Dance of Friendship Part 1

Siwon's Wife

a/n: well, hello there people who are amazingly reading this fic.. haha..

this chap's pretty long so i decided to cut it in two...


Jamie didn’t know if she should be relieved or not. It was Donghae and a blonde-haired guy she remembers as one of the ‘food-hog’ as Jungsu described, Hyukjae. Hyukjae was giving her a once over as if he was not sure if it was really her, Donghae had a finger pointed at her, mouth open, and a mix of disbelief and surprise on his face.

“You said you can’t dance!” Donghae blurted out. “I remember you said you can’t! But you can! I just saw you dancing!” his accusing finger still pat Jamie.

“Are you sure it’s her?” Eunhyuk asked.

Soon, other members of SJ were peering into the practice room. They were sweating, something that Jamie had just noticed. Looks like they were just having a short break from practice and they happened to pass by the door, Donghae catching sight of her.

“Hyukkie-hyung, Heechul-hyung said we have to leave. He’s hungry.” Ryeowook said, his head appearing by the door as he peered inside and call for his group mates.

“Hey, it’s Jamie-sshi.” Sungmin, who was by the door behind Ryeowook said. He marched in, wiping sweat from his forehead with a towel, a smile on his lips as he approached Jamie. “Hey! You came to visit!”

Jamie smiled back, furtively wiping sweat on her forehead too. Suddenly, these guys appearing in front of her is making her nervous. Especially with Donghae having and accusing finger at her face. She hoped he was not angry at her or something, it was hard to tell with his expression.

“Yah what’s the hold up? Monkey, come on! I’m hungry!” Heechul barged into the practice room. He stopped when he saw Jamie. “Oh! It’s you! So that’s why Fishy came rushing here suddenly.”

Ella and Soo-jin were speechless beside Jamie. She couldn’t really blame them. wasn’t it just a few minutes ago that they were bugging her to help them meet Super Junior? And now said group is walking into the room.

“Ah… yeah. I wanted to visit you guys and see you practice. But I got lost. And stumbled with these girls.” Jamie explained lamely.

“And she was dancing with them, hyung!” Donghae exclaimed. “She said she can’t dance! But she was!”

Jamie blew a strand of hair that had strayed to her fair. “I said I don’t dig the dancing, Donghae, I never said I can’t dance. Don’t and can’t are two different things.” she made a face.

Donghae was silent for a minute before nodding. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” he smiled, “Well, we were just about to have a five-minute break! Want to come?”

“We weren’t really going anywhere, Jamie. We were just about to get some water for the others.” Sungmin said.

Jamie smiled. “Alright. At least I wont get lose this time.” she said. She turned to the two girls who were still standing speechless beside her. “Oh, by the way, these are Ella and Soo-jin. They are really big fan of yours.” she introduced.

“Oh! I remember the two of you! You were those girls who won that dancing contest a few months back! Ah, I’ve watched it on TV! You were so good. But I thought there were three of you who got signed up with SM?” Heechul said enthusiastically.

“Uh… K-KC… s-she’s not f-feeling well. So s-she couldn’t come to p-practice today.” Ella stuttered.

Jamie smiled at how Ella stammered in front of her seniors when earlier, she had been the snarkier of the two.

Heechul nodded his head. “Is that so? Well, we have to leave. I'm only free for a few hours. And they were all thirsty when we left. If we take long, they’ll kill us. Or just them actually.” he gestured at the other members with him. “So see you around, okay?”

“Uh-huh…” Ella nodded. She looked like she had just swallowed the moon or something.

“Practice well so you can debut soon. Fighting!” Sungmin smiled encouragingly.

Jamie said goodbye to the two stunned girls and followed the guys out. Donghae kept bothering her to tell him how she can really dance but she kept avoiding him. He was on her tail until they went back to their practice room, where sweat-streaked members had gladly took huge gulps of water from the bottles distributed among them.

Jamie couldn’t help but to look away the moment they stepped in, trying hard not to cover her eyes and look like a silly little teenage girl. Why? Oh, just because of several topless guys, sweating from dance practice, parading around the room when they came in.

