Wish Sixteen- Part Two (The secret behind idolizing Kris Wu)

It all started on KRISTMAS!


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Even though Amber was too nervous to even sleep, in the end because of the drowsiness that was attacking, she still managed to fall asleep after staring at Kris for hours.

The clock struck 2am in the midnight; the dorm was extremely quiet when the sound of the keys could be heard. Luhan had rushed home after the dinner ended. The other members had decided to stay in the hotel as most of them wanted to gather together with the sunbaes. But, the thought of Kris and Amber alone at home was disturbing him so much that he had to check on them.

The members had no idea about Kris’s habit as he had kept the secret from them. Kris didn’t want to tell anyone about his habit and Luhan only managed to find out about it when the two of them were alone in the dorm two years ago. That night was also extremely cold like today and he just had to check if Amber had gotten “attack” by Kris or not.


He entered the dorm without switching on the lights, as he wouldn’t want to wake any of the two up. He opened up his room hoping that Kris was still lying in his bed but what he saw was empty bed with messy blanket. He immediately walked towards Amber’s room that was beside his and gently twisted the doorknob. The door creaked opened and his heart fell as he saw Kris and Amber sharing one bed.

He walked forward and realized that Amber and Kris was cuddling closely with one another. The thick blanket was covering their bodies. Their faces were facing each other and were sleeping soundly.


He bit his bottom lips with a frown on his face. He turned his head away from the scene as he tightened his fist. For the first time, he really wanted to kick the leader out of the bed.


*Luhan… why are you feeling this way…*


 He clutched onto the fabric of his shirt at his heart position trying to stop the aching feeling he had. As he was about to walked away, Amber’s voice could be heard.


“Luhan oppa?” Amber rubbed her left eyes trying to clear her vision.


“Amber… sorry for waking you up…” Luhan softened as soon as he heard Amber's voice. He loosened his fist and walked forward to apologize. He stared at Amber who had a bed hair and was trying to sit up but was unable to because Kris had trapped her in his arms.


“Where are the others?” Amber asked as she pushed the blanket away and tried to release Kris’s tight grip on her waist.


“Cold…” Kris stirred as he tightened his arms around Amber pushing her closer to him as he rubbed his cheek on her neck that made her blushed right in front of Luhan.


*Cute.* Amber thought as she smiled at Kris’s action.


Luhan forced himself not to pull Kris up as he finally squeezed his answer out, “They are going to stay in the restaurant’s hotel.”


“Arh… they wouldn’t be back so soon?”


“Ya.” Luhan pulled a chair and settled himself as he talked to Amber who was currently lying on the bed.


“Is Kris always like this?” Amber asked.


“I only met this situation once. He cuddled on to me like what he was doing now. I’m shocked when he suddenly did this…”


“Me too! He just came in all of a sudden and… well, this was what happened next.” Amber giggled softly trying not to wake Kris, although she doubt whether Kris would wake up or not.


“You could have kicked him down the bed.” Luhan smiled as he stared at Amber’s cute face while giggling.


“Kick him down the bed? I didn’t know you had it in you, oppa.” Amber chuckled in surprised as she never know that the caring big brother would have this kind of evil thoughts.


“What’s wrong, you are a girl and it’s right to do so.”


“To be honest… I didn’t want to…” Amber said shyly. Yes, she didn’t even want to push Kris away because she herself kind of enjoyed this close contact with him when she usually couldn't because she was either too shy to looked into his gorgeous eyes or he was just too hard to communicate compared to the others.


“You like him, don't you?” Luhan’s shoulder deflated when he heard her.


“Hmmm… I idolize him.” Amber corrected him.


“Idolize?” Luhan’s lips curled up by a bit.


*Does she meant, she only like him as an idol and not…*


“Hey, oppa… I tell you a secret but please don’t reveal to anyone, all right?” Amber whispered.


“What is it?” Luhan nodded his head.


Amber glanced at Kris and make sure that he was deeply in sleep by pinching his palm then started, “Actually, Kris had saved me once…”


“Mwoh?” Luhan frowned.


“Hmm… well, it’s three years ago after my parents died. I was so desperate searching jobs that I got cheated and almost being sold as a… uhmmm… e.” The last word was barely heard but Luhan still managed to catch it.


“What?!” Luhan shouted, his body was tense and he could feel himself burning. He couldn’t even imagine if Amber really been sold away, what her life would be.


“Shhh! Oppa, calm down!” Amber placed her forefinger on her lips signaling him to keep quiet. For some reasons, Amber could feel Kris’s grip on her waist became harder. She looked at him once again to make sure he was not awaked and then turned to Luhan.


“What happened then?”


“Well, I was struggling at the dark alley trying to shout for help. It was midnight, Kris happened to walked past and basically, he saved me from those bad guys.” Amber simply said as she recalled that day.


Kris was wearing a black hoodie almost covering his face. But she still managed to catch a glimspe of him when she passed him a handkerchief for him to wipe off the blood he had gotten from the fight. Ever since that day that man became her ideal type and she idolized him even more when she realized that the man who saved her was going to debut in a kpop group.


“Why didn’t Kris recognize you?”

Now then, Luhan could remembered Kris had got various bruises on his face years ago. He don't get into fights and that was the only time he had bruises all over  his face. He even got scoldings by the company because their face was the most important thing and no scars were allowed. Luhan had asked him about it but Kris just shook his head telling him not to worry. 


“Well, I looked different now compared to then. I had long hair that time, but after that incident… I cut my hair short like a guy and even learned Taekwondo with the help with one of my father’s friend…” Amber smiled softly.


“Was that the reason why you like Kris?” even though he treated you coldly…


“That’s right! I know that even though, he is cold, selfish, careless and sometimes arrogant, he has a soft heart.” Amber said as she yawned.


“Go to sleep now. You are tired…” Luhan patted her head as he realized how late it was. It’s already 3 in the morning.


“All right… Goodnight, oppa… It's nice chatting with you. Remember to keep it a secret!” Amber reminded Luhan and yawned once again.


Luhan nodded and gave the two figures a last glance, then walked out of the room. He couldn’t believe that there was such a coincidence. Thank god that Kris had saved her from that nightmare, if not her life would be ruined. For once, he felt that Kris deserved to be liked by Amber.


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Yo! Another update for you people!

If you guys remembered... I did mentioned that there was a reason why Amber dressed like a boy when obviously she is not a tomboy. So, secret revealed. 

Hope you like a Luber moment, although most of you prefered Krisber moment.


And... I have a interview for college tomorrow as I applied Degree in Fine Arts.

Wish me luck guys, I hope I can skip the first year and go straight to second year... *Think too highly of myself* 

Hehe! Bye! ^^

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I was clearing my subscriptions and saw this story again and I just want to say that I really, really liked this story before and now I wish for a new update though I know you probably wouldn't update anymore :(
Hellohellohellobaby #2
Chapter 23: Hanber is so cute as well! Damn it now I'm stuck between Hanber and Krisber! Urgh Luhan why do you have to be so perfect like Kris but in another way? I'm gonna have the 3rd bias soon!
Leonicograce #3
Chapter 24: When willl u update, author?? :) Cant wit any longer!
Chapter 24: Update~~~ I'm waiting for the update...
Chapter 24: Is Amber going to be Choppy from one piece?
AyieSky #6
Chapter 24: OmaigodOmaigod!! Please update author-nim!!
Chapter 24: dammit next please author^^
mipomipo #8
updateee pleasee authorrrr nimm..