Chapter 17

I Like You More (Than You Like Me)

"Let's do it!" Subin said smiling brightly.

She clicked the music on. She couldn't believe this was really happening.

Sungjae started snapping as they got into their positions. They started dancing. Both Sungjae and Subin gave it their all, impressing each other. Sungjae's never seen this side of Subin before. It made him sweat. When she touched him at first, he felt a jolt in his body. Then she started touching him all over, making him cringe inside. The sensation of her hands on his chest and down his back was like no other feeling. He thought she did it so well. His hard was slamming against his chest. He was losing his breath already. But he still danced along, trying not to lose his cool.

Subin couldn't get a hold of herself either. She wanted to scream once Sungjae took her hips and started dancing the chorus. The way his hands slid down her legs gave her this overwhelming sensation. She couldn't believe this was really happening to her right now. It's every fangirls dream. An impossible dream. She felt like dying. Her life was close to complete. Dance Trouble Maker with Sungjae...check!

Then it came to the part. The part where the JS slides his head up Hyuna's arm meeting with her face. This part Sungjae was always nervous about. Subin had never accomplished this move with Ilhoon without feeling awkward about it. Now, Sungjae held on to her wrist as he slowly slid his head up her arm and sang. She turned her head and saw him coming up. Don't ruin this Subin. Their faces were only a cm apart. They both felt the electricity through each others breath. It only lasted a second before Subin turned her head and proceeded to the dance.

She put her back against his, sliding up and down.She walked back as it was time for Sungjae's solo. He had to get a hold of himself before remembering the moves. His mind went completely blank. He just did a little freestyle in front of the mirror and sang. Then Subin came back stealing the spotlight from him, stomping with her heels and flipping her hair. Sungjae was impressed with her fierce image and fiesty-ness. He couldn't help but smile.

By mid-song, Subin suddenly stopped dancing and stopped the music. "What happened?" Sungjae asked confused. He was enjoying himself so much. He wanted more. "Oh, this is when Hyunseung and Hyuna come in. We only do half the song." Subin still couldn't believe they just danced to Trouble Maker. She felt great. Dancing with Sungjae was an honor. It built her confidence up for the real performance. But somehow, Subin wished the real performance was with Sungjae instead of Ilhoon. She felt more confident being with him. She really felt the chemistry and connection dancing with him. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable at all. It was perfect. She thought her performance would be ten times better with Sungjae. And she wasn't just thinking this because she was biased.

"Good job!" Subin gave him a thumbs up.

"Good job to you too. You did amazing."

"Really? It wasn't awkward?" She blushed.

"Yeah! And it wasn't awkward at all! You killed it!" Sungjae's heart was still recovering from the dance. "I didn't know you had it in you. You're normally the nice and innocent type girl. That was very hot--I-I mean good!" He couldn't believe it slipped out of his mouth. "Your were good. Really good!" He got nervous all of a sudden.

Subin gave a comforting giggle. "Gomawo~"

There was an awkward silence between them now. Subin really wanted to dance with Sungjae again. It was the best feeling ever. At the same time, Sungjae did too. His body missed the touch of her hands. He wanted more. Sungjae couldn't help himself. "Shall we go through it one more time?" Subin suddenly saw rainbows.

She nodded. She was screaming with excitment inside. "Okay," was the only word she managed to say.

So, she started the song again. The dance was even more intense now. The two seemed to be giving it their 110%. Sweat dripped nonstop. They didn't watch themselves on the mirror anymore, but instead focused on each other.They electrified the whole room. The song went on as the room had already heatened up. As they approached mid-song, Subin was afraid it ws almost over. By the time the chorus ended, Subin stopped to catch her breath, but Sungjae kept dancing and pulled her back to him. He didn't care if it was already half way through the song, he just wanted to dance with her all day.

Their dancing was intense. The room was getting hot. They breathed heavily against each other, not caring whose sweat was on who. Both had never felt this great before. Subin felt like she was dreaming. During the last chorus where Sungjae held on to Subin's hips, she began to feel dizzy. She ignored it and tried to finish the song. But during her last solo part, as she stomped down the room, she fell to the floor.

Sungjae was startled. "SUBIN-AH!" He quickly ran up to her. She wasn't moving. Sungjae bent down and lifted her head from the floor. "Subin-ah! Wake up! Wake up! Please!" He shook her, but her eyes wouln't open. Sungjae was freak out and worried to death. "SOMEONE HELP!" He didn't have his phone with hime. No one was coming. He shook her again and looked for a pulse. Her heart was still beating, but she still wouldn't wake up. He lifted her up from the floor and carried her out. He hurried down the halls. "HELP! HELP!" Sungjae screamed. Gikwang came out from one of the doors.