“Oh! Sorry, Jamie-sshi! We weren’t expecting you!” Jungsu apologized, putting on his white wife-beater hurriedly, motioning for the others, namely Jongwoon, who had his sleeveless shirt folded up messily until they are tucked on his armpit, and Siwon who was also topless just like him and was lying exhaustedly on the floor with Kyuhyun, both panting and sweating profusely, (Jamie wondered if they were dancing or wrestling, both had messy hair)

“Jamie! You’re here!” Siwon, who had put his loose shirt on in 2 seconds flat, said.

“Yeah… obviously…” Jamie replied. She tentatively looked around for a few moments before looking at the guys once she was sure her eyes wont burn by seeing bodies. She smiled. “There was nothing much to do after the interview so I decided to pay you guys a visit.”

“Is that so?” Siwon replied, “So, how did it go? Was the school okay? Did you meet other teachers? How were they?"

“Wow, you sound like my mother when I came home form my first day of school.” Heechul interjected cheekily, passing Siwon a chilled can of coke.

Jamie just laughed at the way Siwon gingerly caught the can since he wasn’t expecting the pass, and then frowning at Heechul’s back. “It was fine. I met a couple of teachers. The Gym teacher was quite interesting. He’s got this stories about some weird occurrences that happened to the school over the years, which the other teacher, who was a History teacher, told me were all just stories to spook students who tends to stay after school hours and do naughty things.”

“Oh, the Gym teacher. Was he cute? He was a ‘he’, right?” Kyuhyun teased.

Jamie laughed. “He’s a he alright. And according to the principal, he’s quite popular with the female students. Well, he is charming. I enjoyed his stories as he toured me through the school with the principal and the other teacher.”

“Looks like you’ve got competition.” Kyuhyun nudged Siwon.

“What competition?” Siwon laughed, nudging the younger one back.

“Yah, Siwonnie, do you know that Jamie dances?” Donghae piped, ecstatic. “I saw her dancing with two trainees! She was like… floating through the dance floor!” he said as he tried to do the moves Jamie was doing earlier.

Jamie laughed. Donghae is a very good dancer alright, but his current ecstatic and enthusiastic mood along with the fact that he wasn’t near a contemporary or ballet dancer, makes the moves quite ridiculous and funny. Donghae ignored Jamie and continued to dance on the floor, humming Swab Lake.

“Please stop. I can’t…my tummy hurts…” Jamie kept laughing.

“Dude, you look like a duck trying to dance.” Eunhyuk pushed Donghae playfully.

“If Jamie dances like that, then I don’t ever want to see her dance. Not in a million years.” Heechul said.

“I don’t dance like that.” Jamie managed as she controlled her urge to laugh. “I mean, I’m not that good of a dancer, but I wager I’m not that bad even.”

“You never told me you can dance.” Siwon sounded a little accusative, much like a kid who had not been told a petty secret.

Jamie just grinned. “Well, I don’t dance anymore really… as I said before, I hate sweating. So I don’t really like to dance anymore.”

Siwon saw how Jamie’s expression fell and how the light in her eyes disappeared for a moment. But then Jamie was laughing once again when Donghae tried to mimic her once again so decided that he could ask for the reason why she stopped dancing later.

When Donghae finally had stopped goofing around, the practice session resumed, Jamie watching in the sidelines. The group’s manager was there too and since Siwon had told him about Jamie, the two of them had gotten along quite well. Jamie still felt uncomfortable around the manager, and some of the members, but she didn’t show it. She genuinely like them, and Siwon seems to be close to them. Since she knows Siwon is a good person and someone who has a good judge of character, she trusts that his friends are good people.

The practice session, despite what Jamie had expected, wasn’t all hard-work practice. Whenever the guys manage to finish one song, they would be pointing out the others’ mistakes, make fun of their moves, goof around, laugh a lot, and then do the routine again one more time. She now understood why they were all so close. They help each other improve their skills by pointing out the mistakes but making the person who made a mistake that it’s so much of a big deal, but just enough pressure for him to improve. It shows how tight their friendship is, how close their brotherhood is, that they trusts each other even though it would seem that they are criticizing them for the mistakes. It’s just wonderful, and Jamie thinks she had never seen anything like it. Just now.

They guys took another break again after what seemed to be eternity of goofing around and hard practice.

