

“What’s up with you and Ricky?” asked Minsoo as he was walking next to Jonghyun.

“He’s name is Changhyun, not Ricky” said Jonghyun quietly.

The four of them were heading towards the man who will make them their fake IDs. His house was in the woods so no one would find him, especially the police.
Niel and Changhyun were walking ahead of the other two boys. Minsoo slowed down a little so he could talk to Jonghyun.

“Okay… so are you two okay or are you still fighting?” he asked and looked at Jonghyun.

“…I don’t know” shrugged Jonghyun. It took him a while to answer. He himself doesn’t know what to say or what to do anymore. Everything just fell on him hard. The kidnapping, drugging and now kissing his best friend.

“What happened before the soldiers came?”

“Hyung just… “ sighed Jonghyun. “Nothing. Nothing happened”

“But you talked, right?” the older one raised his brow. “Come on Jonghyun, I’m trying to help here”

“I’m sorry hyung” he sighed again. “yeah we talked” he then continued.



“Why did you find it funny kissing me and … why did you kiss me?” asked Changhyun.

“What?” asked Jonghyun confused. “Where did you get that from?”

“I overheard you and Minsoo hyung…” said Changhyun quietly. He looked down and started playing with his hands.

“I… didn’t find it funny I just… couldn’t believe it”

“So you… really don’t love me?” asked Changhyun and finally raised his head up. He looked at Jonghyun with such a hurt expression on his face.

“Changhyun-ah… I… “

“You can say it Jonghyun. Say that word I hate so much, it’s not like I’m not used to it”

“I am so sorry” his voice cracked and he moved a little closer to Changhyun.

“For what?” said Changhyun and wiped his tears away with his right hand. He was looking at the ground again, avoiding looking at Jonghyun at all.

“For not loving you” said Jonghyun and as soon as he said that he felt regret.

It was silent between the two of them until the door of the room opened and revealed Minsoo.

“They’re here. We have to hide” he said and all of the boys went in his room.

End of flashback


“Did you really mean the last part Jonghyun?” asked Minsoo.

“…No” mumbled Jonghyun. “I’m just… really confused right now… the truth is… I do love him, now. I fell in love with Ricky as Changjo. I don’t know if I will have those feelings when I’ll wake up, that’s why I didn’t confess coz it’s better like this. If I confess and then wake up… maybe I won’t feel the same about him and that will hurt him even more than this.”

“But maybe you won’t make it alive Jonghyun, have you thought about that?” asked Minsoo. “We’re actually their puppets in their own game”

“I… I didn’t think of that” he looked down.

“I think you should tell him”

“No!” yelled Jonghyun. “He… he won’t believe me. He will think I’m playing with him. He’s been through so much I think it’s enough of all of this. We agreed to stay away from each other for a while”

“How could you do that man? You both love each other” Minsoo raised his voice a little. He was getting frustrated by those two, mostly Jonghyun coz Changhyun already played his part.

“Hyung I can’t” said Jonghyun and went ahead, leaving Minsoo behind.

Minsoo only shook his head and sighed. He then noticed that they were already there. He saw the little house and then yelled at the others.

“Yah, that’s the house” he yelled and ran towards the other three. He placed his arm around Niel’s shoulder and then smiled at him.
Changhyun feeling awkward slowed down and let the two of them be alone till they get there.

Changhyun made eye contact with Jonghyun and he smiled at him a little. Jonghyun was confused at first by his sudden smile when he smiled as well. The rest of the ‘trip’ was silent between the two of them. 

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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(