Big Baby

Losing and Gaining

Lay's POV:


Seeing that my original appointment could not be met, I had to reschedule for another one on a day that I was free. That day happened to be today when Music Bank was cancelled for the day. 

I put on my most comfortable blue sweatpants and hoodie. I didn't forget to pull on a baseball cap and mask to stay incognito. Can't have those fangirls discover that I have a tattoo now can we? 
I left our dorm at 9 a.m. after finishing my breakfast consisting of sugared cereal and milk. Yum.
It took me about an hour to get to the place because I was temporarily banned to get into anymore taxi cabs without any "supervision" for the time being. 
The door made a slight tinkering sound when I pulled it open. 
"You're here!"
A bustling body in a green dress  prodded me into a room in the back.
______ mockingly said in a baby's tone,"Is it time for little Xing Xing's unicorn to go bye-bye?" 
This girl is going to be the death of me, I swear. 


"Umm... I guess?"
She made a noncommittal noise, and our short conversation was over with that. She left the room and came back with a hospital gown. The type that would have its back exposed. 
"You can leave your pants on, but you need to take your shirt off and slip this gown on," she explained with a surprisingly professional tone.
"Uhh. Can't I just pull up my shirt a bit? It's only on my lower back, you know." 
formed a cute "o" shape and her cheeks were painted with a slight blush. 
"Hahaha," she chuckled nervously,"Silly me!"
Something tells me she's not as experienced as I'd like and that's frightening. 
"A-are you sure you know what you're doing?"
She was currently tapping weird buttons on a machine and putting on goggles that were too big for her head. The scene was quite endearing for she resembled a female version of Pororo. 
She snorted,"Are you kidding? I've done this tons of times! Just lay down and relax, buddy!" 
Relax? How can I relax when a kid younger than I am is going to use a laser machine on MY back?! I really should have thought this through before I came here. 
I made an effort to make a mad dash to the door and never come back again, but she was a step ahead and fenced me inside of the room. 
"Where do you think you're going?"
"I-I left something in my car."
"Don't try to play games with me, Zhang Yixing. You came here with your own two feet."
Darn, she's good.
She pushed me towards a gurney beneath the machine and made me lay down on my front. 
"Now, you're going to be a good little boy and follow through with this appointment, you hear me?"
I grumbled inaudibly, and closed my eyes hoping to be able to calm down.
It worked for about thirty seconds before I felt a pair of cold hands lift my shirt up slightly. 
I shrieked,"Ack! What are you doing?"
She looked at me patronizingly,"I'm trying to remove your tattoo. You know, my job? It requires for me to actually see your back. I can't remove it through your shirt."
Whoa. Sass alert! Did she start hanging out with Chen or something?
I huffed and let my shirt ride up a bit, and felt the cool air-conditioned air hit my lower back. 
I heard the snapping sound of _______ putting on a pair of purple latex gloves.
"You ready?"
Your POV:
I took his silence as a yes, so I proceeded ahead. 
I the machine and it's engine starting revving up when I heard some sniffling from the boy beside me. 
Was he crying? His face was covered because he was lying face-down, so I couldn't be sure. 
A few more sniffles and muffled sobs, and I knew exactly what the guy was doing.
No response.
I poked his shoulder, and it was almost as if I had triggered a bomb. Yixing exploded in tears and he was thrashing around on the gurney.
"I don't wanna! I don't wanna! It's going to hurt~~~~!"
Well, looks like I got a special case in my hands today. 
Yixing seems so different from the cool and funny guy I got close to in Busan. 
His wailing wouldn't stop and he barely noticed that I was still there, so I slipped out of the room in search of things to console him.
Just then, I remembered that there was a gift shop for tourists in Korea right across the street. I slipped some money into my dress' pocket and headed towards there. 
I picked out a plush teddy bear wearing a 'I ❤ Korea' tee, and a few lollipops. 
I sure hope this works.


I opened the door of our tattoo salon and Yixing's cries could still be heard. Has it gotten even louder? 
I made my way to the back room to find him sprawled all over the floor making hideous expressions with his tear-stained face. 
"Xingie~ get up, please," I asked in my kindest possible voice. 
"Nuh-uh! You're just going to hurt me and I'm going to hurt!"
Wow. You speak such poetic words, Zhang Yixing.
I tried to distract him, so I took out my new purchases.
"Hey, look at what I just bought!" 
I waved the teddy bear in front of his face.
He seemed... How shall I put it, unimpressed? 
That's right, ______. He's a grown man. He is not a five year old girl that will be pacified by a simple teddy bear. 
While I was mentally scolding myself, Xingie had taken the bear out of my hands and started patting its head.
"Can I keep it?"
My inner fangirl was squealing at the cuteness in front of me, but I remained my composure. 
"Only if you agree to let me remove your tattoo for you."
He looked rather hesitant, so I whipped out the three lollipops I had bought out of the bag. 
"You can have these too if you agree"
His face beamed immediately and snatched the candies out my grasp.
"It's a deal!"
Lay's POV:
I happily my lemon lollipop whilst hugging my new teddy bear and hopped back onto the gurney.
Maybe it won't be so bad after all. 
______ turned back on the machine, and I felt cold metal slightly touch my skin. 
Ok, so far so good. 
I continued playing with my bear when ______ held down a button.



A/N: I'm back with another chapter! The wait wasn't as long as last time right?(; WHAT DID I DO TO LAY IN THIS CHAPTER. I've turned him into a childish wimp. I'm sorry if you guys prefer him to be more charismatic, but this is what I unfortunately came up with. At least the chapter is slightly longer than my other ones, right? No? Haha... Leave some comments and subscribe please! Thank you for reading, and I'll try to make chapter 16 better^^

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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!