“Omo! Jamie! We’re going to be late for dinner!” Siwon blurted as he checked his phone for messages.

Jamie checked her watch. “Holy-”

“Yah! What did I tell you about that?!” Siwon reprimanded.

Jamie rolled her eyes. “Yes, father.” she put on her shoes, taking it off earlier because she can’t take the heels.

Heechul laughed at Siwon’s pout. “Oh, I really like your wife. She totally whips the Lord’s #1 fan!”

“Hyung!” Siwon pouted even more as he packed his things.

“Come on, saint Siwon! Hurry up!” Jamie called as she made her way to the door hurriedly.

And then she accidentally slipped on the floor, stepping on a puddle of water. She landed on her .

“Jamie! Are you okay?” Siwon was instantly beside his wife.

Jamie groaned, massaging her backside. “Do you think I’m okay?!” she snapped. “Stupid heels! I’m never going to wear anything with heels higher than an inch, I swear!” she glared at her heels.

Siwon fought the urge to laugh at Jamie’s petty antic. He had seen her upset about wearing a dress, about forgetting she was cooking something and then it burned, he had even seen her throw a fit when she couldn’t work out how to use the vacuum at their apartment, but he had never seen her throw a fit because of slipping on high heel shoes. It just made her more feminine, not that she wasn’t, but it wasn’t just like her.

He helped her up, making sure she wasn’t going to slip again or throw her shoes into the nearby bin, before letting go.

“Stop glaring at the shoes. You were the one who’s at fault.” Siwon chuckled. “That’s what you get when you mock the Lord.”

Jamie clucked her tongue disapprovingly. “Shut up. God wasn’t wearing them either!”

Siwon only laughed, ushering her to the door. “Come on, let’s go. I don’t want to be late for dinner.”

“Do you have a dinner date or something?” Donghae asked.

“Yeah. Jamie’s mom invited us to have dinner with them.” Siwon answered.

“Oh, Jamie’s mom… shouldn’t you call them mom and dad?” Heechul jeered.

“Hyung!” Siwon protested.

“What? You’re married!” Heechul only laughed.

Jamie only shook her head before saying her goodbyes and leaving with Siwon. Since the latter was still wearing his sweat-drenched clothes, they made a quick stop at the apartment for him to take a shower and her to change clothes.

They arrived just around ten minutes late for dinner and Jamie’s parents and her brother were on the living room waiting for them, watching a soccer game while they were at it.

“Oh, you’re here!” Jamie’s mom greeted as she let the couple in. “Did you get caught on traffic?”

Siwon bowed apologetically. “I’m sorry, ma’am, for being late. I forgot about the time. It won’t happen again. I’m sorry.” he bowed at Jamie’s dad too.

“It wasn’t his fault entirely. I forgot to keep track of time. He was busy with practice. I should have been more attentive.” Jamie apologized, tugging at Siwon’s arm to tell him to stop bowing.

“Oh, it’s okay.” Jamie’s mom turned to Siwon and made him stand straight with a smile. “I shouldn’t have insisted for you to have dinner with us. I know you are very busy. I should have been more considerate.”

“Oh, no, ma’am! It’s alright!” Siwon smiled.

“Stop calling me ma’am! You are so formal! You’re part of the family now, so call me mom instead.”

Siwon looked at Jamie who just shrugged her shoulders. He smiled at Jamie’s mom but didn’t say anything.

“Anyways, Jamie, how about you help me prepare the food. Come on. Eunsuk is threatening to throw a fit if he’s not given food in a minute.”

Jamie followed her mom to the kitchen, kicking her brother on the shin when he made a face at her for being late. Their father clucked his tongue disapprovingly.

“Hyung, come sit down. The game’s halfway over.” Eunsuk called, patting the space beside him on the couch.

Siwon looked at Jamie’s father who just kept his eyes on the game. Eunsuk just grinned at him when he noticed his awkwardness he have for his in-law.

“Hyung, dad won’t bite. Come on!” Eunsuk called with huge grin.

“Huh? I…” Siwon threw another look at the eldest man in the house before taking his seat.

“So, hyung, how’s living with nuna? You haven’t broken any bone yet, have you?” Eunsuk asked.

