Inside the Lions Den

Losing and Gaining

Your POV:

I surprised myself when I grabbed Yixing's hand. I'd let go, but wouldn't that make things more noticeably awkward? I'll just act normally and hold Tae Hyun's hand too. 
First stop was to drop Tae Hyun off at his TaeKwonDo lessons. 
I took lead and pushed my way towards a building a few blocks away. While walking, there was an eerie silence. 
It was almost too quiet. It was like in those western movies that took place in an abandoned ghost town. 
During this moment of silence, I came to realize just how tired I was. I mean, it was still so early and I drained all of my energy earlier. 
I looked to my left and found Tae Hyun skipping happily alongside. Boy, what I would do for an ounce of that youthful energy.
I decided to follow suit and skip as well. Yixing had no other choice but to keep up with our pace by skipping. 
We all probably looked like idiots to the civilians piling up on the sidewalks to start their own busy days, but I could really care less. 
Taehyun skidded to a stop leading us to a halt as well. We had arrived to his martial arts school.
I leaned down to press a kiss on Taehyun's cheek and told him to be a good boy. He proceeded to wave goodbye to both of us and dashed into the school to greet his friends.
I continued to lead Yixing when I suddenly realized that our hands were still conjoined. 
I awkwardly let go of his this time, and moved my hand to a more comfortable position on his forearm.
"Where are we going?" 
Oh right. Where are we going? I quickly improvised and thought of the first place that came to mind.
"We're going to the zoo."
I pulled him along towards the direction of the zoo. He waited for me to pay for the admission tickets. 
"Thanks, I would've paid for the both of us, but I don't have any money on me."
I simply smiled at him and headed towards the lion exhibition.
To our surprise, the entire zoo was empty.
Curious as to why this place was so deserted, I asked a peppy looking employee nearby. 
"Excuse me sir, but why is it so empty today?"
He looked up with a shocked expression on his plump face. 
"Wow! We actually have visitors today! You see, people stopped coming here after the economy started to decline. I suppose people just don't have time to leisurely view animals anymore."
As he chatted feverishly away, I took a look at my surroundings. I realized that we weren't just the only visitors, but he was also the only employee!
Sensing at what I was thinking, Yixing asked,"Are you the only one working right now?"


"Yep! I'm always the only one working. It can be a bit hard and I tend to forget some tasks, but I have tons of fun!"
How on earth can one person handle a whole zoo? I'm surprised that guy hasn't had a mental breakdown yet. 
We bid him goodbye because he said it was time for his lunch break and continued our way to the lions. After a short while, we found ourselves in front of the door of the "Lions Den".
Being the gentleman that he was, Yixing took hold of the doorknob and held open the door for me to step in first.
"Uh oh."
I whipped my head around and stared incredulously at Yixing. 
"The door somehow locked us in here from outside."
An animalistic growl came from somewhere in the the large closed-in from, and I just knew we were doomed. 




A/N: Woohoo! I finally updated! I'm so sorry for taking basically a whole month to update and then coming back with a terrible chapter like this... Next chapter will finally end Yixing's stint in Busan!! :D after that, I'll go back to focusing the story on removing his tattoo^^ bye bye~❤ 

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Fixed a mistake in chap 15~


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Chapter 16: Lol... Some friends that he has....I wish they were my friends....
sofiaissocoollike #2
Chapter 13: update soon please!!!