Coming to Haunt You Part 1

Siwon's Wife


Siwon looked at the piece of paper he had pinned on the wall above his desk. He shook his head. He still can’t believe he still have it. He did try to throw it to the bin, many times, but always end up picking it up and unfolding it once again. The number of creases it has is unbelievable it might have well gone through a shredder. He sighed.

“Am I going crazy?” Siwon asked himself. It had been almost a couple of weeks after Allie’s call. Almost a couple of weeks since he had written down this stupid list of what Jamie likes, and dislikes. He moved closer to the read what he had written on the paper, only to moved away again since his position wont allow him to move any closer unless he wants his knees to snap (he was sitting on his chair with his legs up on the desk, his arms crossed tightly on his torso because he was afraid they would go and pluck the paper off the wall and bring it to his eyes to read on their own accord). “I’m definitely going crazy!” he groaned. He pointed a finger at the paper, “I should just throw you out! You’re making me crazy! I shouldn’t have written you in the first place! It was a big mistake! And now-”

A knock on the door made him jump, causing him to fall to the floor on his . He hissed.

“Choi Siwon! Dinner!” Jamie called out. “Stop talking to yourself again!” her voice was already fading along with the soft tapping of her feet on the floor.
Siwon groaned. “Definitely going crazy!”

He stood up and dusted himself, making sure that his face was composed before going out to eat dinner Jamie had cook. She was ecstatic all day, the day being her first day at school as a teacher. She was grinning widely when she went home, a look of happiness and achievement on her face as she walked through the door. He had been home early since something went wrong with one of the things on his schedule. He was in a good mood since it meant he could rest early before starting another full-packed day the next day. The mood ‘plummeted’ when he saw that piece of paper on his wall.

“Siwon, does it taste that bad?” Jamie asked.

Siwon shook his head a bit, realizing that he had been picking on his food. “Huh? Oh, no! I’m sorry, did you say something?” he tried to smile and took a mouthful of what Jamie had cooked. It was delicious.

“You’re spacing out a lot lately. Are you okay?” Jamie asked concernedly.

“Yeah… I’m fine. It’s just…work. We’ve been very busy lately with al the appearances and such. And the crazy schedule for my tapings. And the heat. It’s all just catching up on me, I guess.” it wasn’t a lie. But it wasn’t the whole truth either. Just since when did he start telling half-truths?

Jamie nodded. “Drink lots of water, the heat is kind of worse this year, or maybe it’s just me. And don’t force yourself to much. Heechul told me that you tend to overdo things sometimes. You need to rest too, you know.”

“Ahrasso, ahjumma.” Siwon grinned. He likes it when Jamie gets a little bit fussy, God knows he doesn’t get it much from anyone at all. At least not from anyone that matters unless it was Ryeowook or Jungsu. He doesn’t get it from his mom since they seldom talk these days because of busy schedules, and Jiwon is also busy with her own life.

Jamie clucked her tongue at him, pouring a chilled tea on his glass. “Drink.”

Siwon just smiled and did as he was told. Ever since Jamie had moved in and the two of them got comfortable with each other, he had already tend to follow whatever she says concerning his health, or at least what is related to it.

Jamie’s phone rang, Siwon grinning since it was still his own silver phone, and she answered it. Siwon, normally, doesn’t tolerate this behavior, and he told Jamie about it when Eunsuk had called her in the middle of dinner some time ago. He grinned to himself once again when he remembered her answer, and also the way she looked with her mouthful of rice as she snapped at Eunsuk over the phone and answering him in a different tone the next moment. ‘If I excuse myself, then you’d be eating alone. I hated eating alone, and I hate it even more to let others feel the same way. So bear with it because I wont leave you, ahra?’, and then she snapped at Eunsuk over the phone again.

“Yoboseyo? Oh! Teacher Moon! Yeah… tomorrow? No, I have no plans… uh-huh. Well, yes... Oh, you shouldn’t have! It was unnecessary!… okay then, if you insist… 8:00 p.m?… That would be great. Alright, thanks.” she hung up, a smile playing on her lips.

