The Interview


Donghae is a popular politician who is running for president. Eunhyuk is a ruthless journalist. But nothing is as it seems...


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1455 streak #1
Chapter 1: Ohmy 🥺
Emotional, and adorable ! Thanks
Chapter 1: This short story is only less than 2000 words but it managed to make me feel a lot of emotions 😭 thank you for this story!
they are both dumb and im loving it
Chapter 1: Such a good story that makes you feel. ..
Chapter 1: I love this story so much!! I wish there is more but alas
Chapter 1: The feelinga atlho is really sort story but i can feels their feeling
novaliana70 #8
Chapter 1: Aaaaa... hae was suffering a lotㅠㅠ"
And he fanned out all his anger after hold it for many years *poor hae*

They live together after last interview i guess hahaha..
i'm falling love to your strory again and again..
Thx author-nim (^3^)♡♡♡♡~
Chapter 1: Ohh God this was like a heartache to me...but it's great i just love your writing but i can't help wondering how was their meeting is? huh, i really love eunhae couple...^o^ <3<3<3