A Proper Introduction

Losing and Gaining


Your POV:
It was another slow day at my family's clinic. My parents often tease me by saying that my presence here drives the clients away. 
We all know that's not true though. People just don't get as many tattoos as they used to, and when they do, they make sure they're not going to regret it. 
You see, our clinic specializes in tattooing and the removal of tattoos. 
15 years ago, my parents specifically placed this clinic next to a bar because they figured drunk people would help them make a big profit.
I got a really unique request yesterday from a really cute guy to put a "fluffy unicorn" on his equally cute friend. I'm pretty sure his friend was drunk, but he was sleeping, so I couldn't tell. 
Good thing I watched My Little Pony with my baby cousin last night.
Honestly, the tattoo looked really cute, and whenever he would stir in his sleep, his back would flex and its right eye looked like it was winking. Adorable. The back's owner was adorable too. Too bad, he's probably gay. Who else would let their friend talk them into getting a unicorn tattoo? 
As you can see from the way I ogle at every handsome client that walks through our door, my love life is basically nonexistent. 
It's not that I'm ugly (I won the top prize for the title of "Cutest Baby" at a pageant for toddlers), but my parents are just so overprotective!
They don't even let me stay in the same room with my male cousins by myself!
Oh well, I'm probably going to get married off by my parents anyways. I once overheard them looking over pictures of wealthy heirs and checking if their blood types are compatible to mine. 
Or was that a dream? Hmm... I'm actually starting to want them to go through with it. I can't bear the thought of spending the rest of my days on my own. 
A tinkling of a bell my mom hung on the doorknob alerted me to snap out of my daze.
It was him. The handsome guy with the nice back. 
"Umm.. Hi, my name is Zhang Yixing. Is this the place where I got a tattoo last night?" 
There was only one customer yesterday, and that was him. However, I didn't want to answer immediately and make our store sound pitiful, so I played dumb.
"Do you have a receipt of some sort to confirm this, sir?"
He reached into his back pocket and fished out his brown suede wallet, and handed me a familiar square of yellow paper. My breath hitched as our fingers brushed against each other softly. It was almost as if time had stopped. 
Man, I must really be lacking in the romance department! A simple touch from a random male can leave me in a pile of goo. 
"Umm... My friend said you never gave him a receipt, but a coupon for the next tattoo that we get to be 50% off."
Oh, I guess I was in such a rush that I forgot to give them the receipt. Oops.
"Anyways, I'd like to get my tattoo removed." 
Why? My parents will probably be angry at me for wanting to refuse a customer, but the tattoo was really cute! Plus, I put a lot of hard work into it. 
I guess, that means this guy is possibly straight and was drunk that night? 
"I searched on the Internet, and it said that large tattoos like mine would take more than one visit to remove." 
Oh that's definitely a deal breaker for me. 
You see, my clinic has state-of-the-art technology that can remove any tattoo no matter how large it is. I guess i'll just use one of our older machines. We'll keep that a secret from Mr. Zhang though, shall we? 
"Alright, Yixing. We'll start tomorrow at 4 p.m."
Hello, everyone!^^ It's Peach again! This has really become one of my favorite stories to write. Well, right next to "Chanyeol the Creep". I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll update as soon as possible~ Laterz, alligators~❤
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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!