Work… Fun… Fans…

Siwon's Wife

a/n: just another update...

HAPPY 106th Foundation Day to my Alma Mater!!! I hope you reach a millenium in producing great students like us!!! haha

“So...ah… do I look okay?” Jamie asked Siwon. It was her fifth change of outfit and Siwon was kind enough to be here fashion consultant. Not that he was much of a help anyways since all four outfits earlier were rejected. And the recent once would likely be rejected too.

Siwon looked at Jamie up and down, just like he did four times earlier, his brows twitching and his lips making a considering pout.

“Well?” Jamie prodded, pirouetting a bit.

Siwon cleared his throat. “Are you going to a court hearing or a funeral? What’s with the black?”

Jamie widened her eyes at Siwon threateningly, the other just giving a mischievous grin.

“What? When it comes to dressing up, we should be critical so the other can improve.” Siwon defended himself. “But seriously, don’t you have a skirt or something other than jeans, sweatpants and slacks? You are going to an interview and you should make a good impression.”

“I don’t usually wear skirts. I hate them.” Jamie replied nonchalantly as she went back to her room and try to pick up another set of clothes.

Siwon sighed. “What kind of girl doesn’t wear skirt?” he said before getting up from the floor where he had stationed himself when Jamie had asked him for his fashion opinion a few minutes earlier.

“Uh, let me think, my kind of girl?” Jamie answered, rolling her eyes. “What’s with guys liking girls in skirts anyways? It only makes me think that they’re all erts.” she muttered as she fished out some clothes from her dresser.

“Girls look better in skirts. More feminine.” Siwon replied.

Jamie jumped in surprise. She didn’t notice Siwon going into her room and standing behind her as she rummaged her dresser. He was looking past her head at the mess she created.

“Dang! Can you not like, sneak up on me like that?!” Jamie huffed.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were such a scaredy cat.” Siwon grinned. He looked at the clothes scattered on the dresser and the bed. “Wow, you really like black.”

“They’re easier to wash.” Jamie shrugged.

Siwon rolled his eyes. But before he could give back another retort, he saw a paper bag with an interesting label of a well-known brand. “What do we have here?” he picked it up and peered inside. Seeing that it was clothes, he dumped the contents on the pile of other clothes on the bed. “This one will actually do, you know.” he said.

Jamie turned and paled. “Yah! Put those back!”

“Why?” Siwon’s brows shot up his forehead.

“Because! They give me goose bumps! Mom bought me those last week when I told her I was applying for some work.”

“I’ll treat her out because of this!” Siwon smiled. “Put those on.” he ordered before leaving the room. “And put some make up on!” he added before closing the door.

Jamie huffed, throwing the clothes she had in her hands at the door. “Bossy!” she muttered as she look at the peach colored three-piece suit dress her mom had bought. She doesn’t want to wear the skirt. It just wasn’t comfortable at all. And then she had a brilliant idea.

Siwon hummed one of their latest songs as he waited for Jamie to finish up. He has a practice session with his group but he promised Jamie that he’d drive her to her interview. Jungsu and the others were understanding enough and they said it was okay if he was late. He can’t help but smile at how smoothly things are going on and he hope that it would stay just like that until the two of them are ready enough to announce it to the world about the marriage. He know that it won’t be a secret forever.

“Uh… ahem.” Jamie cleared to get Siwon’s attention. Seeing the smile on his face, she originally wanted to throw something at him but seeing the happy expression, she can’t bear to about it.

Siwon turned and was about to say the teasing he had arranged inside his head but he came up blank. He thought Jamie would be wearing the pencil skirt which was included on the three-piece suit her mom had bought her but she didn’t.

Instead, Jamie put on a black pair of slacks and the peach-colored dress shirt. She left the top two buttons open, showing off her collarbones, and folded the sleeves halfway to her elbows. Her hair which was always on a loose bun was neatly tied into a ponytail with the wavy mass hanging behind her back in soft waves. It was also the first time Siwon had seen Jamie wearing a pair of earrings. With even just simple accessories, she looks more feminine and nowhere near the usual carefree Jamie he’s used to. And with the make-up, she just look incredible.

