


“Changhyun” yelled Jonghyun and hugged his best friend.

“W-what are you doing?” asked Changhyun confused and pushed him away. The boy was still crying. He looked at Jonghyun and then wiped away his tears. “You can’t just hug me whenever you want. And w-why did you kiss me?” he asked shocked.

“I… I don’t know, that doesn’t matter right now” Jonghyun shook his head. “The important thing is, how did you get here?”

“How did I get here… “ Changhyun paused. “I was taken away the night after you were” he answered. “W-why did they do that to us?” Changhyun began crying again.

“I don’t know, but I promise I’ll get you out of here” Jonghyun hugged him once again, but this time Changhyun didn’t fight. He just hugged his best friend and silently cried in his chest.
Few minutes later Changhyun fell asleep. He was too tired from all that crying. When the boy fell asleep, Jonghyun went to talk to Minsoo. Without knocking he went inside and saw that Minsoo and Niel were still up. “What are you doing?” he asked shocked and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Giving him a massage, what does it look like?” Minsoo rolled his eyes. “This kid hasn’t slept properly in days”

“Okay. Whatever. I need to talk to you”


“Yes now!” demanded Jonghyun. “I remember everything” he then said. Hearing that, Minsoo widened his eyes and quickly stood up. He apologized to Niel before leaving the room with Jonghyun. They stood in the hallway between the two rooms and began talking.

“How did it come back to you?” asked Minsoo still shocked.

“I…I kissed Chang- I mean Ricky and he’s my childhood friend so it caused me to remember everything”

“You kissed your friend?”

“Yeah I kissed Changhyun. I can’t believe it either” he shook his head and chuckled. Little did he know, Changhyun was not sleeping and heard the whole thing. “I remembered something about your friend”

“Chanhee?” Minsoo asked and smiled.

“Yeah…” nodded Jonghyun. He looked like he wasn’t sure if he should tell him this or not. “You’re right, he’s here… he was a solider like me and his name was Chunji”

“Was? You’re talking like he’s no longer here” chuckled Minsoo.

“He’s… not” said Jonghyun which caused Minsoo to drop his smile. “Remember when I told you that my friend died because of me? Well… that friend was Chunji, I mean Chanhee… the commander wanted to shoot me but Chanhee pushed me aside and got shot …instead. I’m…I’m really sorry hyung”

“I-It’s fine… what happened next?” Minsoo shook his head. Trying hard not to let a single tear drop.

“After that I woke up and found Chanhee hyung hooked up on some other machines that looked like they were keeping him alive… I saw those two men again. They drugged me again causing me to forget everything again and the next thing I know I was in a van with Ricky and Niel tied up.” Sighed Jonghyun.

“We have to get out of here and find Chanhee before they do something else to him!”

“I know, but how?”

“Well how did you woke up?”

“I-I don’t know…” Jonghyun shook his head.

“Someone died next to you… maybe that caused you to wake up”

“So you’re planning on killing someone to just go back?” Jonghyun raised a brow.

“No… that’s just a backup plan. Now go to sleep, you look tired. We’ll continue this in the morning” said Minsoo before entering the room where Niel was. Jonghyun stayed there for a while before going in the guest room where Changhyun was now sleeping again. 

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can't tell how much this story still piqued my interest... :)
hyeseokpark #2
Chapter 2: I got it... :)
Chapter 35: Yay ChangRick is back back ~~ Update soon
Chapter 35: yeay!! changrick is back! *do minion dance.
Chapter 33: Noooo!! Ricky!! I don't want him in the fake world alone he will be scared ;_;
Chapter 33: Omoooo! My ricky! Okay, this is not good. Totally not good. I'm deeaddd!!
PotatoLife #7
Chapter 33: I hope they will be able take out the drug from Ricky's machine I don't want him to be alone in the fake world:(