I Won't Tell Anyone

Losing and Gaining

Your POV:


After the initial shock, I came to the realization that the lions were nowhere near us. I mean, they're behind glass! The only animal remotely close to me was the frightened little chihuahua crouching beside me.

Yeesh. What a cry-baby.
Lay's POV:
Why did it have to be LIONS?! Why couldn't we have been stuck with nice little guinea pigs or squirrels? (DO THEY EVEN HAVE THOSE AT THE ZOO?!) I would give anything to get away from these carnivorous beasts.
Behind all of my mental raging, I could hear a scoff from beside me. 
How could ______ be so calm in this situation? Can she not see the potential dangers of being trapped in the same area as lions? This girl has got to be crazy. 
I began to hyperventilate as I counted the number of lions in this exhibit. Seventeen. My breathing became shallow and could feel my vision becoming hazy. 
"Quit being such a drama queen. You're all of the air out of this place. Can you try to breathe normally?"
I whipped my head towards ______. She clearly doesn't value her life. Is she emo or something?
"Well, excuse me for wanting to preserve my life! I have fans out there waiting for me, you know! How will they feel when they hear that I've been mauled by lions?" I sniffed. 
She sighed and strolled over to the door. Didn't she hear me before? The door's locked tight. 
"There's no harm in trying again, right?" 
She proceeded to yank the knob on the door with a manly grunt. The door quickly flew open.
It took both of us to fully register what had just happened. When I realized that the door was never really locked, I just sheepishly smiled and got off the ground. 
Well, this is embarrassing. Maybe I can get her to forget this never happened? 
"So... Uhhhh.... You're not going to tell anyone about this, right?"
She looked at me innocently,"No of course not!"
Well that's a relief. 
Then, she chuckled deviously. 
Darn it.
A/N: Oh gosh... I'm so late with the whole April Fools thing. I'm like 2 days late D: this chapter is really short too... I'll try to update with another chapter soon, but I'm really busy now... Sooo... No promises. (Not like anybody is actually waiting for this story...) Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it because I wrote it all at 3 am. Sorry for any grammatical errors.
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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!