Wish Fourteen-- His hidden caring instinct

It all started on KRISTMAS!


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“Kris? There you are… where had you been?” Amber looked up at Kris who was standing not far from where Luhan and her were standing just now.


Luhan had left her after insisting on having her wear the slightly big gloves of his. Even though they were big, it really warmed her hands up and she was feeling much better.


Kris who was about to walk away and ignore what he had just seen, stopped as soon as he heard Amber calling him. He quickly hid those gloves he bought for her into his pockets.


*Good. His pants doesn’t have any pockets.* He cursed as he quickly hide it behind his back.


“What are you hiding, Kris?” Amber tilted her head side ways as she tried to peaked at what Kris was holding on behind his back.


“Uhm-hmm… N-nothing.”


*What the . Did I just stuttered or something?* Kris cursed.


“Er… okay. Anyway, you must be cold right? Drink this up and be energized.” Amber held out the canned coffee that she bought opened it up before passing it to Kris.


“Uhm.” Kris took the can from Amber and took a sip of the warm coffee that immediately warmed his throat, stomach and lastly his body. Having able to drink hot coffee after shooting for almost 1 and the half hours in this freezing cold morning made him felt really warm. In the past, it was always either Luhan or him who requested for something like this to their manager, then he would buy it for them. But, Amber had thought of it without any of them asked. She really was thoughtful and caring, just like Luhan. No wonder the two of them could get together so well…


“Arh… So you bought those gloves that’s why you are missing… You are cold too?” Amber managed to see what Kris’s hand was holding on when his hand relaxed to his side of his body.


“Ge ge!!” Tao shouted as he waved at the two of them excitedly and he ran towards them in a high speed.


“Hey, Tao! Did your body warmed up after the coffee?” Amber asked.


"Yups! Thanks to you, Amber noona!"


*So, she actually bought this coffee for everyone on the set? Should have known…*


“Eh? Ge ge! Why did you buy gloves? Didn’t you bring yours?”




Kris mentally smacked himself as he tried hard to hide those gloves. Now, he was going to embarrass himself in front of his younger one and Amber. Why did he buy those gloves to humiliate himself?


“And this gloves looked way too small to fit in your large hands, ge ge! Not even Luhan gege’s hands could fit in.” Tao snatched away those gloves Kris was holding on and commented as he spread those gloves.


Amber on the other hand looked at him in curiousity.

*Wasn’t those gloves looked like it’s for female?*


“R-really? Arhh… I think that ajumma gave me the wrong one.” Kris tried hard to find an excuse to cover his weird intentions of getting a women’s gloves.


“It must be, ge ge! But, how… you are scared of coldness… Why don’t you go back and change it for a bigger one?”


“I will change it for you, Kris… You guys have a photo shoot which is starting soon. Just give me the receipt.” Amber volunteered almost immediately.


“No need. Since it’s too small to fit my hands… I will just give this to you.” Kris threw those gloves at Amber who quickly reacted by catching it. She looked at him in shocked as she blinked her eyes for countless of times.


“But…” Amber hesitated as she looked down at the gloves that looked like it would fit her palms perfectly. Did Kris meant it that he wanted to give this to her?


“Doesn’t we have individual shots later. Let’s prepare now before our manager go freaking out like usual.” Kris said to Tao and left after giving Amber one last glance. She was staring at him wide and was hung opened cutely. He made a small smile as he walked away together with Tao.


Amber looked down onto the gloves once again. Even though, It was just a simple looking gloves that could be found anywhere on the streets but her heart was beating fast. Because this was given by Kris! She would definitely treasure it dearly. Amber smiled as she clenched onto the gloves tightly as though it might going disappear if she didn't guard it well.



* * *



Time passes really quickly and it was already late at night. EXO-M had ended their schedules for the day and was complaining how hungry they were, especially Xiumin.


“Pali!! I’m hungry!!” Xiumin shouted as he rolled on the ground.


“Erm, Xiumin oppa. There are still remaining snacks here. Do you want some first before we go for dinner?” Amber went towards the elder with containers of snacks in her hands.

She had actually started to call every EXO’s boys who were older than her,’oppa’ except for Kris. They said that they felt more comfortable with her calling them that.


“There is still remains? Awesome, Amber! You are the best!” Xiumin immediately sat up and took those snacks from Amber’s hands.


“Amber arh… You shouldn’t spoil our hyung so much. He has to maintain his figure and by looking at how you kept on providing him food, he might ended up become large baozi in no time.” Chen shook his head as he sat down on the floor fanning himself.


Kris was staring at Amber and couldn’t help to be amazed by her. He had observed her the whole day and she was really the purest and the kindest person he had ever met. He already knew that she was hardworking right when he granted her the wish, but this girl just surprised him so much that he had to view her in a different way.



