

“I can’t believe we made it” said Niel as he exited the bus.

When their plane landed the boys took the bus to the city. They didn’t really know where to get off the bus coz they didn’t know the city. As soon as Minsoo saw the sea he told the boys that they were getting off here.

“So, the first thing we got to do is find jobs. Jonghyun, me and Chanhee will go look for jobs while you two stay here” he said to Changhyun and Niel.

“What? Why me? I’m 18, I can work!” said Niel.

“You’re 18?” asked Minsoo surprised. “…I thought you were younger” he mumbled. “Okay… but who’s going to stay with Changhyun?”

“Jonghyun is still not 18” said the short boy.

“What?” yelled Minsoo surprised and looked at Jonghyun. “You’re underage?”

“…Yeah” nodded Jonghyun. “Then you’ll be staying with Changhyun”

“No! I want to work” yelled Jonghyun. “I have to go with you”

“Jonghyun, no one is going to hire you! Even your fake ID says that you’re underage… I thought it was a mistake but now I see that is true” he chuckled.

“Hyung come on!” whined Jonghyun. “I was a soldier”

“Look, I know you want to help and that you’re really brave, but it’s really not up to me this. You’re underage, I’m sorry, you can’t come”

“Brave?” chuckled Changhyun. “He’s not brave. Becoming a soldier wasn’t his idea, you know” he said. Jonghyun gasped when he heard that. He then rolled his eyes and faced Minsoo again.

“Fine! I’m only doing this so I can look after Changhyun” he sighed and went towards the beach. Changhyun quickly followed him, while the other three went to find some jobs.

“You think I’m not brave?” asked Jonghyun without making any eye contact with the other boy. The two of them were now sitting on the beach. It was empty, they were the only ones there.

“I… just said that so you… wouldn’t leave me” answered Changhyun quietly.  “Of course you’re brave” he continued. “You killed a man just to safe me and Niel… and yourself… you even fought with that soldier. Jonghyun you’ve done so much for all of us. Sorry for saying that you’re not brave”

“It’s okay” smiled Jonghyun. “From the first day I met you here I promised you that I will protect you, right?”

“Y-yea” blushed Changhyun.

“I wanted… to go with them coz I thought that you would be uncomfortable with me here”

“W-why would I?” Changhyun furrowed his eyebrows and looked at his friend.

“Well I did promise that I will stay away from you for a while as soon as we land here”

“Jonghyun” sighed Changhyun. “I told you that you don’t have to do that. It was selfish from me saying and thinking that. We’re friends and we don’t have to stop being friends just because of my stupid feelings” he chuckled.

“They’re not stupid…” mumbled Jonghyun. “Since you think that…” said Jonghyun and stood up. “Let’s go for a swim, like friends” he smiled and took off his shirt.

“Swim?” Changhyun asked surprised. “I don’t know…” he sighed.

“Come on, It’ll be fun” chuckled Jonghyun as he removed his pants and shoes. “You coming?” he asked once again.

“Um… sure, why not” smiled Changhyun and removed his clothes as well. Jonghyun grabbed Changhyun’s hand and they ran to the water. “It’s cold” whined Changhyun.
“You’ll get used to it” said Jonghyun and dived it.
“W-wait for me” said Changhyun and followed Jonghyun.

“I thought you couldn’t swim” said Jonghyun.

“Well… I can’t” blushed Changhyun.

“I’ll teach you then” laughed Jonghyun.


“Guys we’re back” yelled Minsoo as the three of them went on the beach to find the two boys. “Where the hell are they?” he asked and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Hyung… their clothes are here” said Niel and pointed at the clothes that were on the beach.

“Don’t tell me they went for a swim on this cold weather” he sighed and faced the sea. There he saw Jonghyun teaching Changhyun how to swim. It looked like they were having fun. Minsoo smiled a little when he saw the two boys. “We have to get them out of there, it’s cold” said the oldest one and went towards the sea.
As soon as Jonghyun saw that the three boys were back he let go of Changhyun by accident that caused Changhyun to dive in. Jonghyun gasped and quickly pulled him out of the water.

“What are you guys doing?” asked Minsoo and helped Jonghyun to carry the other boy.

“We were just bored and decided to go swim for a while” smiled Jonghyun.

“I can walk you know” mumbled Changhyun, but Jonghyun didn’t hear him.

“But it’s cold. You’ll get sick” said Minsoo and the three of them got back to Niel and Chanhee. “Now where are you going to dry off?” asked Minsoo a little pissed.

“Chill” chuckled Jonghyun. “I have some towels” he said and opened his backpack. He pulled out two towels and handed one to Changhyun.

“Thanks” the boy said quietly.

“Where did you get those from?” asked Niel surprised.

“From that little house in the woods we stayed in one night” explained Jonghyun. “I took a lot of things from there” he said.

“Okay, we have to tell you something now” said Chanhee.

“What is it?” asked Jonghyun.

“We found a place for us to stay at but we won’t be alone…” said Minsoo.

“What do you mean?” asked Changhyun this time.

“Well only me and Chanhee managed to find some jobs, no one would hire Niel because they think he’s underage” sighed Minsoo. “We’re not getting our paychecks till the end of this month so we can’t really afford some fancy apartment”

“What did you do?” asked Jonghyun.

“I didn’t do anything this was my only chance. We’ll be staying at a farm with these people”

“A farm? That sounds fun” smiled Changhyun.

“With people? What if they recognize us? God knows where else they put those posters”

“They won’t. I promise” said Minsoo. “When me and Chanhee will get our second paychecks then we’ll leave and find an apartment. Okay?”

“Fine. Let’s go” said Jonghyun and put on his clothes. Changhyun quickly followed him.

The people they were staying at were waiting for them at the street with their van. At first sight they looked really nice. They were husband and wife, old people. They didn’t look scary or harmful, but god knows what they’re really capable of. 

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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(