
Losing and Gaining

A/N: IMPORTANT!  I never made this clear before, but any word in blue is actually a link to a picture to show what it's supposed to look like. Other than that, I hope you all enjoy this chapter!❤



Lay's POV:


What have I done to deserve all of this?!
I have even made a list in my head of all my problems to remind myself of my impossibly bad luck. 
1) Get rid of that ratchet unicorn tattoo.
2) Get out of Simon D land (Busan).
3) Spending the night in this cold dungeon.
At least with the first two reasons my life wouldn't be at risk. I'm pretty sure a gang of murderous Furbies will jump out from under the bed and kill me in my sleep.
"Maybe I should just sleep on the couch in the living room...."
At least the living room was nicely heated and fully lit. Yep, that's the only thing that can truly keep me happy now. A bright room and warmth. I almost sound like a homeless man now.
"Hahahaha.... This room isn't that bad you know. The worst that can happen to you is a few bites from the bedbugs."
Bedbugs? How dirty can these people be?! Is it really that much of a hassle to wash the sheets and blankets every once and a while? 
I hadn't realized that I was actually speaking out loud instead of in my head  until I glanced at ______ in front of me. 
She tightly held onto the doorknob and clenched her jaw. 
Yeah, I've definitely succeeded in pissing her off.
"You know you're right, I keep telling them to at least try to clean up the guest room, but they always ignore me! The other rooms are alright because the housekeeper is in charge of cleaning, but even she's too scared to enter this place!"
Ohhh.... I guess she's not mad? I really didn't pay too much attention to her little rant, so that's all I got out of it.
What? I know some fans call me a diva and all, but I'm actually just too tired to listen to this, ok? I just want a NICE place to lie down and rest.
"You still have to sleep here though."
What...? Why? She knows that this place is a disaster, but she still wants me to sleep here? Is she some sort of monster? Has she no morals or feelings?
Ok. Time to start whining and pouting.
"B-but... Why _____? This p-place is so s-scary."
I think it worked! She's starting to look hesitant. 
"Listen, I'd really like to let you sleep on the couch, but I can't. The couch is for the dogs to sleep on."
Really? Dogs are more important than a human being now?


"Fine, I guess I'll just have to sleep here then."
She nodded her head and was looking like she was trying to slowly back away.
Her left foot paused mid-step.
"Can I at least have a few flashlights or something?"
She smiled,"Sure, I'll go get some for you right now."
After about 15 minutes waiting outside this creepy room, she came back with a rather sullen look on her face.
"What's wrong?"
She had a guilty look on her face and held out one candle.
"This is all that I could find."
No way. 
What would these people do when there's a blackout?!  Would they all just camp around one measly candle?
"Ok... Thanks I guess? Do you at least have a lighter or match?"
To this, she eagerly nodded. She flicked one of her matches and lit the candle. When that was done, she placed the candle on a table I hadn't seen in the room.
Well, I actually couldn't see anything in that room. I wasn't even sure if there was a bed.
Now, with the candle shining, I could at least make out the slightest form of a bed and table.
"Alright, Yixing! Let's go find you some clothes now."
She grabbed my arm and guided me to a larger door on the opposite side of the house.
She turned the doorknob slightly, and a sickeningly sweet perfume hit my nostrils. 
Ugh... Do these people bathe in sugar and cupcakes or something?
Well, it's still better than my room.
She led me to a closet filled with men's clothing. Then, she opened a small drawer and pulled out some colorful pajamas. 
"Aha! I know the perfect pair for you!"
This better be good.
She pulled out a gaudy one piece pajama. Wait, is that a unicorn sleeping wear?
"Ummm.... Why would this be perfect for me?"
"Because you love unicorns, silly! Why else would you get a unicorn tattoo?"
Well, it's true that I like unicorns, but it's not to that extent. 
"You put the pajamas on here. I'll be waiting outside, ok?"
I wearily sighed and waited for her to leave the room. I slipped off my clothes and pulled on the one piece.
Hey, this is actually pretty comfortable! It's like a fluffy cloud of loveliness surrounding my whole body. 
I should buy myself a pair when I get back home.
Plus, I look absolutely adorable! I posed cutely a few times in front of the mirror and even danced to History in front of it.
I poked my unicorn hooded head outside of the door and saw that _____ had left me a note:
You were taking pretty long in there, so I decided to go to sleep. You know where your room is, right? Well, sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite! Literally. Hahahaha~^^
Was I really taking that long? I know I was posing in front of the mirror for a while, but I didn't think I was doing it for that long.
And does she really think that sleeping on a bed full of bedbugs is a joke now?
I dragged my feet on the hardwood floor to my room. I carefully opened the door, and was glad to see that the candle's light hadn't burned out yet. 
I felt my way around the room and excitedly leapt for joy when one of my hands landed on what seemed to be a pillow.
I slowly sat on this bed to make sure it was safe. Then I counted.
.... 2....
Well, I'm not dead yet, and a group of vicious Furbies haven't attacked me yet, so I guess I should be fine.
Then, I placed both of my legs onto the hard mattress and wrapped my body underneath the fleece blanket. 
Hmm... Not bad, there aren't any bedb-
What was THAT?! I felt my legs and arms twitch with an itching sensation. 
It was basically impossible for me to sleep now. 
I bet even the cheapest of hotels would have cleaner beds than this.
There's no way I'm going to be getting any sleep now.



A/N: Hello, lovelies!^^ This is by far the longest chapter I have ever written. Anyways, so I had this AMAZING dream with my Exo bias last night, and I was applying makeup onto him for some reason... Can anyone guess who my bias is? The person to guess correctly will get a prize (not really)! 



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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!