Morning Troubles

Losing and Gaining

Lay's POV:

I awoke to the loud clanging of pots and pans from another part of the house. Normally, I would have gone back to sleep, but it seemed to be impossible after I discovered the rashes I had scratched onto my flawless porcelain skin in my sleep. I made my way to the guest bathroom, and found an outfit neatly folded on the counter with a note attached on top:

Good morning! Here's your outfit for today!^^ Get ready, and then come downstairs for some breakfast~ 


I took a shower with warm water to soothe my burning rashes and aching muscles from the hard mattress. 
I brushed my teeth, and walked downstairs. The further I got the more I could smell a burnt smell. 
_____ must be having a trouble time cooking.
Your POV:
Goodness gracious! How do you even work this thing?
What kind of toaster is this anyway?!
All of the bread got burnt...
The outline of the burnt portions of the bread slices kind of look like bunnies though. Should I make it look like I did it on purpose?
I sliced 3 pieces of turkey to make the shirt and intricately designed its face by using jam.
It looks cute, but is it even edible?
Out of nowhere, I felt a pair of hands shove me away hurriedly. 
"Don't worry, I'll make us something to eat. Go wake up your nephew."
I sheepishly nodded and headed upstairs. 
On the bright side, Yixing looked amazing in that outfit I got for him. 


After waking up Tae Hyun, and brushing his teeth, we made our way downstairs walking hand in hand. 
The most wonderful of aromas filled my nostrils and I was basically salivating by the time we stepped into the dining room. 
Platters of various foods filled up the table. We weren't even gone for a long time! How did he even manage to make all of this? 
Lay's POV:
After ______ stalked out of the kitchen, I dove for the phone book in search of an instant catering place that could make us breakfast.
I ordered the breakfast that could feed three. 
In about five minutes, I heard a knock on the front door. It must be them.
I excitedly ran to the door when I skidded to a stop. 
I don't have any money on me! How one earth am I going to be able to pay them? 
It's ok, if it's a woman, I could very easily use my aegyo and weasel my way out of it. If it's a man... *chills* he might create a scene if he doesn't get his money. 
I timidly opened the door.
Even better. It's a teenaged girl with an Exo-M tee-shirt. 
"Aaahhh! Oh my gosh! Lay," she squealed.
I put on my cool idol front and smiled my dimpled smile to her.
"Thanks. How much will it be?"
She fervently shook her head. 
"No no no! This is on the house! It's an honor to serve you!"
I smiled at her graciousness. Jackpot.
Then she looked confusedly,"Why are you in Busan though?"
Crap. Think of something quickly, Yixing!
"Uhhhh.... I'm just visiting some friends for breakfast."
She made an "o" with and handed me the large platter of food.
"Here you go! Don't worry, oppa. I won't tell anybody you were here. Bye bye!"
I waved goodbye and locked the door. 
Time to place the food prettily on the plates now. 
______ should be almost done with Tae Hyun, so I should hurry up before she figures out that this was all catered. 
After about four minutes, I had arranged each plate accordingly. Then, I opened the fridge to get the drinks. Orange juice for _______ and me. Milk for little Tae Hyun. 
I seated myself onto one of the mahogany chairs on the dining table, and waited for the two to come down.
A second later, I heard footsteps coming closer, and smiled expectantly.
"Wow. You made all of this?"
I grinned,"Of course! Who else would've made this?"


A/N: Hello, everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the very first chapter of 2013! Sorry for the lame food-based chapter, but I wrote it  right before I had breakfast. I was starving while writing this. Anyways, please comment~^^ BYE❤

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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!