“So… uh, is it okay?” Jamie ce and raised her brows at Siwon.

“Uh…it’s okay… I guess.” Siwon nodded, trying to control his expression. “It’s good.”

Jamie shrugged. “Alright then. I’ll just go get my things.” she left to get her bag, favoring a handbag this time other than her favorite mailbag.

“Just perfect.” Siwon whispered when Jamie left to get her bag. He shook his head and put his hands on his hips. “Alright, Choi Siwon! Stop this! You can't! You just can't. Alright?!” he muttered to himself.

“Are you okay?” Jamie asked as she put on a pair of three inch black shoes. “Have you gone crazy or something?” she grinned.

“Maybe I have.” Siwon muttered before smiling brightly. “I’m fine. I just remembered something funny anyways, let’s go. Even if the interview is just a formality, you still don’t want to be late.” he ushered Jamie out of the door.

“Anyway, you do remember that the parents had invited us to dinner tonight.” Jamie said as they took the elevator.

“I do. Do you want me to pick you up somewhere? You might want to stroll around after the interview.”

“No, it’s alright. I’ll just get a taxi. You have practice, right? Take time to rest before going to the dinner.”

Siwon look at Jamie beside him. “Thank you.”

Jamie turned to Siwon with a curious look on her face. “Huh? For what?”

“For looking out for me. Thank you.” Siwon replied with a dimpled smile.

Jamie smiled back. “You do the same for me.”

“Classes are going to resume in a weeks and we were actually quite desperate to find a replacement arts teacher.” the principal, a plump sweet lady around her late fifties, that reminds Jamie of her next door neighbor who has a lot of cats, explained with a little laugh.

When Jamie came in for the interview, the principal actually told her that they would touring the grounds to get her familiar with the school. It kind of puzzled her but then the principal was sweet and motherly that she couldn’t help but go along with that she says.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to the last arts teacher?” Jamie asked, peering at one of the rooms that they had passed by.

“Oh, Teacher Ma resigned. I couldn’t blame her. She has a low tolerance for the students antics.” the principla replied.

“Why? The students are not that violent are they?” Jamie was quite alarmed. If  students can cause for a teacher to actually resign, then she might need to look for another job.

“Oh no! They are not. Well, they do have the tendencies to disobey teacher, normal things teens usually do. It’s the stage where they tend to rebel to authority. You know that, you’re young and I’m sure you know how they feel.”

“O-of course…” Jamie agreed lightly. “But then again, why did the teacher resign?”

“Well, the students didn’t want to listen to her lessons. Well, you see, Teacher Ma taught classical arts all the time. And no matter how good that was for the students, as a teacher, you have to capture the hearts of your class. And classical arts is not really what students wants to learn all the time. We live in the 21st century and what they wasn’t to learn is about the things that they are living with. Things that are happening as of now, and not centuries ago. Due to that, there were many conflicts among students and Teacher Ma that caused for almost all of her students to cut classes. She resigned two years after she had come to this school.”

“Really? What a pity. I love classical music since I was in junior high school. It’s one of he reasons I pursued studying music.”

“When I saw your application and discovered that you are still young, I immediately thought that you are the best choice for the position. Making the younger generation see that classical arts are not only seen in the past but is also a great influence on the recent modern arts, then it won’t be too hard for them to get interested. You are our best hope to help us teach more to our students.” the principal held Jamie’s hands firmly.

Jamie smiled. “I will do my best.”

Actually, Jamie is kind of worried of how she’s going to cope up with high school students when they already made another teacher resign. She’s a tough cookie, Ally always tell her that, but when it comes to facing a mob, she doesn’t really know if she’ll make it.

“Anyways, let us go back to the office and I’ll show you the records Teacher Ma had left behind. Most of her students are in their final year this year and I hope that the old records will be able to help you.”

Before Jamie could reply, the principal had already ushered her into the faculty room. She might look like just an old woman, but Jamie could feel that beneath the sweet exterior is someone who is strong and capable of running the school on her own without a problem.

The ‘interview’ lasted for nearly two hours, the principal dragging Jamie all around the school and giving her a tour after handing her the records of the graduating students who had made Teacher Ma resign. The principal, as what Jamie had discovered, is very hands on with the school things. She doesn’t just stay in her office and do paperwork and such, but oftentimes stroll around the school to watch observe the goings-on.

