Rainy Day

Losing and Gaining


Your POV:
Before I knew it, we were standing outside my brother's cozy brick house.
He was always a fan of The Three Little Pigs when we were younger, so it figures he'd get a brick covered house. That way the Big Bad Wolf wouldn't be able to catch him right?
Despite the blistering wind and constant lightning, I wasn't able to move one step into the embrace of my sibling's warm home. 
This outrageously hot idol is standing right in front of me, and he's supposedly stranded with no place to go. You see, he made numerous attempts at calling one of his contacts with my phone to retrieve him. Sadly for him, it was to no avail, and he was rendered helpless. For any other fan, this situation would be quite easy to handle. They'd probably drag them into their homes, and possibly try to seduce their idol. 
I can't do either one of those things. 
Why, you ask? Well, I'm socially awkward, and there's a 99.9% chance that I would blush and stutter just from a mere smile from him. The only reason why I haven't done any of that yet is because I have a scarf wrapped tightly over a vast majority of my face. Many would think it's to shield myself from the cold winter's day. Really, it's to protect me from embarrassing myself in front of him. 
Another reason is professionalism. I'm a certified physician that handles laser removal machines. It is unethical to invite a patient into their home. Although, it is my brother's home...
No! Keep it together, _____!
In the midst of my internal battling, I had forgotten that this gorgeous man was still standing in front of me. He's pouting too! Why was he so wet though? 
Wait, how long have I been in this daze? It's pouring now! 
How could I possibly, leave him out in the rain? It wouldn't be wrong to keep a human out of the cold, right? 
No, ____! You can't let his adorable pout and puppy dog eyes get to you! It's too late to waver now. Stay strong.
"I'd hate to intrude, but can I come in? I can't afford to catch a cold right now since I have a concert coming up soon."
His lip was quivering and that just about won me over. 
Oh, what the heck. As the kids of today are saying, YOLO. 
"Sure, you can come in."



A/N: Peach again~^^ I don't know why this chapter ended up coming out so short.... Hope you guys enjoyed it! Sometimes I wonder how long this story will be. As of right now, I'm not planning on making evil characters or drama, so it probably won't be too long. Maybe 15-20 chapters? Who knows~ I'd like to thank all of the readers for even liking this story!❤ It really means a lot to me.

And now, I present to you:

Mr. Zhang Yixing


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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!