Finally: The Start Of Forever

Siwon's Wife


Siwon rubs the palms of his hands on his knees, feeling the rough ridges of his jeans. His heart is beating nervously inside his chest and he gulps furtively, willing a pleasant face despite feeling like running for the nearest exit.
Jamie is still being held in a hushed conversation by Heechul, the two of them standing on a far corner of the living room acoss the hall, the rest of their closest friends and members of their families littering all over the house between them. He wishes Heechul would just finish whatever he was telling Jamie so the two of them could get over with.
This being telling Jamie's twins, who were sitting in front of him across the table, that he, Choi Siwon, is their father; not just some old friend of their moms liket he rest of the SJ guys that were introduced to them a few days ago.
He wagered it wouldn't have been hard, the kids liked him a lot after all. But it's so nerve wracking that Siwon needed to control himself from flinging himself out of the house. What if the kids didn't accept him? What if they hate him for not coming after them? Why not come to them before now? Of course Jamie reassured him that she had explained to the kids a bit about their situation, or at least the parts that were not that complicated, and that it would be alright. If the twins didn't accept the news understandingly as they hoped, then they have time to explain things more further; they are just kids after all and they should not expect too much from them.
"Uh, Mr.Siwon, are you okay? Do you want me to get you some water?" Shane asked, eyes wide with curiosity like they always do. "You look pale."
"I'm fine." Siwon replies, wondering how he didn't croak. "What are you wathing anyways? You look so caught up in it." he gestured to the tablet PC lying on the table in front of the kids.
"Oh, it's one of your concerts we found in Youtube. Mr. Henry said you all were famous a few years back. You're so cool! There's so many fans here!" Shane giggle ewith wonder. "Do you think I could be this famous?"
Siwon chuckles. "You want to be so busy you're not allowed to have at least five hours of good sleep on promotion days that could take half a year?" it's jsut a part of it and he's teasing, but he also want to gauge the kids' reactions.
Shane makes a face, "Well, you all look pretty happy even lacking sleep. But I guess being nagged to wake up at seven even if we slept at eight teh night before is already a pain. So I think I should consider thinking about ie beofre decideing to be more famous than you."
Siwon laughs heartily at this, relaxing more and more as Shane kept on asking about how to live as an idol, Jesse piping a question or two. It's when Jamie went to sit beside Siwon that he feels the nervous feeling inside his gut again, this time it's ten times as heavy and suffocating. All his worries coming back at him in full force. Jamie might have felt him stiffen, her hand finding his under the table and squeezing it comfortingly.
"Uh... Jesse, please put that away. We have something important to talk to you about." Jamie told her son who promtly followed.
Shane and Jesse gave them curious looks, two  identical pairs of innocent eyes starined on them. Siwon could easily feel the weight the responsibilities that he would be facing once they tell these two the truth. He wonders if Jesse and Shane would trust him as they trust their mother, love him as their parent. He wonders if he really is ready to be someone to bring these kids up, guide them through life, and give them a home where they will feel safe and loved. At the back of hims mind, it's not simply being accepted that worries him, it is also how he is ever going to go through being a parent and help Jamie bring them up. It is something he has no idea how to. He doesn't even want to know what he'd do if the kids doesn't accept him; if that happens, he'd be truly lost.
"Is there a problem, mom?" Jesse asked, confusion clouding his big brown eyes. "It's not about what happened in the villa, is it?" he turns to Siwon. "You're not angry at us, right?"
Siwon shakes his head reassuringly, "No, no. It's not about that." he looks at Jamie nervously, squeezing her hand. "Your mom... and I... well..."
How will they do this?
Jamie takes in a deep breath and looks at the kids determinedly, "You remember when you'd ask me about your... father? And I'd tell you that he's such a busy person and he couldn't come to us even if he wanted to?" the two kids nodded. "And you remember when you'd ask me what kind opf person he is and I'd tell you that he's one of the kindest person I've ever known?" again the kids nodded. "And then you would always want to see him but I said we can't yet?"
Siwon's heartbeat felt like it can outrun a galloping steed. He looks at the kids, wodering how they would take the news. He braces himself; this is it. There's no going back.