Finally, the principal let Jamie go, though reluctantly. Jamie didn’t want to but she had no choice but to kind of lie about her going to visit her parents. Of course it wasn’t a lie, it’s just she told the principal that she’d be going there straight and they were expecting her in the next hour. She just crossed her fingers behind her before leaving with a genuine albeit tight smile on her lips.

With nothing to do, she decided to visit Siwon on his practice with his friends. She did remember Donghae inviting her the day before, and she’s curious about Siwon’s line of work. She did her homework and searched about Siwon’s group and the results were surprising to say the least. The guy, not just the group itself, has tons of fans not only in Korea but all over the world, though most of those fans are from Asia. She wonders how on Earth she hadn’t heard of Super Junior before.

The taxi brought her in front of a large building with the huge sign of SMEntertainment on top. She asked the driver twice if he had brought her to the right place before going out of the car. She sighed as she slipped the piece of paper that Donghae had handed her before she had left the dorm with Siwon the night before into her bad and took out a laminated pass that she was supposed to show the guards so they would let her in.

Walking to the glass doors of the huge building, Jamie couldn’t help but notice a number of people who were outside the establishment, holding placards and signs with names on them and phrases of encouragement and such, some even had love confessions on them. She guessed them to be fans. She could read several names on he signboards and recognized them as names of groups and individuals who were under SME. Shaking her head a bit in astonishment, she couldn’t help but to think how these fans really go to far lengths just to show their love for their idols. It was already half past three in the afternoon, the sun still beating down hotly since it was still summer no matter how late it was in the season. Those people might be dying of heat!

As she was nearing the glass doors, a small group of girls blocked her. She looked at them confusedly, halting her steps.

“Unni, where are you going?” a girl with curly hair but flat bangs that covered forehead, asked, eyeing Jamie up and down.

“Err… inside?” Jamie replied slowly. “Wasn’t it obvious?”

The girl scoffed and put a hand on a hip, “Why?”

Jamie wanted to tell the girl that it wasn’t her business but she calmed herself and kept a blank expression. “To see someone. Can you move out of the way?”

The girl kept her stance, the other girls flanking her. “Unni, many fans had already tried that style. Dressing up like someone who is going for a interview and insisted to be let in. They all were turned down by the guards. You better go and change into normal clothes and just wait here like ourselves. Don’t go making a scene!”

“What? Fan?” Jamie’s brows raised high into her forehead. She shook her head with a smile. “I am not a fan alright? So please get out of the way. I want to go in.”

 The girl then laughed and made way. “If the guards kick you out, don’t blame me for not warning you.”

Jamie shook her head disbelievingly, then proceeded to the glass doors where two guards stopped her. She hears the girls behind her giggled and laughed at her, making her sigh as she fished the pass out of her pocket. She showed it to the guards who bowed to her a bit before opening the doors for her. She sent the shock girls behind her a playful smirk and then proceeded to the receptionist where she asked in which floor were the Super Junior were.

The elevator ride was quick ad Jamie found herself wondering about a corridor of rooms. She could her faint and muffled sounds of different music coming frm the doors. She guessed that the whole floor might be where practice rooms were located. She couldn’t help but to be amazed at how rich the founder of the company might be to provide this kind of facility to their talents.

Since she didn’t know in which room Siwon and his friends were, she decided to check each room to look for them. Some of the rooms were empty, some were occupied. Jamie watched some boys and girls who were dancing and practicing in most of the occupied rooms, staying for some minutes before moving on.

There were rooms where some kids were singing in what seemed to be recording booths but since the doors were soundproofed, she didn’t bother staying to watch because she couldn’t hear anything anyways.

Jamie was actually kind of praying that she found where Siwon was practicing with his friends, not wanting for some staff or anyone to see her wandering about and be thrown out or something, that would be embarrassing. When she stumbled into a room were a couple of girls were dancing, she couldn’t help but to stay for a while and watch them.