Siwon chuckled. “No. She doesn’t seem to be violent. How can you say that?”

“Really?” Eunsuk raised a brow. “Did she bribe you to lie to us?”

Siwon’s hands were in the air in an instant. “No! I’m not lying! Why would I lie?”

Eunsuk was laughing. “Relax, hyung! I was just kidding.”

Siwon sighed. “Right… but… why did you say she’s violent?”

“Well, back when we were kids, she used to bully me. She’s so bossy! And she always hit me! You cant believe how I still have nightmares about her hitting me!” Eunsuk stated with the utmost seriousness on his face.

Siwon listened to Eunsuk as the younger told him stories about Jamie and his younger days. Back when Jamie used to be Eunsuk’s personal Hitler.

“Ugh, hyung! You wont believe how glad I was when she got accepted to that school in the US! I thought, finally! Finally no one was going to hit me and boss me around and bully me!”

A hand came flying and hitting Eunsuk at the back of his head, sending him sprawling at the astonished Siwon’s lap. Eunsuk scrambled back up and glared at whoever had hit him.

“Yah! Nuna! What the heck?!” Eunsuk barked.

“Nol chogule?! You little liar!” Jamie glared and raised a hand to hit her brother again.

Eunsuk scrambled to cover himself, hiding behind Siwon. “See, hyung? She is violent! Do you believe me now?!”

Jamie bared her teeth at Eunsuk but put her hand down. She smirked. “You were so glad I left for the school, huh? I certainly remember someone who was wailing at the airport.” she made a crying face, “Nuna! Don’t leave me, nuna! Who’s going to fight off the bullies if they try to take my lunch money? Who’s going to help me with my homework?” she turned and walked over to her father. “Who’s going to wash my bed sheets when I got an accident at night?” and then she laughed.

Eunsuk was suddenly up and pointing a finger at her sister. “It was just one time!” he accused.

Jamie just laughed. She put a hand on her father’s shoulder. “Dad, come on, dinner’s ready.” she turned to Siwon who was grinning at a fuming Eunsuk. “You too. I bet you’re hungry after that practice.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Siwon replied with a smile. He patted Eunsuk’s back. “Come on, let’s go. You can tell me all about that accident. It was an accident, right?”

“Hyung!” Eunsuk pouted.

“He was eleven by the way when that happened.” Jamie added as she walked by her dad to the dining room, clutching his arm as she laughed.

“Yah, you kids are so noisy.” Jamie’s dad reprimanded.

Eunsuk was still fuming as he sat on the table beside his mom. Jamie and Siwon were opposite to them while their father was at the head of the table.
“Let’s say grace.” Mrs. Song said, smiling gently at everyone. She served her husband first before starting eating herself. “Siwon-sshi, try this.” she put one of her specialties on Siwon’s bowl.

“Ah, thank you, ma’a-”

“Aigoo, this kid. I told you not to call me ma’am. It should be mom now.” Mrs. Song smiled.

“Ah, yes. Mom.” Siwon throw a glance at Jamie.

“Stop looking at me like that. Call her ma’am or whatever. Do what you want.” Jamie said.

“Yah, Song Jae-mi! how can you be like that! Aigoo, this girl! Did I raise you to talk to someone like Siwon that way?” Mrs. Song reprimanded.
Jamie pouted over her mouthful of food. “It’s not that he minds.” she looked at Siwon. “Do you?”

Siwon shook his head, fighting the urge to wipe the sauce smeared on Jamie’s lips. “I don’t. It’s okay.”

“See? If we try being formal and all around each other, it would be too awkward! It’s better like this!” Jamie said before taking another mouthful.

“Jae-mi. You’re eating like you haven’t had a meal in a week. Slow down. The food’s not going to run.” Mr. Song tapped his daughter’s chopsticks with his own when the girl had started to pick up a piece of meat.

“Daddy, I’m hungry!” Jamie protested.

“Have you been starving her hyung? Good!” Eunsuk jeered.

“No! I am not! Well, she eats all she wants. Not that I mind of course.” Siwon explained, hands on the air in gestures again. “Maybe it’s because she had been dancing earlier. My friend did say that she was dancing with some trainees, I didn’t see exactly.”