"I..." he starts, throat feeling raspy and dry so he gulps, it doesn't help much but he kept on. "I'm... your father."
The words seemed almost a whisper but the two kids clearly heard it, both children's eye going huge in surprise. The weight of apprehension in Siwon's chest is replaced by another, this time it's bigger than the first. The truth is out now, it's either he;d be accepted or not.
It was Shane who closed her gaping mouth first, eyeing Siwon carefully. She ahd alwasy been the more prank and forward one, Jesse being the one to hold his tongue and thing about things before saying anything. "Really? You're our dad?"
Dad. Wow, that sounds like heaven to Siwon's ears. "Yes. And I'm sorry if I kept myself scarce for years and didn't even visit you. I have no excuse. I would understand if you would not acknowledge me easily. But I am willing to prove to you that I love you and your mom and I would do anything to make you happy and make up for all these years--"
Shane whirled around to face her brother, eyes wide with excitement. "I told you it was him in that picture!"
"No, you didn't! You said you think it was him!" Jesse rebutted. "You said it looked a little like him, not that it was him."
"Yes, I did! You're just making excuses!"
Uh... what was happening?
"What are you talking about? What picture?" Jamie frowns.
Siwon is still on edge, but he was too curious about this picture too that he momentarily forgets that he's still waiting if the kids would accept him or not. "Picture?" there could be lots of pictures of him. He's one of Korea's well-known individuals after all.
Shane nodded vigorously. "That picture from mom's old photo album. We saw you there. That one where mom was earing that peachy-clolored dress thingy. We wanted to ask mom who you were since we have no other pictures of you around but we're not excatly allowed to go throug her thing--"
"You went through my things?!" Jamie is scandalized to say the least.
"It was an accident, mom!" Jesse exclaimed adamantly. "We put it away as soon as we can and we saw the picture be cause it layed on that page when the album fell."
"We're sorry we never told you." Shane continued, "We didn't kow who he was so we didn't bother telling you we sae his picture."
Jamie sighs. "It doesnt matter now."
The kids seemed relieved, and this time it was Siwon's turn to squirm when the two turned to him again. "Uh... so..." now what to do? He hadn't seen that coming.
"So you're our dad." Jesse said, his little voice rining with finality."Is that why you were asking those questions?"
Siwon could feel the heat on his cheeks and dang it, he's a grown man and should not be blushing. "Yes. And... your answers... are they still the same?"
It took for Jesses a whil to reply, but when he did, he was grinning. "Of course they do!" and then he leapt out of his chair and launched himself to Siwon's laugh. "I'm happy you turned out to be who we thought you were." he says, hugging Siwon tightly.
Shane squeeezed herself between Jesse and Siwon, pushing her brother for sapce and hugged Siwon as well. "Stop kissing !"
Siwon feels light-headed with happiness. He worried himself silly for nothing. Right now, with Jamie sitting wiht teary eyes beside him and the kids heavy on his lap, he felt like he could fly. It's a warmth he had never felt before, the warmth of a family. He would never trade anytihng for this. This is something he would gladly be greedy of.
"You're just bitter you didn't win the bet." Jesse sneered teasingly.
"You and your technicalities ! I'm going to tell Uncle Heechul!" Shane countered.
"Wait, wait, wait. What bet?" 
The two visibly stiffened at the sound of their mother's stern voice. Siwon could easily remember the memories of the same thing happening when SJ members get caught on one of their many betting games by either Jungsu or the managers. 
Shane chuckles nervously, subtly nudging and glaring at her twin. Jesse just gave her a nervous and irritated 'What?' with his eyes. Siwon laughs silently at the amusing silent discussion on his lap.
"I asked about that bet you're talking about, Song Jesse." Jamie reiterated her question.
Shane shoved her brother off Siwon's lap and followed suit, standing on their father's other side across from Jamie. "It was just a little bet, mom. I told Jesse that dad looked like the person on the picture so we made a bet. Whoever wins gets to have the other slave for a week."
Well, isn't that a familiar bet, Siwon thought, still amused. "And who, might I ask, suggested such a consequence?" he asked, knowing at least 13 men inside the house who would have thought of such.
"Uncle Heechul." Shane replies honestly.
Siwon laughs, kissing the girl's forehead. "You do know that he knows I'm your dad. Or at least he got an idea."
Shane frowns at the words and then her eyes went wide, "Then it means that he knows I'm going to lose the bet!"