The two girls looked like they were just around the age of sixteen or seventeen. They were dancing gracefully over the dance floor to some music Jamie could barely hear over the door. She realized that the door was slightly ajar, letting the music out despite being thick enough to muffle the sounds coming from loud speakers. Straining her ears to make out what the music was, she accidentally pushed the door open, her eyes getting wide with a mixture of shock and slight fear of disturbing the practice.

“Ah… sorry…I didn’t mean to barge in…” she apologized with a small smile.

The two girls, who suddenly stop their practice, looked at Jamie with silent calculative eyes. One of them saw the pass card which was sticking out of Jamie’s pocket.

“It’s alright, unni.” the one that saw the card smiled. “You can come in if you want to watch. We actually don’t want to disturb the others so can you close the door please.” she said.

Jamie took a few moments to decide if she wants to come in or what but then again, she wants to watch their practice once again so she came in and close the door, promising herself that she’d leave in five minutes to look for Siwon.

“So… uh… do you dance, unni?” the other girl asked.

“Me? Oh! Nah… I kind of… at it.” Jamie grinned shyly.

The two girls smiled. “By the way, unni, I’m Soo-jin. And this is Ella. We’re trainees.” the one who let Jamie in introduced.

“Oh hi. I’m Jamie. I’m really sorry if I disturbed your practice. I was just passing by when I saw you dancing. And I couldn’t help but watch.”

“Really?” Soo-jin smiled, “So…uhm, what do you think?” she asked, her brows creasing a bit.

“Huh? Are you asking me… what I think about your dancing?” Jamie pointed a finger to herself.

“Yeah. Well, our trainer had been absent for nearly three days now and we fear that we are making a mess since she’s not here to point it out.” Soo-jin shrugged her shoulders.

“Yah, didn’t she just say that her dancing ?” Ella told the other girl.

Jamie chuckled a bit. “Well, yeah. But I think the two of you are amazing. You’re just like those dancers I used to watch on TV. Have you watched ‘So You

Think You Can  Dance?’? I mean, you’re almost as good as them!”

“Really?” Soo-jin’s eyes were hopeful.

“Mhmm.” Jamie nodded. “I mean I’m not an expert, but seeing your faces as you dance over the floor, it’s like watching you both flying in the air. It’s really good.”

Ella smiled. “Wow… you sound just like our trainer when she’s drunk and lying to us to get our spirits up.”

“I’m not lying!” Jamie said earnestly, making the two girls laugh.

The two girls insisted for Jamie to watch their performance since she was the first ever person to watch them dance other than their trainer since they got into SME. Jamie couldn’t help but to feel fortunate and privileged.

As the girls danced all over the floor into the rhythm of a slow song, Jamie couldn’t help but to clap her hands when Ella and Soo-jin do some hard moves. Jamie always had loved watching kids dance to hip-hop and pop music, but her first and foremost love was classical music, and there came her love for ballet and contemporary dancing.

“So what do you think, unni?” Ella asked, her face a little drenched with sweat.

“You two are great.” Jamie replied with a huge smile. “But…” she stopped, realizing that she might go too far if she point out what she had noticed as the two were dancing.

“But?” Soo-jin asked earnestly, putting away the bottled water she had emptied.

“Never mind. It’s not that important.” Jamie shook her head.

“Oh come on, unni. I know you saw something wrong. Tell us! Help us improve that.” Ella insisted.

“But I told you, I at dancing.” Jamie grinned.

Ella pouted. “Really?” she dragged Jamie off the floor and made her stand facing the wall of mirrors. “How about letting us see how you at dancing.” she grinned.

Jamie looked at her reflection on the mirror, memories from her childhood flooding her mind for a few moments. Ella motioned to Soo-jin for a song to be played, and soon, Swan Lake was reverberating through the speakers.

“Come on, unni.” Ella grinned, dancing to the music.

Jamie watched Ella as she danced to Swan Lake.

“Right there.” Jamie said suddenly, making Ella stop on her toes, a leg halfway on her back to a straight line. “See… the line of your feet. It’s kind of wrong.” she pointed out.

Ella looked down at her feet. “Really? Just like what our trainer said when I last dance to this piece. But I don’t get it.” she muttered.

