new friend pt. 2

Rain of tears

The cn blue boys stayed at the karaoke mania until 2:30 in the morning along with seohyun. Yong hwa dragged his bandmates to a empty hallway and begged them to walk home since its not far so he could take seohyun home alone. His hyungs howled like wolves and patted his shoulder and told seohyun to take care. While the boys were walking home they came by a bench near the park and someone was sitting there motionless as if they were dead. They decided to come closer to person and the minute they saw who it was they ran away... except for jung shin who stayed and looked at her back.

Jung shin: Shin hye yah are you okay??

Shin hye: I told you not to follow me and i hear pity in your voice. If theres one thing i hate its pity. For now please leave me alone I need time for myself.

Jung shin: umm okay but shin hye yah.. dont stay out too long its almost 3 a.m. go home and sleep.He hoped she will listen to him and go home but she didnt she walked the opposite direction and he knew exactly where she was going. To the one place she always go,,, the dance studio.

Shin hye pov: I needed to get my mind straight. I still couldnt believe i was nice to that guy. Ever since i moved here i made sure people would fear me. I didnt need friends like my father said... if you dont want it you dont need it. That guy came by me again when i was sitting in the park thinking about my dad and how i miss him. Why did he have to leave me so early. Cant he understand that he was the only one... My only friend!! and now his gone, and im sure as hell know that no one here understands the feeling i have. I got up quick and walk towards the school building hoping the doors are still open. I grabbed the door handle and gave it a little jiggle but it was locked. Feeling dissappointed i made my way back home. I passed that guy again and mumbled a good night before walking on ahead. I made it home at 3:45 and readied myself for the lecture im about to get. My mom was on the couch sleeping and i tip toed pass her careful not to wake her. Half way up the stairs my mom woke and called my name. I went back down the stairs and stared at her. She yelled at me about the time and the rules in her house. i didnt have the strengh to argue so i nodded and went to my room. I grabbed the picture of me and my dad on the wall and my heart started to hurt.  That night for the first time i cried myself to sleep.

Monday morning: Shin hye walked to school with shorter hair and she knew people would love it.. people came up to her to pay there comments but she kept on walking. She wore sun glasses and walked to her first hour which she hated since the whole crew was there. The Cn blue barbies and their fan seohyun.

Seohyun: ohh shin hye you look nice today.... just kidding you still look ugly like before.When she said it group of girls were behind her laughing at shin hye.

Shin hye: seohyun you and your group of followerers are nothing but lonely losers who have nothing to talk about but girls who are way better looking than you

Seohyun: you are not better than me shin hye you wish you were me and your just jealous everyone likes me and not you. The cn blue boys saw whats happening and went to stand by seohyun.

Shin hye:The only time i wish to be you seohyun is in your dreams and plus your sad and pathetic and people pity you so therefore they become your friend. and i dont plan on making people like me. She turned around and took her shades off and said. I hate all of you. You stand before me saying you dont like me but deep down you secretly want to be my friend. Well truth be told all of you are like air I dont see you but your all around me. She smirked at seohyun. And another thing is seohyun dont try to appear cool in peoples eyes because in mines you are the same pathetic girl with the same fake smile that draws the same pathetic people to become your friend. She turned and walked to her seat with everyone quiet behind her.

Yong hwa: hey witch stop being rude to others its not their fault your messed up and mean and nobody likes you. I think you owe everyone here an apology.

Shin hye: Well i think miss you should shut up and not get in my business. How act is based on what i want and not what others want. if that would be all you may leave.

Minhyuk: Hyung let it go she will never apologize.


Shin hye: Ma'am i just told you i dont want to apologize to any of you. You dont deserve my kindness let alone my apologies so leave me alone and never appear in front of me.

Yong hwa: aishh yah.. You know that no-

Shin hye: yea yea i get it no one likes me hear but thats okay.. I honestly dont need friends and you honestly dont need an apology she opened to me and what did she expect?? a smile and a friendship handshake. You all keep getting pathetic every hour of the day. If the professor comes tell him im in the dance studio or not i really dont care.

Shin hye pov: wow people here are way dummer than i expected. how many times do i have to say i hate them forever.




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Wendy-1977 #1
Great yongshin story😍
Cute Psh & Jyh
danie1822 #2
Chapter 22: Bonita historia me encanto. Gracias por escribir esta historia tubo de todo felicidad tristesa y una grandiosa felicidad.
maiamay #3
Chapter 22: Nice story
Sheimen23 #4
Chapter 22: Great story ...pls write more yongshin fanfic..thanks. .
Chapter 22: Great one. You do well for bringing out my laugh, angry, sadness and finally happiness.
boiceangel #6
Chapter 22: Daebaaakk they getting married yeeey!! Thankyou authornim^^
Angelz0715 #7
Chapter 22: Great story!!!
Chapter 22: I really liked this story she went to every place to remember him and it made me cry from how hurt yong hwa was but you are really great author you should writ more stories
Chapter 22: Finally shinhye remember yonghwa. I love their wish. >):)
Chapter 22: Thank you very much. It was wonderful YONGSHIN love story.:)