Eunsuk and his parents suddenly stopped eating, Eunsuk’s chopsticks halfway to his mouth.

“Mworagoyo? Dancing? Jamie?” Eunsuk asked, bewildered.

Siwon looked at the three with a confused expression. It looks like they didn’t know Jamie dance either. Somehow, he actually felt better that he wasn’t the only one who didn’t know that Jamie dances. “Uh, yeah. She was according to my friend. She visited us in our practice earlier, that’s why we were a bit late. Donghae, my friend, had seen her dancing with some trainees.”

Mr. Song gave Jamie a pointed look. She kept her head down, seemingly not to hear the others talking about her. “Since when? I thought you were never-”

“Just leave it alone.” Jamie said, not even faltering a bit with putting food on . “I don’t want to talk about it.”

Siwon could feel the tension in the air. It looks like he was wrong about them not knowing she dances. By the way Mr. Song was looking at his daughter, it seems like there was a big reason that Jamie stopped dancing.

“Jae-mi ah…” Mrs. Song started softly. She was cut off by the smile on her daughter’s face as she looked up at her. A smile that didn’t reached Jamie’s eyes.

“Mom… please?”

Siwon could easily hear the pleading on Jamie’s tone.

There was silence on the dining room.

“Yah, nuna! The one you were dancing with, were they girls?” Eunsuk suddenly blurted out. “Were they cute?” he turned to Siwon. “Hyung, can you introduce me?”

“Aigoo, this kid! Eat! I’m already burdened by lots of girls coming here and asking for you! They are such a head ache!” Mrs. Song complained.

“Maybe you should marry him off too! Want me to find a girl for her, mom?” Jamie grinned.

“No way! If you do that, I’ll go up the mountains and never come down!” Eunsuk threatened.

Jamie scoffed. “As if you could live without a phone.”

“Stop fighting and eat!” Mrs. Song sighed. “Why did the heavens gave me such noisy kids?”

Siwon smiled at his in-law. “Don’t worry, mom. At least I’ve got half of your burden now. I’ll pray for the both of us.”

“Thank you, Siwon ah.” Mrs. Song laughed.

“Burden? Yah, Choi Siwon, nol chogule?” Jamie glared.

And just like that, the heavy atmosphere that had threatened to ruin the dinner was lifted. As the dinner lasted, Siwon had learned so much about the family and Jamie’s childhood, thanks to Eunsuk. Jamie was growling and threatening to strangle her brother every time he would tell Siwon and exaggerated version of her childhood stories, Siwon would just laugh. He was glad he had taken time to spend the evening with his new extended family, it gave him answers to some of Jamie’s antics he observes at home. And he’s happy that even just a little bit, he learned something about Jamie, know her a little bit better.

a/n: now you've finished with the first part, proceed to the next one!! it's sort of angstsy though so...i'd say prepare some tissues?

you might be wondering about why Jamie's family is bewildered why she was dancing... it's kind of explained in the continuation of this chapter... so what are you waiting for??? go now! go!!

and don't forget to comment!!! i want to hear your thoughts!!!

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Chapter 28: Ahaha..tats funny...n zuper cute..dont u hv bonus chap or smthg..heheh..jk
Chapter 16: Where Siwon...i thought
Chapter 6: Rarely i meet siwon fanfic being him as main character.
He is not my bias bcoz of himself
But bcoz i hv crush wth whom has similarity wth Siwon.. i even name my car siwon
claribelmiranda #4
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they met again and siwon met his twins ^^
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: Awww...haha, what a cute happy family, anyways done reading this one, looove it, happy that they net again and siwon met his twins ^^
siwonsmirk #6
Chapter 28: oh my god thank you this is such a very beautiful ending ;~~~~~;
im sorry for d delay. im from d area where d supertyphoon struck last nov 8 and evn until now we dnt hav elctrc power. my laptop is a little damaged nd i hope id b able to rec0ver my files. it'l b a little wyl though. we lost our home so im still kind of caught up 2 say d least. thanks 4 sticking up 2 d story! i cud lose many material things, but knowing that there r people hu stil appreciate my work keeps me moving forward. thank you!! fighting!
siwonsmirk #8