Siwon grins wickedly. "Then why don't you go and make him face the consequences when he's the reason you lose, honey?"
"Hey, no fair, dad! She's supposed to be my slave for a week!" Jesse protested. 
"Well, yes, that would be unfair, isn't it?" Siwon nodded in agreement.
"What are you doing?" Jamie asked incerdolously, "Don't tell ne you're goign to get them away with this?"
"It's technically not their fault. It was an accident." Siwon replies mischievously. " A bet had had been made though and someone should suffer the consequences, it is only fair. And Jesse, what can you get by enslaving your sister for a week?"
"A lot." Jesse replies readily.
Siwon laughs even more, knowing what Jesse mean. Jiwon and him had been through such things many times when they were kids. 
"But Heechul... he's a rich, rich man. If I'm famous back then, you have no idea how Heechul was even more. Imagine what you can make him do in a weeks time of ensalving him." he turns to Shane, "And technically Heechul made you lose. So..."
Before Siwon could finish his sentence, the two were running towards the living room, hunting for Heechul.
"What did you just do?" Jamie narrowed her eyes at Siwon, yelping when she was unceremoniusly made to sit on his lap.
Siwon smiles loving ly and kisses her, hugging Jamie tight even after their lips part. "I'm just taking Heechul-hyung back for all those years he nags me about everything." he grins.
Jamie joins him, giggling as they hug. "Well, that went well, don't you think?"
"Better that I ever imagined. Thank you. For bringing happiness into my life." Siwon looks at Jamie and coulndn't even make himself think of what would he ever do if she had not come to his life at all.
"Thank you for waiting. Even if you didn't know if I'd ever come back, you still did."
"And I won't ever let you go. Not again."
They were silent for a little while, just basking in the warmth of the other as they take in that they're really a family now. There'll be challenges ahead, but as long as they're together, they both know they'd make it through. They had already stumbled and fell, but they stood back again, stronger than before.
"Siwon... what would happen now?" Jamie asks.
"I don't know... honestly, I still have no idea how you did it for ten years, raising them as you did. I don't even know what to do once we got them home." Siwon replies honestly, "You are coming home with me, right?"
Jamie laughs. "Of course I will. But we need to arrange things first. I don't even know where you live."
"No, I am not going buy you a car. You can't even drive yet! Not in the next five years. Wait, not even then!" Heechul's protests were audible above the chatter of the house guests.
"Why not?! You're supposed to do what we told you to!"
"No one tells Kim Heechul what to do!" Heechul shriekd even harder.
"Did you hear that, Auntie Sejin?" Shane calls out.
Siwon laughs at Heechul's indignant shriek after Shane call for his wife.
"Well, as for the kids, you can start by keeping them clear of Heechul." Jamie said pointedly.
"Ah, let me bask in it for a few days, please." Siwon pouts like a kid.
"No. Those two are already pains in the without you spoiling them."
Siwon sighs, hearing Hecchul's clammor from the other room. He stood and went to see what was happening, Jamie towed by their linked hands.
"Song Jesse, you and your technicalities ." Heechul narrowed his eyes on the boy who was grinning with his sister.
Siwon gives his hyung a dimpled saccharine smile. "Correction, hyung, it's Choi Jesse."
"And Choi Jesse demands a car, slave Uncle Heechul!" Jesse demanded.
"Ask your dad for one!" Heechul snarled.
"Why? You're the slave, uncle." Shane piped, blinking her eyes innocently at Heechul.
"I am no one's slave!" 
"Is that right, Sejin-nuna?" Siwon copied his daughter's innocent blinking and directing it towards Heechul's wife.
"CHOI SIWON!!" came Heechul's shriek.
"Ah, the joy of victory." Siwon laughs.
Well, the coming years are sure going to be something they'd be looking forward to.
Siwon watched his kids hound Heechul with fond eyes, Jamie by his side. This is definitely he would greedily keep to himself for a long while. Well, at least until forever ends.

a/n: so yeah.... instead of making an epilogue, i decided to write a simle ending. mianhae! my comuter's broken!!! it's really hard to type  when some of the keys doesnt work!!! and i'm poor! i can't afford a new one! XP

i actually managed to finish this a while back but couldn't post it sooner sincee there is still no electricity in most places here... i'm really sorry...

but anyways,  i hope you liked the story, even if it's nothing but utter nonsense! thank youvery for sticking with me all this time. God bless all of you guys!


PS: finally!!! i can put that *complete* sign up there!! haha (victory dance, people!! yeah!)


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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8