“Who was it?” Siwon asked although he already know it was a teacher from school.

“Huh? Oh, it was teacher Moon, the Gym teacher.”

Siwon remembered what Heechul had been teasing him about having competition with the Gym teacher who was telling Jamie some weird stories about the school. “What did he want?” he tried not to sound cold.

“Well, the teachers organized a small welcoming party for me, and also it’s like an acquaintance party. It would be tomorrow. He just called to inform me.”

“You gave him your number? Does he also know you live here? With me?” Siwon frowned. The teachers knowing she lives with him is not what actually irks him, it’s the fact that she gave her number to him.

“No. He might have gotten it from my files at school. And I used my old address when I filled up the papers. So don’t worry about it.”

“I’m not.” Siwon replied.

Jamie looked at him curiously. “Are you really tired? You seemed uptight. If you weren’t up for dinner, you should have just told me not to disturb you.”

Siwon mentally kicked himself. Why was he feeling jealous suddenly?

He did a mental halt. Jealous? Was he actually jealous? But that is just ridiculous?!

Siwon stood up from the table. He hurriedly picked up his plate, placed it on the sink after taking all of the food left on one gulp. He pushed the food down with another glassful of chilled tea. Then he was gone from the kitchen to his room, a hasty ‘Dinner was great.’ and ‘I’m just a bit tired, I’m sorry.’ followed by ‘I promise I wont be cranky tomorrow.’, then he had his bedroom door tightly closed.

“The crazy kid is acting weird. Did he fry his brain or something?” Jamie murmured as she watched Siwon dashed for his room.

Once Siwon was on his room, he leaned on the closed door. He glared at the piece of paper on the wall. “This is all your fault! You’re making me think crazy! You are making me crazy!”

He launched towards the paper, then plucked it from the wall, dumped in on the bin after crumpling it. He then went to his bed, jumped on it and landed on his back, staring at the ceiling.

“God, I’m going crazy. Why am I going crazy because of the stupid piece of paper?” he asked the ceiling. He thought about everything, about his parents, about work, about his friends, about his upcoming TV series, about his busy schedule the next day, about his fans, about his anti-fans, about crazy paparazzi who are always following him around thinking he wasn’t aware they are there, about Korea’s economic rate, about the extinctions of certain animals, about global warming, about how the icecaps are melting down, about aliens, about the end of the world,… everything other than Jamie. Jamie and the feelings she invokes in him. Feelings he’s not alien with but he knows he shouldn’t be feeling. Not towards Jamie. Not when he told her that he doesn’t hold her heart. That it wasn’t part of the deal when they signed that marriage contract and agreed to this marriage.

She’s already tied to him unwillingly, he doesn’t want to make her feel that just because she’s married to him means she should love him. Love should come before marriage, not the other way around.

He sighed. “Choi Siwon… you are just getting crazy because of the heat, ahra? Sleep it off.” he said to himself, closing his eyes.

He found it hard to sleep that night.

Siwon frowned at his phone. He dialed a number he already know by heart but hang up before it even rang. He had been doing so for the past hour and a half. He ruffled his hair, making a mess of the earlier was neatly styled hip look his stylist had given him. It was already near two in the morning. Yet Jamie wasn’t home.
He expected her to be late since she had to attend that acquaintance/welcoming party her co teachers had arranged for her. But he arrived near midnight and realized that she was still not home, he got worried. His worry increased when he had finished showering and washing the day’s work and make up off him, and still she wasn’t home. And she didn’t even leave a message.

Tired and worried, Siwon sat down on the couch. He flicked the TV on, surfing channels and settling on a foreign comedy show which was supposed to be very funny if his mood was into it. Unfortunately, he wasn’t. But he kept watching. Glancing at the door and his phone from time to time, just in case Jamie sent a message for him to pick her up or something, or if she’s already by the door. He waited patiently…

He didn’t even remember falling asleep. But he woke up to the feeling of warm sunshine on his face and the smell of coffee in the air. He suddenly bolted and sat upright, trying to get his bearings. He realized that he fell asleep on the couch and a crick on his neck is starting to show itself with a big ‘good morning!’. The TV was already turned off and there’s a blanket that had fallen to the floor when sat up. He blinked a few times. Was he still dreaming?

