Stuck With You

Siwon's Wife

a/n: feels like a lifetime since ilast updated... mianhae!!! but here it is!!!!! enjoy!

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“Hey, Siwonnie!” Jungsu greeted as he entered the Choi household.
“Teukie-hyung! Come in!” Siwon ushered his group mates inside. “Thanks for coming, guys.” he smiled sheepishly at the others who had managed to squeeze his wedding into their schedules.
Jungsu, along with Sungmin, Donghae, Hyukjae, Ryeowook, and Jongwoon, came in, teasing Siwon about having a wedding without even having a bachelor’s party. Siwon had already explained the situation to them and they fully understand, but trust it for Super Junior boys not to let someone live it down on a situation like his.
“Wow, you’re life is really like those in dramas!” Hyukjae exclaimed, grinning gummily.
“Yah, hyung. Stop that.” Siwon pouted but then smiled broadly after a moment.
“Congratulations, Siwonnie. We brought gifts.” Sungmin handed him a box covered in silver-gray wrapping with white ribbons.
“Thanks, hyung.” Siwon put the gift side and accepted the several others from his guests. “How about Kyuhyun and Heechul-hyung? And Shindong-hyung? And I thought Henry and Zhou Mi are still here in Korea.” he asked as they settled into the living area where his parents were having a idle conversations with their colleagues who were invited to the ceremony. Jaime’s parents had yet to arrive with his bride.
“Shindong still have to finish filming for a show. Heechul has a prior engagement but he promised he wouldn’t miss this for the world so I’m betting that he’s on his way now. Kyuhyun will have dinner with his parents and sister but he said he would be coming with Mi and Henry, who by the way were invited to some show. They’ll be here, though I think they’d be a little late.” Jungsu explained.
As if on cue, the doorbell rang and Heechul was at the door.
“Hello, Siwonnie. Am I late? Have you been married without me making comments about how clichéd your life is and how cheesy exchanging vows are?” Heehcul smirked evilly.
“Hi, hyung. Welcome.” Siwon just shook his head, turning a bit crimson on the face. Heechul is really not going to let him be for the next few…uh, years. Who knows, really? He’s Kim Heechul.
“Speaking of the bride, where is she, Siwonnie?” Jongwoon asked out of the blue.
“Oh, she’d be coming soon. She went to her parent’s house earlier to take care of some things.” Siwon replied, checking his watch and noting that the ceremony was about to begin in an hour, he silently prayed that Jamie didn’t try anything drastic just to cancel the wedding or something of the sort.
They continued on talking just about anything as they waited for Jamie and her family to arrive. After nearly half an hour, Kyuhyun arrived with Henry and Zhou Mi. Henry and Zhou Mi were thoughtful enough to buy wedding gifts, and so did Kyuhyun. But Siwon doesn’t really want to expect that much from Kyuhyun, in fact he was a bit dreading at whatever the maknae had bought for him and Jamie. There was something about the smirk Kyuhyun had when he handed his gift over.
Ten minutes before the wedding starts but there was still no Jamie. There wasn’t even a text messages or something. Siwon had become worried despite himself. He might be against the wedding but Jamie, in the past few days they’d been living together, had actually been a good companion if not a friend already. He prayed that they were just going to be late or something and not involved in any accident as they made their way to his house.
When the doorbell rang once again, Siwon bolted towards it and opened it excitedly, only to be meet with a smiling Shindong. The latter mocked a hurt expression when Siwon looked disappointed of seeing him on the door and not Jamie’s pouting face. The younger explained hurriedly in which Shindong had accepted with a pat on his shoulder.
“There was an accident on the main road here and I was lucky enough to manage and find another way. Maybe they just got caught on the traffic.” Shindong reassured Siwon. He went inside and talked with his fellow members as they all waited for the bride to arrive.
Siwon was a little bit concerned at the news of the accident from Shindong. He was so worried to the point that his mind was actually considering the fact that maybe Jamie was caught in that accident. He unconsciously paced near the door and checked his watch as the start of the weeding draws near. Of course here will be no wedding if Jamie didn’t come.
“Oppa, calm down.” Jiwon put a hand on her brother’s shoulder. “Have you tried calling her? Or uncle?” she asked, a frown on her face.
Siwon stopped pacing and shook his head. “Well, I was just assuming that they go caught on traffic or something and they would have called if they were going to be late.” he answered. He fished out his phone from his pocket and dialed Jamie’s number. It went straight to voicemail. “She’s not answering.” he frowned before trying once again, only to have the same result. He got worried even more.
“Relax, oppa. You’re kind of acting like a concerned fiancé considering that a week ago you were bent on not making this wedding into reality.” Jiwon managed to tease though she was also concerned inside. Her brother is a strong man but there were times when he needed others for support.
Siwon pouted. “The two of us may not want this wedding but she’s still someone I came to know as a good friend though we have just met a few days ago. I’m just worried.”
“Alright, alright.” Jiwon grinned. “I’ll go ask mom to call auntie and ask what’s wrong.”
