Chapter Two


'And don't forget to brush your teeth twice a day.' Hae's umma wiped a tear away as she hugged her son tightly.

'Yes, umma.' Hae said, inhaling the calming scent of his mother. 'Tell Minho to visit me often!'

'I will, sweety.'

Hae quickly hugged his father.

'I'm so proud of you, my son.'

'Love you, appa.'

Hae quickly went on board of the ship that will take him away from his hometown. He didn't want his parents to see his tears. He was greeted by Kangin, one of Siwon's men.

'Welcome on board, Mr. Lee.' Kangin said formally and bowed.

'Hi, Kangin hyung, nice to see you again, please call me Donghae!' Hae said as he bowed back.

Kangin smiled. He liked Donghae from the minute he had seen the fragile boy.

Hae waved to his parents, biting his lip as the distance between them increased. The ship had set sail. Kangin noticed the pain the boy was in and placed a hand softly on his shoulder. 'I know you miss them already but we'll try to make this trip as nice as we can for you.'

Hae nodded to indicate he had heard the elder.

'Onew, show Donghae to his cabin!' Kangin ordered.

A boy with a goofy grin appeared. He bowed and took Hae's luggage. 'Follow me, sir.'

'It's Donghae.' Hae smiled.

He was guided below deck. They passed a prison like room. A tall man was sitting in the corner, not even lifting his head. His features hidden by a large hat.

Hae's eyes widened. Onew noticed and grinned. 'Don't worry, he's locked up tightly.'

'What did he do?' Hae whispered, not feeling at ease.

'He's a pirate.' Onew shrugged.

'Oh wow.' Hae outed. He was startled when the pirate moved a bit. He bowed. 'Sorry, didn't mean to disturb you, sir.' Hae said quickly to the pirate as he ran swiftly behind Onew.

The pirate chuckled softly as his eyes were on the boy's back. Hyukjae will hate this one's guts for sure.


Onew had left Hae alone to unpack several things. The cabin was small but clean. Hae dropped himself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. His hand automatically went to the necklace his parents had given him when he had turned 18. It was made out of silver chain and contained a rare moonstone. It was the only luxurious thing he owned and it had been in the family for centuries. His family wasn't poor but because of the endless wars the country had to endure, the economy had suffered. Hae's village had become a ghost town. But when he would be married to the King, he would be able to revive the area. He would travel throughout the country and work on charity projects. He would make the world a little bit better...he hoped. And his family would be protected. Hae sighed. He still remembered that one night where soldiers from a hostile country had barged through his village in search of food. His appa had protested and had been beaten up. The day after, King Siwon had appeared. All mighty and heroic on his horse. He had chased the enemy away and then his eye had fallen upon Donghae. A crying Donghae that was still in shock and clinging to his dad. Siwon had promised heaven and earth in exchange for the boy's hand in marriage. Hae's parents had been hesitant but Hae only heard 'protection' and was already sold to the idea. Minho, his best friend, had called him a fool but had said he understood. Or maybe not, since he hadn't been there to say goodbye. Hae sighed again.

He was shaken from his daydreaming by some stumbling noises and screams on deck. Hae quickly got up and opened his door. The yells became louder. He ran passed the pirate who still was sitting down in his jail. As he opened the door to the deck he froze. Three men were holding someone down and were kicking him.

'Throw him overboard.' Kangin ordered.

'Let me go!' The person said.

'Minho!' Hae shouted as he recognised the voice.

Everyone on deck turned their heads towards Hae. He ran towards a bleeding Minho and shoved the three men aside. He kneeled and looked at his friend.

'Hey Hae.' Minho coughed.

'You know this freeloader?' Kangin asked.

'H-he's my moronic best friend.' Hae said softy as he checked the appearing bruises on Minho's face.

'Gee, thanks man.' Minho mumbled.

'I thought you were angry with me when you weren't at the port to say goodbye.' Hae said.

'As if I would let you have all the fun by yourself.' Minho smiled, although a little in pain.

Hae turned to Kangin and bowed again. 'I apologise for my friend, but please don't harm him, he's no threat.'

Kangin eyed the two boys and ruffled his hair. Knowing Siwon, he wouldn't like this at all but it's not like he could get rid of the friend at this time. Maybe he could at the next port, when they needed more supplies. 'Okay.' Kangin said reluctantly.

'Don't worry, we'll work for his passage. We'll help around.' Hae said quickly.

'No, that is alright.' Kangin smiled.

Hae grabbed Minho's hand and pulled him up. 'I'll go treat his wounds.' Hae said and dragged his friend inside.

Minho saw the strange man in the holding cell and stopped. 'Who's he?'

'A pirate.' Hae whispered.

'Cool!' Minho said. 'What's his name?'

'I don't know.' Hae responded. He looked at the pirate who still had his head down. 'Mister pirate, sir, what is your name?' Hae asked.

The guy tilted his head and made eye contact. The two friends gasped. The pirate had a fierce look in his eyes as he grinned at the boys. 'You can call me Top. I've never been a mister or a sir and I don't intend to become one.'

'Even his name is cool.' Hae whispered loudly at Minho.

They heard the door to the deck open and quickly ran to Hae's room. Talking to pirates probably was a big no no as well.

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158 streak #1
Chapter 18: Just re-read this after years...

I thought it was Hae's family heirloom. Was it stolen? Why Hyuk has the mark?

Idk if it's still possible to continue this but... 🥺🥺👉👈
Iwantsurfaces #2
Chapter 18: Such a perfect story. I love all the characters, especially heechul. It's funny, lively, a good plot that I genuinely want to see resolved, and of course the eunhae vibrates.
Chapter 18: Still waiting hehe
mistymountains 193 streak #4
Nice story!
Chapter 18: Why left us with cliffhangers?T.T T.T T.T T.T I read your other fics but you didn't finish them T.T come back please
Leesiemoo #6
Chapter 18: I'm so sad this story stopped ...
Xxnokasxx #7
Chapter 18: Omg. Please continue this fic. I need to know what happens next!!! Hae and Hyuk are not brothers, right? That would be gross. Please continue