Not My Name

Losing and Gaining

A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! It's actually only Christmas Eve where I live (California).... Anyways, I hope you all like this chapter^^



Lay's POV:


Whooo! I almost thought she was going to leave me out here in the rain! Good thing I pulled out the aegyo tricks Tao's been teaching me. I was so desperate, I was about to use the very useful Bbuing Bbuing technique the kid uses so much. 
I mustered up the most adorable smile I could give in this weather condition to show my gratitude, and followed her up the wooden steps on the porch.
Before she opened the door, she turned around with a serious expression on her face.
"This isn't my house, and you're not an expected guest, so my sister-in-law will definitely be surprised."
Well, I guess it's time to put to good use of all of those aegyo lessons. I've just graduated from level 4 in Tao's "academy", so I should do just fine in convincing her sister-in-law to let me stay.
What? I'm not shameless. It's cold and I don't want to get the sniffles, ok?
"Don't worry, I'm sure I'll find a way to convince your sister to allow me to stay."
Her cute little head tilted slightly with confusion spread all over her pretty face, but a playful smile soon graced her lips instead. 
"Oh no! That's not what I'm worried about. She might not let you leave the house, ever."
Now it was my turn to be confused. Before I had the chance to question any further on the matter, she had pounded the door obnoxiously for a good 3 minutes. I don't see why she feels the need to go through such measures when there has been a doorbell placed conveniently in front of her.


"_____! How many times do I have to tell you that there is a doorbell?! Do you want to break down my door?" 
Despite the woman's nagging, she had a warm smile on her face. She must be the sister-in-law.
I got ready to throw in my best winks and pouts when I heard a shriek coming from the older woman standing at the doorway. 
"Omo! How did you find him? ____, either you got a doppelgänger or the real thing. Are you really Exo's Lay?"
I opened my mouth reply to this random outburst, but ______ beat me to it. I don't understand why she was giggling though. What's so funny?
"Yah~! His stage name is May! And you call yourself an Exotic..."
Umm.... Is she kidding?
Once again, I made an attempt to speak and clear things up, but I guess the women in this family are quick talkers. 
"Really, ____? What else do you think? That Chen is really Yen?"
A look of defiance was already gracing _____'s face.
"Well isn't that his name?" 
Fits of laughter were soon mixed with pleads to 'stop it'. 
Ummm... Do they have any idea how cold it is right now? Can't we have this conversation inside?
Luckily, it seemed like the woman read my mind, so she pulled me into the bright and warm house whilst laughing. 
______ grumpily followed. Maybe she realized that she got my name wrong? 
"You know I'm right, right? There's no way that I could be wrong about his name."
Ok, maybe not.
The older woman didn't seem to fully process what _____ had said because she turned to me with a hopeful expression. 
"Are you really Exo's Lay?"
Finally, my chance to speak. 
"Yes, I'm from Exo. My real name is Zhang Yixing, and my stage name is Lay not May. I have two requests, please, don't tell anyone I've been here and also I'd like to stay here for the night if that's ok." 
The woman looked like she was having a hard time regaining her composure, but she eventually said:
"Yes, that's fine with me. _____ will show you later where you'll be sleeping." 
I turned to the mentioned girl to find that she was beet red and biting her lower lip.




A/N: It's Peach~^^ I really love you all, and you're comments and subscriptions. Of course, that brings me more pressure to write even funnier and better chapters... Pressure is good though(: I really don't think this chapter was all that great, but it had to be written to get the story moving~ I'll make it up with:

Actor Choi Tae Joon (isn't he cute~?❤):


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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!