His gaze fell on his phone lying on the table next to the couch and he picked it up. He was suddenly up on his feet when he realized that it was already nearly ten in the morning. And his schedule was supposed to start at 9! Did he forgot to set his alarm? He did remember checking it twice last night! And he’s normally not someone to sleep through his alarm.

He shuffled through the blanket, tried to tugged it away when it only managed to bind his feet in his haste. He nearly fell and knocked his head on the table.

“Yah, slow down a bit. Where’s the fire?”

Siwon ly to see Jamie grinning at him, a cup of steaming coffee on one hand as she sauntered from the kitchen towards him. He frowned. Yep, he is still dreaming. He doesn’t remember her coming home last night, so this might be a dream. Good! It means he isn’t actually late and was about to endure a good grilling from his manager.

Jamie snapped her fingers in front of Siwon’s eyes. “Yah, Choi Siwon, snap out of it! Sit down before you rip those blankets. I happen to like them, thank you very much.”

Siwon blinked again, realizing that Jamie was indeed in front of him. “You-” his throat constricted a bit, and felt sore. He swallowed and tried again, but it was still the same. He could barely talk, his throat firing up every time he tries to speak louder.

“Do you have sore throat?” Jamie asked worriedly.

Siwon sighed and nodded, a hand going to his throat. “Yeah… I think so.” he croaked. “I’m already late and now I have a sore throat.”

Jamie put the cup of coffee on the table and made Siwon sit back on the couch. She crouched and helped Siwon untangle the blankets from his legs. “Don’t worry about work. You were still snoring away when your alarm went off around 7:30. I switched it off and called your manager. I told him you were not feeling good today. I didn’t know you would have a real dilemma because of my lie. I’m sorry. I just thought you needed some rest. You were looking like a zombie in this past few days.” she apologized.

Siwon couldn’t help but be grateful for her concern. “It’s okay. At least I don’t have to worry about too much talking today.” he said, feeling his throat flare up.

“Stop talking you idiot, you’ll make yourself worse!” Jamie reprimanded.

Siwon sighed. He picked up his phone and typed a message then showed it to Jamie: ‘Why were you late last night? What time did you get in?

Jamie sighed. “I’m sorry. Did you wait for me? Teacher Moon insisted on sending me home and I couldn’t dissuade him. I let him send me home, to my parents’ house. It was already around 1 in the morning and I thought you were already asleep so I didn’t bother sending a message since I was worried I’d disturbed your sleep. I really am sorry.” she apologized. “I’ve just came in early this morning. I can’t believe you slept on the couch without even a blanket on! And the TV was on too! What were you thinking?!”

Siwon typed a message again, he was frowning when he showed it to Jamie,:’ Next time, tell me if you’re coming home late, even if it’s already 3 in the morning, I don’t care. Don’t make me worry again.’

Jamie nodded her head. “Yeah. Sorry about that.”

Siwon nodded approvingly, feeling a little bit triumphant on telling Jamie what he wants, and a little ridiculous at how he have to use his phone to talk to her when she’s standing in front of him. He pointed at the coffee. Jamie nodded and told him it was for him. He smiled in thanks and took a sip.

“Anyways, I cooked some pancakes… I don’t really know what you want for breakfast so…” Jamie shrugged, realizing that today would be the first ever they’d have breakfast together. Siwon is always out on work early, and Jamie tends to wake up early but spend her time in front of the computer to check her mails.

“Pancakes would be great!” Siwon said in a delighted tone. Only to cough a bit and grimace.

Jamie grinned. “I’ve got some good medicine for that. Go eat some breakfast, I’ll just go get it.” she said before leaving for her room.

When Jamie got back, Siwon was already chewing on some pancakes, syrup pooling on his plate, eyes on the television as he watched some early morning show. She smiled a bit at the mess he was making, laughing at something the host said while the pancake halfway to his mouth, the syrup trickling down to his pants.