"What's going on?" He saw Subin and quickly ran to call 119. Someone from another room came out. It was Ilhoon. Once he saw Subin in his arms, he ran up immediately. "What happened?!?! What did you do?!?!"

"I didn't do anything! She fainted!"

"She's not waking up?"

"She's unconcious I think. She's still breathing."

"Did you even call 119!?!" Ilhoon was worried sick. If this had been Sungjae's fault, he would have beated him up.

Gikwang came back with his phone. "They're coming."


Subin was sent to the ER. Sungjae and Ilhoon stayed in the waiting room. For 3 three hours, no one spoke. They were both nervous wrecks. Both hoped Subin would recover. It was taking forever for the doctors to come back with results. Sungjae impatiently tapped his foot. Ilhoon had his hands on his face, stressed. "What exactly happened anyway?" Ilhoon asked.

"She was just dancing and then all of a sudden, she slammed herself onto the floor." Sungjae avoided giving detail. He couldn't describe to Ilhoon how hot the room was.

"How did you see it happen? Were you there?"

"I was there." Sungjae began. "She asked if I could dance Trouble Maker, so I did. We practiced through it a couple of times. That's all we did." He didn't describe to chemistry developed and intensity of the dance. At least he was telling the truth.

This bugged Ilhoon a lot. Why,Sungjae? That's our dance. SuHoon not SuJae. How dare you touch my girl? Now, I'll have to choke--

As Ilhoon had death thoughts of Sungjae, the doctor came out and spoke in front of them. He was tall and handsome. Like the ones you'd see in KDramas. "How is she, doc?" Sungjae asked.

"Well, Subin has just woken up from her conscience."

"That's great!" Ilhoon said.

"But, it seems that she has a severe injury," He bagan. "On her ankle. It appears to be sprained."

"But how? How did she sprain an ankle from fainting, doctor?" Ilhoon asked.

"Since she was weaing high heels during the incident, the elevation cause her to twist her ankle." The doctor said. "Her fall must have been hard, causing the injury to be worse."

"How severe is it?" Sungjae asked.

"Well, the ligaments are twisted in the lower part of her leg. We will have to put a cast on it after doing a couple of inspections."

"How long will she be in a cast?"

"Eh, I'd say 4-6 weeks. A month at the least."

"What?! Doc, we have a performance in 2 weeks!!" Ilhoon was losing his mind. He knew he couldn't argue with a doctor though.

"I'm sorry. She has to stay put as she recovers. She is restricted from doing any physical activity as she is in a cast."

"But she has to! We can't do a show without her!" Ilhoon said in a loud voice.

"Again, I am sorry. There is nothing I can do. She needs physical therapy."

"I can't believe it." Ilhoon sat down on the chair covering his face with his hands.

"She practiced so hard. So hard. She just had to twist her ankle!" Sungje thought Ilhoon was overreacting. He was just terribly upset. Ilhoon cared so much about her and was worried. 

"It's not her fault Ilhoon." Sungjae said.

"I know it's not her fault. It's just, this was supposed to be her first big show." He said again, choking back tears. Sungjae pat his back. He felt real bad because this was kind of his fault. If he hadn't asked her to dance with him, she probably wouldn't have been so tired. The fact that Subin cannot participate in the show made Sungjae feel horrible. He couldn't imagine how much pain she must have been in. Because of him, she couldn't do the concert. He took the blame on him.




 OMG BTOB'S COMEBACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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Lislemee #1
Chapter 23: I know this is way back 2014 and out of topic but I just got goosebumps reading my pseudo name somewhere else other than my acct. Not claiming it or anything but this just makes me very happy.
taegyoelf #2
Chapter 24: I miss Ilhoon. I kinda was team Ilhoon D:
taegyoelf #3
Chapter 24: WOW!!!! I can't belieeeebeee it's over!!! :( If you can my Unnie....please make a sequel (one shot if you want) but aaaaaa
skkyyul #4
Chapter 23: omg omg its almost mid night now aaaaaahhhhhh i cant ;____; love your story author^^ look for next your story ^^ *btw i'm in sungjae team hoho
skkyyul #5
Chapter 22: omo…i'm a new reader>,< please update soon^^
taegyoelf #6
Chapter 22: keep updating girl~~waiting forever!! FWAITING...
xxjiayi #7
Chapter 21: Hope you update soon!!! Nice story!!!
taegyoelf #8
Chapter 21: 일훈팀 sorry sorry
taegyoelf #9
Chapter 21: 일흔팀 sorry~ ㅋㅋㅋ
taegyoelf #10
Chapter 20: awww...I ship suhoon though TTT</3