* * *



In the afternoon, when they had a fan signing event, fans were pushing and squealing like mad that Kris could had gone deaf. It’s cool to have so many fans, but it’s not at all a good thing when they started pushing you around and trying to touch you. Even Luhan got irritated sometimes, but Amber… being the assistant who followed them around was being pushed as well especially when a lot of the fans was curious about her presence and her handsome looks. The fans thought that she was some star as well, therefore a lot of them tried to take advantages of her.


But she did not even jerk away or being irritated. She just politely bowed to them and smiled sweetly saying that she’s not a star or what so ever. She quickly accepted those gifts and plushies that the fans had shoved to her after knowing that she is their assistant. Not even their manager had accepted those gifts as he doesn’t give a damn, and it’s always them who accepted them out of politeness because they had just debuted.

She was already having so many things with her including the bag she was carrying that carried things he might not had expected, but she still patiently tried to accept almost everything the fans had begged her to pass it to them.


Lay told Amber that she could have not accept all those gifts but Amber replied without hesitation, “I know how they feel. If it’s not because I’m busy working, I would definitely be like them wishing that, their small little intentions could be accepted by their idol.”


“Right… I heard that you are a fan of Kris wasn’t it?” Lay teased as he helped Amber with some of the gifts.


Amber immediately blushed, then she leaned towards Lay and asked him for his ears as she whispered something to him that made Lay raised his eyebrows in amused.


*What did they just shared at that moment?*

That was the only thing he wondered and had been pestering the whole day.



* * *



When Kris was in his deep thoughts, someone’s hand was waving right in front of his face. He immediately snapped and looked up at the person.


“Did you just day-dreamed?” Amber blinked as she squad down so that she could look at him directly. Kris laid his eyes on the backpack that seemed really heavy and he couldn’t help himself on frowning.


“You know what, Kris… Until now, then I understood why manager oppa nicknamed you as ‘Angrybird’.” Amber suddenly reached out to Kris’s frowns as she poked her forefinger in between the meeting eyebrows.


“Mwo?” Kris couldn’t help but swallowed his own saliva as his eyes were now laid on Amber’s pink lips.


“When you frowned, you looked exactly like Angrybird.”




“Keke! Let’s go now, the others were complaining about how their stomach were being empty and I too need some food now.” Amber chuckled as she stood up and turned around but Kris caught onto her bag that made her stepped backward.


“What?” Amber looked up at the tall man who stood six feet tall and she only managed to reach his shoulders.


“Next time, don’t bring so many things or else the public would think that EXO-M is torturing their assistant.” Kris lift up her bag and before Amber could knew it, he swung the bag on his broad shoulder in one swift move just like how models did in their endorsement.


“W-wait! That’s my bag! And who would say such things? These were things I’m supposed to do and I’m willing to. Give me back my bag!” Amber quickly caught up with Kris who was approaching the door and tried to pull her bag strap.


“Will you stop jumping, shorty.” Kris rose up his eyebrow as he looked at Amber who was trying hard to get her bag.


“S-shorty? Yah! I know you are mean but can’t you treat me better? Give me my bag!” Amber put her hands on the side of her hips and pouted.


“Whatever. Up to you then.” Kris smirked as he put down her bag and handed it over to her before leaving Amber dumbfounded.


“It’s hyung’s way of acting caring, Amber… You should appreciate it.” Lay came into the room and said while leaning on the frame of the door.


“He is caring?” Amber scratched her head in confused. Then why didn’t he act normally like what Luhan oppa did to her? 


“Are you sure, you like Kris hyung? Normally, fans would go round squealing and fainting if Kris hyung would just lay his eyes on them for one second. But, you… just acted so normally…" 


“Uhmmm… I don’t know. I felt my heart beats real fast around him and it could be because I like him as a fan. I just treated him like an idol, someone I admire and hope for…” Amber pursed her lips with a frown.


“Tsk tsk. Let’s not think about this when our stomach is empty… We should go now. You wouldn’t want that baozi hyung to go squealing into your ears like he got slaughtered or something.” Lay shook his head initiating to leave the place.




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Oh YiXing, you better make the two of them together.

You are now in-charge of match making them okay! 

Hehe! Hope you guys like this update! 


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I was clearing my subscriptions and saw this story again and I just want to say that I really, really liked this story before and now I wish for a new update though I know you probably wouldn't update anymore :(
Hellohellohellobaby #2
Chapter 23: Hanber is so cute as well! Damn it now I'm stuck between Hanber and Krisber! Urgh Luhan why do you have to be so perfect like Kris but in another way? I'm gonna have the 3rd bias soon!
Leonicograce #3
Chapter 24: When willl u update, author?? :) Cant wit any longer!
Chapter 24: Update~~~ I'm waiting for the update...
Chapter 24: Is Amber going to be Choppy from one piece?
AyieSky #6
Chapter 24: OmaigodOmaigod!! Please update author-nim!!
Chapter 24: dammit next please author^^
mipomipo #8
updateee pleasee authorrrr nimm..