“Ah, dang!” he said, putting the pancake into his mouth and swallowing the whole piece, wiping the syrup of his pants. Unfortunately, his finger were also smeared in syrup, only causing a bigger mess.

Jamie sighed. She went to the kitchen and came back with a wad of paper towels.

“Thanks.” Siwon muttered as he wiped himself off.

Jamie put the small bottle of medicine on the table. “Have a tablespoon of this after breakfast. And then another before you go to sleep tonight. Tomorrow, your throat would be as good as new.”

“Thanks. Again.” Siwon smiled gratefully.

Jamie shrugged.

There was silence in the house. The two of them had never had the entire day unto themselves. Usually Jamie would be left alone in the house, doing whatnot or strolling around the city and going to places she had missed during her stay at the US, and Siwon would be at work. It had been like that for the past three weeks of their ‘married’ life. And it works for them. But now that they would be stuck inside the house together for the whole day, neither one know what to do or say to the other. Siwon can’t go walking around since he’s bound to be mauled by fans, and Jamie can’t just leave either since she’s kind of feeling guilty of leaving Siwon with his sore throat, even though it wasn’t big of a deal.

‘How about we clean the house? There’s nothing else to do.’

Jamie blinked at Siwon’s phone screen which was dangerously near the tip of her nose, making her cross-eyed. She turned to Siwon. “Clean the house?”

Siwon nodded and hurriedly typed another message. ‘I feel awful for letting you clean on your own the whole time you’re here. So if you don’t want to help, I’m okay with it.’

Since Jamie had started to live with him, he told the cleaning agency that he didn’t need someone to clean his apartment anymore. It was one of the precautions they had done to avoid about any leakage of the marriage, and of course not to expose the fact that the two of them were living together.

Jamie grinned. “No, I don’t mean it like that.” she shook her head. “It’s perfectly okay. I just didn’t know you actually know how to clean a house.”

Siwon pouted typing rapidly on his phone. ‘I perfectly am capable of cleaning a house!’ he showed it to Jamie with a determined look in his eyes.

Jamie chuckled. “Fine.”

“Why do I get the feeling that I’m talking to Kyuhyun or Henry?” Siwon asked as he stood from the couch, voice croaking.

Jamie just shook her head. “I’ll go get the vacuum.”

Siwon… is pretty neat in whatever he puts his mind into, that is what Jamie realized as she watched Siwon pluck off curtains and replace them with new ones. She was dusting the furniture and appliances while Siwon started with changing the curtains from the living room to the inner rooms, stuffing them on the small washing room near the bathroom. He moves fluidly, determined to do his task neatly and as fast as he could.

It was kind of unusual for Jamie to see a guy doing house chores. Growing up, Eunsuk had always been the one to do heavier house chores, outside the house that is, like mowing the lawn. And when she moved to the US, whenever she visit’s a friend’s (guy) house, it would be messy as if a tornado had just walked in.

“If you keep looking at me, I might get old and you still aren’t finished with cleaning the TV.” Siwon croaked.

Jamie laughed at his voice. “I’m finished, slowpoke.” she teased, putting down the duster and helping Siwon on putting on the heavy curtain for the glass doors of the balcony. “Why don’t you just use blinds here? It would be easier to clean, you know.”

“I haven’t come to changing it yet. I’m pretty busy.” Siwon replied, voice almost inaudible.

Jamie reached up to properly arranged the top edges of the curtain, but she couldn’t quite reach it. Siwon took over, looking at her smugly as he didn’t even break a sweat with the task. Jamie just made a face and stuck her tongue out.

As Jamie started to turn on the first batch of the wash, Siwon came in with  handful of used bed sheets and covers. He dumped it near Jamie, who promptly stepped away from the pile.

“Can you put this on after those? I‘ll take care of it after.” Siwon said with a smile.

“I am so not touching that. Do you know how dirty that is?” Jamie exclaimed, eyeing the pile.

“Oh, come on! I hardly sleep on my bed for more than five hours! And that‘s when I am allowed to sleep at all” Siwon protested, so used to Jamie’s spontaneous crazy antics by now, he doesn’t fell insulted or even partly annoyed.