Before Jiwon could take a step towards their parents, the doorbell rang once again. Siwon promptly jumped to open the door, silently praying it’s not a police officer outside who are about to tell him that what he was dreading actually happened.
“Oh, Siwon! We are very sorry for nearly being late! The traffic was so bad!” Jamie’s father apologized when the door opened.
Siwon let out a sigh of relief. “It’s okay, sir. We were not going to start without you guys anyways.” he managed to crack a joke as his heartbeat started to even out. “Where’s Jamie?” there was something he felt wrong with not seeing her with his own eyes, not with what he had been thinking that happened to her earlier. He just had this urge to really see that she was okay.
“Ah, she’s still in the car with her mother.” Jamie’s dad answered with a shake of his head.
“She’s still fuming about being made to wear a dress. I never had seen her give a tantrum like that. It was really entertaining. You should have seen her face when mom showed her the dress. Priceless!” Eunsuk imparted laughingly.
His father smacked him upside the head. “That is no laughing matter.”
“Sorry.” Eunsuk apologized. But he made wild gestures after his father had went in, just to convey his point to Siwon who just shook his head with a smile. “But hyung. You might want to capture this on camera. Nuna wearing a dress and looking like a girl is rarer than a cat taking a bath.” he managed to say before being called in by his father to meet he colleague Siwon’s father had invited.
Siwon patiently waited for Jamie and her mother to come in. And when they did come to the front door, Siwon’s jaw nearly dropped. In the past three days that Jamie had been living with him, there were several things that he had found out. One, is that Jamie does not wear make up of some sort, but she haven’t left the apartment for the past days so he’s not really sure if she does wear when she goes out. Two, is that Jamie always wear her hair in a ponytail or a lose bun, claiming that although she loves long hair, she hate having it obscure her face, or sticking on her back especially that its summer. Three, is that Jamie loves to wear sweat pants or anything that covers her legs from top to bottom, even though it’s stifling hot, and wear shirts that are almost always a size or two bigger than her own size. He had never seen her wear a dress except in that picture his father had handed him.
All of those things which he had known about Jamie may might as well be thrown out the window because Jamie was here, wearing light make up that only accentuated her pretty, innocent features, hair hanging loosely in soft waves that reached almost past her waist, and wearing a peachy white chiffon dress that reached down just an inch above her knees.
Upon realizing that Siwon was checking out her outfit, Jamie frowned and clutched her coat around her firmly. “What? Never seen a girl in a dress before?” she snapped, annoyed.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I… well, let’s go inside. Everybody’s waiting.” Siwon snapped out,
“We are sorry for making you wait dear.” Jamie’s mother apologized before going in.
Jamie stood beside Siwon in the doorway, a bit flushed. She had just had a rough time again with her mother about wearing the dress and the make up.
“Alright, aghassi. Who are you and what have you done to Song Jamie?” Siwon raised a brow and crossed his arms, mocking a hard stare.
“Please don’t make me want to strangle you too. I’ve had enough teasing from Eunsuk. I hope this is the last time I’ll ever be forced into a dress.” Jamie retorted grudgingly.
“You look pretty. I don’t see why you hate wearing a dress.” Siwon answered. He just couldn’t stop himself.
“So I look ugly when I’m not in a dress, then?” Jamie frowned.
“I didn’t mean it like that!” Siwon replied. “I meant that you look pretty whatever you’re wearing, it’s just that you really look quite different when you dress up. Though I don’t mind when you’re wearing shirts and sweats because you look adorable just being who you are.” he rambled. And then went red in the face. “Err…”
Jamie was just a bit gaping at Siwon. She shook her head. Causing her hair to bounce  a bit, “Alright. Let’s not say another word about this and save face.” she muttered. “Let’s get this over with.” she sighed and went in.
“You make it sound like it’s the end of both our worlds.” Siwon pointed out. “Hand me your coat.” he gestured for Jamie’s coat.
“You still have a minute or two to back out on this, Choi Siwon. After the ceremony, everything is final.” Jamie stated seriously as she shrugged her coat off, showing creamy shoulders because the ‘friggin’’ dress just have to come with the thinnest straps and neckline that had barely covered the top of her cleavage, in which she had pulled up as a remedy, thank you very much. It’s something to try to hide something you’re not comfortable of showing off, in her case it’s trying to hide what she doesn’t have.
Siwon went red once again when he saw how the straps of Jamie’s dress looked like they were barely able to hold the whole dress up. He shook his head to clear his thoughts.
“Well, I could say the same to you, Song Jamie.” he managed to reply. He held a hand towards Jamie. “So what do you say? Are we going to let this get over with or you can still back out and run for the door. I wont hold you back.” he gave her a serious but soft look.
Jamie took a deep breath. “I don’t think I can live it down being a runaway bride anyways.” she said and put her hand on Siwon’s.
. . . . .