Jamie stood beside Ella, mimicking her stance. And then she lifted her hands in the air, standing on her toes, hoping that her socks wont make her slide down and land on her . She lifted a foot backward as her upper body bend gracefully to the front. She did some ballet moves that she had observed in Ella’s and Soo-jin’s routine.

Ella and Soo-jin clapped their hands once Jamie had finished. The two of them were grinning. Jamie realized what she had just done and felt her cheeks go hot.

“Yah, stop that!” Jamie pouted at the two.

“I thought you at dancing!” Ella smirked snarkily.

“I…” Jamie sighed. “Well, what I was just making a point was you lines were a little bit wrong, that was all.” she went back to her place on the floor and sat back down.

“Unni, come and teach us some more moves!” Soo-jin invited with a hopeful smile.

“No… you go dance. I’ll watch.” Jamie smiled. “Besides, someone might come in and throw me out because of disturbing your practice. I heard this place is kind of strict on practice.”

“Oh come on, unni.” Soo-jin pouted.

“Know what, I’m kind of thinking you didn’t got here in accident but was really sent by our trainer to spy on us. I mean, what are the chances that you were just looking for someone and ended up pushing our door open? And you can dance.” Ella smirked.

Jamie laughed a little. “I was just really looking for my…” how would she phrase that? Husband? No way… She sighed. “I was just really looking for my friend.” she smiled tightly.

“Oh yeah? What’s your friend’s name?” Ella challenged.

Uh-oh. “Uh… Donghae…?”Jamie felt her heart beat faster.

“Donghae?” Soo-jin’s eyes went wide. She nearly tackled Jamie onto the floor. “Lee Donghae? Super Junior’s Lee Donghae?” she asked eagerly.

Jamie furtively backed away from the girl. “Uh… yeah. That Donghae.”

Ella was on her knees beside Soo-jin, Jamie’s hands held tightly between hers. “Unni, you really know him? You’re friends? Can you introduce us? I really want to meet him!”

“B-but…you work here. Shouldn’t you have meet them?” Jamie wanted to laugh at the girls’ expressions.

“We’re trainees. We have to work on our dancing, singing and all everyday. We’ve been here for months but we haven’t meet them. Please, unni, help us meet him… them.” Soo-jin gave Jamie the puppy eyes.

Jamie hate breaking other people’s hearts, especially girls like Soo-jin. She can easily see that the two looks up to the SJ group so much and the group is one of the reasons they entered this kind of business.

“Well… I don’t want to promise anything. I mean, we are not that close…” Jamie said.

“But for you to be able to visit him here, then he must be close enough with you.” Ella insisted.

Jamie sighed. “A friend introduced us. And he insisted I visit and see him dance, that’s why I came. But other than that, we’re not really that close. So I can’t really promise you guys-”

“Unni, please?” Soo-jin pleaded with big teary eyes.

Jamie sighed once again, thinking she’s going to regret what she was about to say. “Alright.” this earned squeals of excitement from the two girls. “But!” she added which made the girls attentive. “I’ll help you only if you do those lines properly.” she grinned.

Ella and Soo-jin were instantly on the floor, Swan Lake blaring out of the speakers again. Jamie smiled to herself. She had been as enthusiastic as them once. Before she had given up dancing and stuck to studying music.

Ella and Soo-jin were suddenly pulling Jamie off the ground with big smiles before the eldest girl could reminisce back to the time when she used to dance as much as learning and loving music. The two’s enthusiasm infected her and soon she was dancing with them, trying to mimic their movements, and keep up with them. But being out of practice, and having not dance for years, she was soon getting tired. Ella and Soo-jin insisted that she finish the whole routine with them though and she agreed, telling them that she better leave after to look for Donghae, almost slipping and saying Siwon’s name.

And before the song hit the end part, the door burst open, making the three of them look at the general direction of the door. Ella and Soo-jin feared it was their trainer, who would be upset of them playing around instead of perfecting their routine, even though their ‘playing’ was actually doing the routine perfectly with Jamie’s help. Jamie feared that it was one of the staff coming in to kick her out of the building for disturbing the trainees’ practice. Her heart raced as she slowly faced the person that came into the room.

a/n: wah... another long drabble... want to guess who came in?

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8