The Adventures of Lulu and Xing Xing

Losing and Gaining


Luhan's POV:
*Flashback to last night*
Man, Xing Xing's the best! I don't see why he always insists on drinking so much alcohol though. It's not good for his health! Also, he does the strangest things when he's intoxicated and not thinking straight. 
I don't see why we even have to go out drinking. Can't we just go out and get some fruit smoothies? 
I never drink when I go out with him for two reasons.
Reason 1:
You can't have two drunk idiots walking around. We're celebrities and we need to watch what we're doing. 
Reason 2:
I need to be sober to record all of his wild antics. I already completed Volume I of "Yixing Gone Wild", and I'm currently working on Volume II.
Xing Xing doesn't know that I don't drink with him though. He's always assumed my glass of orange soda was a fruity alcoholic beverage. 
What he doesn't know can't hurt him, right? 
Actually he has gotten hurt a few times while drunk, but it was all in good fun!
Like once, he kept rambling about about how his piano teacher really knew how to work a mustache and how he always wanted a mustache. 
Naturally, I told him that maybe they were fated to have met since he was such a good teacher to him.
Xingie took it the wrong way and decided to call him up and propose marriage to him. 
I knew it was wrong, but I encouraged Yixing even more and caught it all on tape. Jongdae paid me 700 yuan for the footage.
Tonight, everything was going rather smoothly. Until Yixing took another gulp of his 13th beer. 
"Y-You know, I-I don't see w-why having the power of h-healing and b-being a unicorn is s-so funny to e-everyone! I-I'm proud o-of it!" 
Well, this is getting interesting. Out of all our members, the only one that ever even giggled about his "power" was Minseok. He was a freakin snowflake though, so I don't understand how he could be so insensitive. 
After coming to the realization that I just might get some good footage on another classic Yixing night, I tried to coax him even further.
"Yeah! Show that you're proud of it! Why don't you get something to show that you really care about unicorns?"
I only thought of cutting his hair to make it look like one of those horns that unicorns have, but it wasn't nearly as brilliant as what Xing Xing had in mind. 
"I know! I'll g-get a t-tattoo!" 
Oh Jongdae would pay so much to see this.
It didn't take us long to find a tattoo salon because it was right next door to the bar. I guess they knew drunk people would be daring enough to get permanently inked. 
By the time Yixing laid face down for the tattoo artist, he had fallen fast asleep. This gave me the chance to tell the woman just exactly what he wanted and where.
"I want the fluffiest and most girly looking unicorn you can make! Ooh~ and wings! I want wings that look like the ones Victoria's Secret models wear on the runway!"
What? The members make me watch the yearly lingerie fashion show with them.
Anyways, it seems like the woman got those types of requests all the time, because she finished in a record breaking 15 minutes.
Don't worry, I didn't forget to record everything for future viewing.
The final result was like a 7 year old girl's (or very feminine boy's) dream. It was like My Little Pony but unicorn version! 
I carefully took out Yixing's wallet from his back pocket and paid the woman. What? Did you really think I would pay for it myself? 
Afterwards, I dragged him to a taxi and we promptly drove home. 
Zitao was surprisingly awake at 11:30 p.m., so he helped me place Xingie onto his bed. I'm very grateful, but Zitao's a growing boy! He needs to go to sleep at 10 p.m. sharp! I'll have to remind myself to scold him later. 
First, I need to get a good night's sleep, so that I'll have the energy to tell them our little Xing Xing's escapades. 
Jongdae will surely love this.
Hi everyone!~^^ it's me, Peach again! I have so much fun writing this story so I decided to write another chapter(: it's Thanksgiving, so here's a little shoutout to all my homies in the States who're eating turkey like nobody's business~! Haha.. Anywho, I hope you all enjoyed Princess Lulu's POV :D ❤BYE BYE!❤
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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!