blanket furiously until her knuckles turned white. “I was so scared that you will hate me forever… I didn’t know how to… I felt so guilty…it was all my fault…I didn’t want to hear that you hate me from your own lips… I was scared….so scared…” she let the sobs wrack her body. “I was such a coward to face you… but I’m really sorry…if I didn’t make you take me to… if you had just… if you had just didn’t put yourself between me and the windshield then… ” she couldn’t continue since the memories of the accident was suddenly filing her thoughts. After a few moments she chuckled hollowly,

“And look what I have done again… you’re hurt again for saving me…”

Jamie froze when she felt a hand pat the top of her head.

“Is that why you never see me at the hospital?” Han-sung asked. His voice was calm and soft, but he felt like breaking inside, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. He can’t believe he actually harbored resentment towards Jamie all this time since the accident. “You were scared I will hate you because of what happened?”

Jamie’s answer were silent sniffles. She didn’t raise her head. Even though Han-sung had patted her head, something she only allow a number of people do to her, those people being Han-sung and her parents, she’s still uncertain if Han-sung had accepted her apologies.

And then a warm body enveloped her, a familiar hand rubbing her back in gentle circles.

“Bad girl.” Han-sung said gently, loving the feeling of hugging Jamie after what seemed to be a lifetime. “You never saw me at the hospital. You never contacted me after either. Do you know how much I hated you for that? I thought you abandoned me…” a tear fell from his eye. “You’re such a bad girl…” he reprimanded, hugging Jamie tighter. “Do you know how much I hated missing you as much as I hate you for never showing up in front of me again? It made me crazy! It made me do stupid things! I even purposely made you feel bad for that.”

Jamie cried on Han-sung’s chest, clutching at the hem of his shirt. He doesn’t hate her. Not the way she thought he hates her. She should have never been a coward. Everything wouldn’t have happened if she had just had the courage to face him.

Siwon was actually right after all. If she had explained… she wish Siwon was there. She’ll thank him when she gets home, she promised herself.

“I’m sorry Han-sungie… I never should have forced you to go with me to that competition… you wouldn’t have injured your legs…” Jamie cried.

“Shush…it was an accident, Jamie… you didn’t want it to happen as much as I did. It wasn’t anyone’s fault.” Han-sung said. “All this time you gave up your dancing because you blamed yourself for the accident. And all this time I thought that you abandoned me because I became a useless dancer with injured legs.  And I hated you… thinking that our friendship was that shallow for you.” he patted her head once again. “I’m sorry for that too…”

Jamie encircled her arms on Han-sung’s waist, crying into this shirt. “I really miss you, Han-sungie… so much…”

“Me too… me too…” Han-sung let a small smile grace his lips as he felt a huge burden inside him be lift up. If only they had talked about it back then, they would have had saved themselves from this kind of heartache.

And now that things had been cleared out, he hopes that the friendship the had build for years will be revived again. Because it’s something that no amount of anything could ever replace.

a/n: drama... as usual... hehehe..

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8