Jamie always thought that weddings are sweet occasions that would bring the softest parts from the most cold-hearted of people. She had been into some weddings before, usually tagging along with Allie who has so many friends she couldn’t even track if they’re just new acquaintance or from the same high school she’d been in. In those weddings, Jamie observed one thing, the exchanging of vows always brings tears to at least a couple of persons who was watching, more often than not, those are the parents.
But on her own wedding, her parents didn’t shed a single tear, not even her own drama queen of a mother. As she exchange vows with Siwon, she couldn’t help but to cringe inwardly at how cold and lifeless the way they exchange vows, and roll her eyes at how classically corny the lines were, of course she did the eye-rolling inside her head lest she chance a sermon from her parents.
Siwon fared no better. Marriage is a sacred thing to him. The vows the two of them are exchanging are to be followed and cherished for a lifetime. To think that they don’t even feel affection for each other, other than their newly-formed friendship. Although everything start at one point, like how love starts at friendship, he couldn’t help but to wish they had done things unhurriedly. Things would have been different if at least he and Jamie were given a chance to know each other, even just a bit. He knows that Jamie is a very likable person, easy to be with, someone you wouldn’t mind to share a lifetime with. But he cant help but wonder what will happen to them after the wedding. He wants a family, who wouldn’t, of course. But at the circumstance that they were hurled into, would Jamie actually be willing to have a family with him?
After the vows were exchanged, and the rings, everybody present clapped their hands as the official announced them husband and wife. Smiles and congratulations were showered to them, and the newlyweds manage to produce half-smiles of thanks.
A small dinner was then held on the garden and the atmosphere was liven up by the SJ boys who would crack a joke or two now and then. Siwon was secretly pleased and relieved that he had been allowed to invite them over or the dinner would have been like a meeting in one of his father’s boardrooms.
After dinner, Jamie excused herself to use the bathroom but what she actually did was sit on a bench out of sight from the dinner table of the garden. Siwon had found her after feeling that she was not going back to the table at all and resume idle, if not useless and fruitless, chitchat with their parents and  their parent’s colleagues. The SJ boys had excused themselves too and bid goodbyes to the elders claiming that they had early schedules the following day.
Before the SJ boys had left, they managed to drop by the bench Jamie was in and congratulated her for another time. Jamie, despite her not-so-good mood considering it was her wedding night, had managed to smile. They were just so charming and she felt her spirits lift a little.
“We would really love to chat with you longer but we got work tomorrow. I would just have to take another time.” Jungsu said.
“It’s alright. Thank you for coming. I hope you had a good time.” Jamie answered as she bowed a little.
“We did. Despite the crazy circumstances, we hope that you’d take care of our Siwon. And if he manage to give you headache, don’t hesitate to tell us.” Jungsu grinned his dimple showing.
“Yah, hyung! I’ll never do that!” Siwon pouted, a little bit flustered.
Jungsu just laughed. “I know, I know. Our Siwonnnie here is real gentleman, Jamie-sshi. I hope the two of you would get along well.”
“Thank you very much.” Jamie didn’t know what else to say.
After seeing the 9 boys leave on three different cars, Jamie went back to the bench and continued what she was doing earlier, which was not really much, just looking up at the half-moon that was lighting up the sky. She didn’t want to go back to the table. If she would have it her way, she would have had left with Siwon and went to sleep already on her bedroom at Siwon’s apartment. Come to think of it, it’s practically THEIR apartment now since they’re married.
She felt a jacket covering her shoulders. She looked up and saw Siwon’s gentle dimpled smile. He was quite a gentleman, really. She smiled and offered the seat next to her which he gladly took.
“Looks like it’s over now. We’re stuck with each other forever.” Siwon stated as he looked at the skies too.
“Do you regret it? We did have our one last chance earlier.” Jamie asked. But her eyes were also looking up.
Siwon didn’t answer, but the silence was not awkward. It was rather calming.
“I don’t regret going through with the wedding really.” Siwon said softly. “You’re not a bad person. I wouldn’t really mind spending the rest of my life with you.” he said sincerely and then look at Jamie’s upturned face. “Would you?”
It was Jamie’s turn to be silent. She ignored the boring look Siwon was giving her at first but then when she thought hard about it, past the annoying meddlesome tendencies of their parents, she found her answer. She grinned and the skies.
“You’re not that bad of a person either. So maybe being your house mate for a lifetime would not be that bad either.” she stated.
Siwon smiled and then looked back at the sky. “So does that mean we really are no going to get out of this anymore?” he asked wistfully.
“Nah. I guess we’re really stuck with each other for good. Or for worse. We wont really know.” Jamie answered.
“Let’s just hope it would be for good.” Siwon said, the both of them falling into a calming companionable silence.
Unknown to the newlyweds, a person was watching them on the sidelines, smiling widely at how their new life was starting to unfold, thinking of how exciting he rest of their story would be.



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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8