“Do you know how much dead cells you drop everywhere every second of the day? You haven’t change your bed linens in three weeks!” Jamie said.

“Why so fussy!? Your bed is just as dirty, if not dirtier, than mine!” Siwon pouted.

“At least it’s my own dead cells.” Jamie said before stepping out of the washing room, making sure she wasn’t anywhere near Siwon’s pile of bed linens. When she was out of the washing room, she sniggered as she made her way to get something to drink, the weather was just getting worse these days.

“At least it’s my own dead cells.” Siwon mimicked Jamie, only to cough since it triggered his scratchy throat. He looked at the pile of bed lines and thought of how much of dead cells he had on them. He shook his head after a moment. “Ugh! Why am I thinking about that?!” he groaned and left the washing room.

When he got into the kitchen to have something to drink, Jamie was leaning on the sink, a glass of iced tea on one hand as she presses her (his) phone on her ear.

“Oh, Eunsuk. Is the world going to end? How come you’re calling me in the middle of the day when you should be drooling on your desk at the university?” she teased.

“Ha. Ha. Ha.” Eunsuk replied dryly. “As if I would be wasting my time talking to you when I could be doing that.”

Jamie grinned. “You love me that much. Don’t bother denying that, dongsaeng.”

“Shut up.” Eunsuk scoffed.

Jamie could hear the smile on the end of the line. “Anyways, why are you calling me really? You haven’t impregnated someone, have you? Cause if you did, forget it. I’m disowning you!”

“What?! No! Why’d you even think about that? Jeez!” Eunsuk sounded exasperated.

“I was just making sure that the heat haven’t fried your brains out yet for you to be calling me at this time of the day. “ Jamie laughed, pouring a glass full of iced tea as Siwon approached the counter. She had the pitcher of iced tea out of the fridge and two glasses, one for her and the other one for Siwon because she know they both would be needing lots of water after cleaning up and such. “So, really, what is it?” she asked her brother as she handed Siwon his glass.

Eunsuk was silent for a minute before an audible sigh was heard through the earpiece. “I don’t know really know what will happen but I don’t want to hide this from you as much as I want you to know.” another pause. “Han-sung hyung. He’s here in Seoul. He’s back from New York.”

Jamie’s hold on her glass of tea slackened a bit as she processed what her brother had said. Siwon noticed the sudden change in Jamie’s facial expression (not that he was staring at her face and noting how tiny drops of sweat were forming on her forehead and slowly make their way down the sides of her face, he so was not!) and he managed to catch the half-empty glass of iced tea.

“Are you okay, Jamie?” Siwon asked, putting the glass on the countertop.

Jamie didn’t hear Siwon at first. She was trapped in her own world for a while, her thoughts filled with memories of a certain young man whom she had spent her lifetime with, minus the last five years, the time they haven‘t even exchanged so much as a word, let alone meet. Yoon Han-sung. Her best friend. Well, once best friend. Before she took his life away from him.

“Jamie! Are you okay? You’re not going to faint are you? You look pale. Are you feeling dizzy? Do you want to go lie down a bit?” Siwon asked, hovering in front of Jamie.

Jamie snapped out of her trance, realizing that Eunsuk was not on the phone already. She put the phone back into her pocket and looked at Siwon who already had creases in his forehead as he looked at her. She tried to smile, not knowing if it showed how crappy she was feeling inside, but apparently, based on Siwon’s increased frown, she must have had.

“I’m fine, Siwon. I’ll just… I’ll just go to my room… err,… I’ll be out later.” she stammered, making a beeline towards her room.

Siwon looked at Jamie concernedly, feeling worried at how her mood suddenly changed. His phone vibrated inside his pocket, he’s got a message from Eunsuk.

‘Hyung, it’s Eunsuk. Are you with Nuna? Please take care of her. I’ve just called and told her that Han-sung hyung is in Seoul.’
Siwon looked at Jamie’s closed bedroom door. “So that’s why.” he said.


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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8